another new INF means another "shooting through walls" update

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BA Baracus

I pity the fool!
Oct 17, 2000
i make a brief return to the INF forums(new job, can't browse at work) to post the latest "shooting through walls" now updated for 2.86. here's the deal: the testing was done with the old dmballisticstest.unr map which is layed out as so:

there are eight peices of wall ranging from #1(the thinnest) to #8(the thickest) like so:

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
i would stand in front of each wall section, shoot it and see if it went through, if so, move to the next thickest, shoot it, see if it went through, etc.

the number given represents the last section of wall the bullet was able to penetrate. i also had a bot in there to kick around and shoot pretty much point blank in the torso to get some damage point figures. here goes:
weapon penetration damage
m9 3 37
de 8 52
fn57 3 42
m3 3 instant kill at tested range
mp5 4 37
mp5(silenced) 4 37
p90 4 49
p90(silenced) 8 30
famas 5 60
sig 5 52
AK 7 52
m16 5 60
psg 7 90
rc50 8 instant kill
hk59 0 52(non-detonating)
m203 0 52(non-detonating)
kbar(primary) 0 60
kbar(secondary) 0 instant kill

my post from 2.85 is probably still buried somewhere if you want to search for it and see what's changed since then. i should note that the robar/p90s/de all scoring 8 does *NOT* mean that they all penetrate the same amount. only that they all penetrate the thickest wall in the map. if some intrepid mapper wants to update the ballistics test map with more wall sections it would be greatly appreciated. m3 scored the same on pump and semi.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
Visit site
not ini!
durn mapppers
Go hit "export all scripts" in your INF-UED actorclass browser.
It should be in one of the folders, (the inf_core one, if i remember correctly)
You will have to sift thru all the different .uc files (open them with textpad, or wordpad)


New Member
Aug 30, 2001

the p90 silenced (286) still shoots through thicker walls then the robar, and i think this should be fixed.
