Golem - Unreal2 Model System - Info

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Up The Irons
Jul 21, 2001
WARNING :- it will only be included with Unreal2. Legend will not give it to any1 one unless your god :p.
Matthias Worch
Sr. Level Designer
Legend Entertainment

Actually reading the UDN docs won't do much good for Unreal 2, since we're using our own proprietary animation system, not Epics. The U2 animation system doesn't use .utx packages anymore, it simply references bitmap files (.bmp, .pcx, .tga or .dds) from a directory. Changing skins is as easy as dropping the new skin in the appropiate directory - boom, it's ready to use

Chris Hargrove
Sr. Programmer
Legend Entertainment

I'll clarify a bit of what Matthias said.

U2 uses our own model system, known as Golem. It is an external library and tool set, which is independent of the Unreal engine. U2 just happens to be the first application that supports using it.

The primary editing tool for working with Golem models is called Golem Studio (working title). It's a standalone app with capabilities for creating and manipulating models, and viewing them within a D3D-based render window that uses virtually the same pipeline that the application (Unreal 2) uses, so you can get a feel for how your model will look. This includes animations, material settings (with multitexture support and a lot of other color and blending controls), and so forth.

Since Golem is a standalone thing, textures used within the tool are loaded from external files, not from Unreal texture packages (.utx files). However, the game does use Unreal packages, and this conflict might seem to indicate that one would need to manually duplicate textures; one inside a package and one outside. To avoid this, we provide a process where a .utx can be quickly and automatically generated from the texture files (dds, tga, etc) within the Golem workspace tree. So when Matt said that the system doesn't use .utx packages anymore, he's correct... but the game still needs them, so we make the conversion step as painless as possible.

Be aware though that I am looking into the possibility of allowing .utx textures to be loaded within the tool as well (to potentially prevent needing any duplicates at all), so the details of this step may change between now and the time we ship. But whichever approach we end up settling on, painlessness is definitely a top priority.

Netdevil said:

In any case, i'm more interested in the model format since my program needs to directly read the model from its package to preview the skins.

Bear with me, this may sound a bit complicated.

Golem's .gem model file format is extensively documented so if you want to import or export to/from it, you'll be able to do so. Some facilities for making this easier will be available via the library itself if you code in C++, using the class-based plugin SDK. For example, the .psk/.psa importer to bring in data from Epic's skeletal files is actually just a plugin; it's not tied to the library, and additional plugins can be dropped in at will.

So if you want to import/export data from Golem with Golem itself, you can do so via the SDK. If you want to work with .gem files externally on your own, the format is documented so you can do that too. Be aware though that the former may be simpler than the latter, due to the various kinds of data that .gem files support. I supply documentation for the format of all standard gem objects, but plugin authors could potentially add their own additional data (to be used by any new entity script abilities they've added... i'll explain those later), and it's up to them whether they want to document those objects or not. But many folks won't need to add data like that, since some simple custom information can be added in a standardized way via integer/float/string/objref attributes, which all gem objects support (and the format of these is documented... think of them just like key/value pairs that can be hung off of any gem object).

As for the standard gem objects, there are quite a few to handle different chunks of data, such as triangle and vertex lists, texture UV coordinates, material definitions, bone animation sequences, entity blueprints (the backbone of the system; more on these later), and so on. So you'll have your hands full, but the information to help you out should be there.

I'll try to go into greater detail about the system as time goes on and we get closer to release. I also plan to release the .gem file format specification to the public a little before release if possible (once it's in lockdown), so mod/tool people can make any preparations they need. The SDK should be available shortly after the game ships, for those who want to look into making Golem plugins.

Hopefully that's enough info for the time being.

- Chris

Chris Hargrove
Sr. Programmer
Legend Entertainment

I was just curious as to the actual increase in polycount per character with the use of a bones system instead of vertex animation. I'd seem to think judging on preformance that the avg. model polygon count would be around 2000, but it's difficult to tell from the screenshots given, due to the excelent texture work. Id just like to know since this is going to be the gaming standard for a while on the pc platform, and I am compiling a portfolio based on technology at the time the portfolio will be released.

Thank you for any information you can disclose.

Most of our character models are around the 2000-3000 triangle range. A couple are higher (such as Aida, who is over 5000 triangles), but they're only used in restricted areas such as the Atlantis so we have the budget for it. For character models that are not unique and in restricted settings, we try not to exceed 3000 or so triangles if possible.


Well, SkinMaker may be not needed for U2 but other Unreal Engine games will need it (and UT will not disappear instantly).
Chris Hargrove
Sr. Programmer
Legend Entertainment

The current plan AFAIK is for Golem Studio to be available free just like U2ed.

I'm not sure whether SkinMaker would be made entirely obsolete as far as U2 goes, since Golem is not really focused on creating meshes or skins. Rather, it's focused on importing them and then doing modifications/additions that are specific to Golem's feature set and which don't necessarily have parallels within tools that the imported data comes from. Examples would be material editing, LOD level generation, and the creation of entity scripts (and by scripts I don't mean scripting language code; this is purely data-driven through dialog boxes so it's easy for non-programmers to work with). The scripts for example are the means of accessing a lot of the dynamic animation abilities like the head/eye tracking shown at E3.

So your SkinMaker tool may still very well be applicable; you'd just have to do a bit of additional work to integrate with Golem's .gem file format.

Chris Hargrove
Sr. Programmer
Legend Entertainment

how detailed is the U2 animation system?

Very (see below).

I mean, can you make the eyes of the models jitter and dart back and forth as they look around? (kinda like the close up stuff of Aki in Final Fantasy)

Yes, provided they have eyeballs that are weighted to bones that are relatively independent of the rest of the face (not counting the eventual hierarchy connection to the head bone of course). For example if you wanted to use our stock abilities dealing with eye manipulation you would want to have the eyeball bones placed at the center of the eye so that rotation alone would cause pupil movement. You could use a fully modeled eyeball (like our high-poly models like Aida have), or make the eyeball a reduced set of polys on the face and then only make a few iris/pupil polys using this eyeball bone, etc... that's up to you. What's important is that for our provided code for this, we only use rotation, so having bones at the eyeball center is important.

Of course, Golem is open to extension, so modders could add plugins to handle the eyes in a completely different way if they wish. The system's rather flexible.

- Chris
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New Member
Aug 12, 2001
Delaware, USA
oh my god.......

how or where can i get Golem Studio???

will it only be included with Unreal2 or can i download it???

i gotta have it...

please, please... gimme, gimme!


Aug 2, 2010
Unreal2 Golem (.gem) tool

Importer a Unreal2 Golem (.gem) object file in to Blender editor, including the vertex maps such as UV, Morph, Color and Weight maps, bons hierarchy.
With this script you can export all that good stuff from Unreal 2 engine.

Version: 1.0 initial
-Blender 2,56
-UV Texutre
-Armature Bones
-Material ID

-Aniation not supported

Script - http://www.fileplanet.com/files/210000/218549.shtml
Blender - http://www.blender.org/download/get-256-beta/