Would you buy a CD with 240+ maps on it?

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Would you buy a CD with 240+ maps on it for just $5 USD?

  • Yeah! Sounds great...

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • Hmm... I'm not sure... Maybe?

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • Nope, I'll spend my time downloading all 240+ maps.

    Votes: 18 41.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 30, 2002
I'm trying to get all the permissions to compile a CD with all the maps to date from realmaps, combatmaps, TbuilT and the official FULLmappack123. This will make a grand total of over 240 maps, which I plan to sell at my cost, which is about $5 a CD (not including shipping - but covers the CD, Case, Insert with maplisting/authors, and my time).

I wanted to get some feedback to see how many people would be interested - I know there are alot of you out there with dialup connections, just don't have the time to download 250 maps :) , or would like a hardcopy for archiving.

I would offer the CD in two formats:

1 - Individual .ZIP files for each map
2 - One large .UMOD file (for the easy install)

So, would you be interested or not?
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It's Suntory Time!
Mar 11, 2001
I'll tell you that the price is right. Of course, if space permits, a few UMODS of the smaller mappacks would be nice. Not everyone would want to unzip a gig of maps at one time. :)

I'm sure there are a ton of modem users who would love to have this kind of support.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
Hell yeah. Just... please try make sure it all works. I get sick of downloading maps only to have them not work because I am missing Rworld.doors or whatthe****ever.

It sounds like a spiffing idea because a) I am on dialup and b) like to keep copies of everything that makes my computer my computer handy on CD.

If you're doing it "at cost", you don't really need to do a feasibility study?

Can I paypal you for one? Do it as soon as my account is confirmed.


New Member
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by spm1138
Hell yeah. Just... please try to make sure it all works. I get sick of downloading maps only to have them not work because I am missing Rworld.doors or whatthe****ever.

I'm going to test everything on my own computer first, and I have a few people that have agreed to beta test the .UMOD files for me as well. So if no one's computer blows up, I'll release it. ;)

Originally posted by spm1138
If you're doing it "at cost", you don't really need to do a feasibility study?

This is just something I wanted to offer the INF community as a service for those who wanted to take advantage of it - I don't really want to waste all my time contacting 130 different mappers for permission to redistribute their maps if no one is interested in the idea, now do I? :)

Originally posted by spm1138
Can I paypal you for one? Do it as soon as my account is confirmed.

Well, I can't accept your money yet since I don't have the permissions I need yet (as much as I love big juicy lawsuits :) ) - but I will be accepting paypal, credit cards, money orders, and cashier's checks.

If I get enough interest and decide to go forward with this undertaking, I will certainly post in the forum to let everyone know. Even Damodred from RealMaps offered to "pimp" it for me on his site (btw - thanks again Damodred).



New Member
Nov 30, 2000
The missing texture problem usually occurs because people have not downloaded that huge Inf mappack, which is what we test on (since many mappers rely on that to get most of their textures). You might either have to make having that pack a prerequisite, or get with the inf team on including it on the CD.

I personally think this is a great idea :)


BA Baracus

I pity the fool!
Oct 17, 2000
hrm, not to rain on anyones parade or anything, but aren't there some dubious legalities of releasing a compilation of other people's work and charging for it. i mean, if you can actually get all their permitions that would be great, but most map readme's state very explicitly their policy about being FREELY distributed.

that and i seem to recall a lot of the maps having a lot of different version of various texture files and add-ins and such that caused me some headaches with mis-matched versions online.

but, if you actually received all the permissions and weeded out all the outdated files, this seems like a pretty good idea and i must say, even with broadband i'd consider buying it. less time downloading is more time playing :)


New Member
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by DredDamo
The missing texture problem usually occurs because people have not downloaded that huge Inf mappack, which is what we test on (since many mappers rely on that to get most of their textures). You might either have to make having that pack a prerequisite, or get with the inf team on including it on the CD.

I personally think this is a great idea :)


Yeah - I was planning on including the official fullmappack123 as well (The 160MB one), so there wouldn't be an issue with that.



New Member
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by BA Baracus
hrm, not to rain on anyones parade or anything, but aren't there some dubious legalities of releasing a compilation of other people's work and charging for it. i mean, if you can actually get all their permitions that would be great, but most map readme's state very explicitly their policy about being FREELY distributed.

that and i seem to recall a lot of the maps having a lot of different version of various texture files and add-ins and such that caused me some headaches with mis-matched versions online.

but, if you actually received all the permissions and weeded out all the outdated files, this seems like a pretty good idea and i must say, even with broadband i'd consider buying it. less time downloading is more time playing :)

That's what I'm working on right now. I'm in the process of contacting all 130 or so mappers to get permission to do this. In a way, I am FREELY distributing them because I wouldn't be making a profit on anything. The $5 is only to cover production costs... But I see what you're saying. Which is why I'm getting permission from every last one of them ;)

The version mismatches will always be an issue I think, although I'm going to try my damnedest to get the whole thing working smoothly. If this thing takes off, I'm even considering the release of subsuquent updates CDs.

Lastly, I have broadband too - but it still took me many, many, many hours to download all these maps. It's a headache I would have gladly done without if someone else had provided this service to me.

I'm also thinking of posting a site where orders can be done, new maps submissions to be included on the next CD can be made, suggestions, troubleshooting, comments, etc etc... To make it easiest for everyone to have a part in the development process.

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments - post 'em here or contact me at [email protected]


Sweet Merciful Crap!
Jan 25, 2001
You've got my permission

That is, if you were going to ask for it. Be sure to grab the files that I have linked at my site:


Get them as soon as possible, because I'll be loosing my site soon (that's why my sig doesn't have it anymore:(). I've had a few of my maps get rearranged and stuff, so make sure to grab the official jaymian made maps:). Good idea by the way, if you can get everything together. Sounds like a lot of work.


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
ShadowWraith obviously did this offer for 56Kers, so you don't need to say "Hey it's useless i've got broadband" :rolleyes:
SW, would you even ship those to Europe ? Then i'd be interested .....
And Imperial, i really Loooove :D your new sig :D


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
... what do you think is on the Inf-CD besides the 'mod' itself ?
/me thinks that it will have 'extra' maps too ...


New Member
Jan 30, 2002
First - yeah, I'll ship to Europe! I ship anywhere, I just need your address to see how much shipping is.

Second - I have broadband too. But maybe you don't want to spend 6 hours downloading 240+ maps like I did? I sure as hell would have paid $5 for a map CD! But that's just me... I like to keep hardcopies of everything.

Plus - I'm doing all the troubleshooting of getting things to work right. You really don't think all 240 maps are going to play nice together, do you? ;) Well, so far, all but about 35 of them work great. I'm in the process of finding out exactly what's keeping those maps from working now. When I'm through, it'll be smooth as silk (and less headaches for you all!) :D

Mar 19, 2001
San Diego, CA
Diablo how could you not like them. It its every single map off of Realmaps, Combatmaps, and TbuildT. Also since this is mainly aimed for 56Kers like me I dont see why you LPBs are replying in this thread :D
Also the INF CD probably doesnt include every single map off of Realmaps, combatmaps, and TbuildT. Probably just a few.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
So maybe they miss 100-200 Mb worth of maps (assuming that's the size of Inf 2.87+default maps) ...

If they fill the CD completely they have 450 Megabyte to fill with maps and other goodies. That makes me think there will be a lot of stuff that's exactly the same. And like Diablo said : not every map is worth the bits it's written on ...
And since the Inf-CD is a 'real' cd and not a burned one it will last a good deal longer too.

*hint* this could be a not so subtle excuse to ask the Inf-team what is going to be on the CD ...
You do want to avoid doing the exact same job as they're doing, don't you ?