Been playing a few betas but they are crap.Anybody else out there besides community bonus crew doing maps?
Saito said:Speaking of fps for some hellish reason I can't break 50, and sometimes can't make 30.
my rig
abit IC7-g mobo, p42.8 ht, 1.5 gig pc 3200, ati radeon 9700 pro, I get massive fps in 2k3 but not xmp.. I have no clue why.
headwire said:I average from 10-40 fps. 'Tis dreadful.
I also get massive fps in 2k3. I have a radeon 9800 pro, with all latest drivers. 2.4 ghz processor etc. But still, XMP owns my fps.
thewalkingman said:Gobistorm is installed waiting for servers
is there a map cache extracter out yet?
::FUK::Death-DoA said:yo lizard i had the newest version of that map wintergarden and then did a system change and can't get it anywhere anyway u could send me a link or the map itself thks would greatly appreciate it and the link a couple posts up the german writing i tried there and can't get it downloaded either thks guys and keep up the good work.
TossMonkey said:I'm working on XMP-Andaction... I have plans for XMP-2bigboxesfilledwithlava aswell.