Gir has the right idea.
Gir said:
Put him in a room with a funny looking tape recorder. Tell him it's a geiger counter. Record a tape of fake dramatically increasing Geiger clicks and warning beeps.
Increase the heat inside the room. You won't even need to irradiate the room, he'll go insane well before the tape is done playing.
Impressive :tup:
Let's begin. To start, strip him and put him in a bare room with a plain concrete floor. Make sure the room is very brightly lit. Make him use is cell as a toilet. Play a looped tape of a nursery rythme into the room, with the last line of the rythme missing. Don't let him sleep at all (sparing use of an electric baton is ideal, for the best results run it down his spine, he'll instantly loose control of his bodily functions). After 3 days, only let him sleep until he repeats "I am Janet Reno" for an hour. After a week of this, he'll start to believe that he
is Janet Reno.
After this point, stop giving him water. Make sure the only food you give him is heavily laced with salt. Eventually he'll beg for water. At this point give him a large jug of water. He'll be so desperate he'll try to drink it at once. As he'll be highly dehydrated, he'll vomit immidiatly, thus exagerating his dehydration. While doing this also keep up the sleep deprivation/Janet Reno routine.
He'll be dead from dehyrdation in days, believing himself to be Janet Reno.
Source - Maxim Magazine. They ran a "How To" article on how to torture your boss without leaving marks, I just mixed a few of the techniques together. Amazing what you can learn eh?