Farewell to you all.

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Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
I came to these forums about 2 weeks ago and started a thread in the map ideas sub forum. http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?p=1979184& it has a total of 5 replies, 3 of which are me myself. Yet I inquire about someones sig and tell them I think its alittle strange, and BAM, 70 posts. Do you see something wrong with this picture? Even the guy who did post to the map idea theard, TWRECKS, really had nothing of any value to say, I mean compairing playing an insta gib match to what an all goo gun match would be like, is like saying (insert your compairison here). You get the zist of what I am saying, it seems like all most of you around here want to do is have flame wars and put people down, the whole idea of UT and mapping is lost here as far as I can see. I mean only one guy thought the idea sounded even halfway cool and offered to make me a map, most of you could have said hmmmm cool idea I can whip up a simple same weapon only map for you. No instead lets flame each other about the right to be gay.

Later All.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
Over here!!!
Visit site
I think almost about the same # of people read the mapping threads as what reads the NC clan pages.
Nali City 'Other Stuff' forums has it`s own following.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
bye :wavey:

btw, I won`t end things after one bad impression, I`ve had many great times here at BuF (I mostly kept away from the OT section though ;))


New Member
Jun 10, 2001
Visit site
Oh my. The little Troll comes in, makes crude and insuting remarks, and when called on it, cannot take the heat.

You do realize, that as a proponent of Freedom of Speech means you must be willing to accept the consequences of said speech. Obviously, you can't.


Sep 17, 2004
Lol what a god damn whiney.

You joined this forum because you where tired to see people "offending" noob mappers. I was your first attraction on the "worst screenshot thread" after i find your deck remake useless. Basically the same cause why you joined. You tried to stop the thread, saying that people should stop to make rude remarks about crappy screenshot while the thread is admin-aproved.

Get out.
KthxBye. And shut the door behind you.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
That deck map aint useless, it's ONS and CTF with all those outdoor maps are like the ruination of a good game.
And to the "can't take what people say" thing (beetly) he put this thread to say "see ya" he aint bothered by things, mostly the site doesn't cator to UT and or mappers that much anymore.

I allways chime in because it's so wierd to see that allmost 100% of the users are so liberal (so they think) or pro abortion or anti god, it's truly amazing.
My cocnclusion is most here people who went to college it appears they do a great job of brainwashing whilst your supposed to be learning math or somthing.
Along with young punks who think they hear the normal side of things, like Bush bashing ("Bush lied") pffft, the opinions remind me of kids whom the parents taught to shoplift and they go through life not knowing any different.


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Actually iirc, farewell threads were a bannable offence at one point.


Spectacularly Lucky
Mar 6, 2000
In Luxury
We have over 6,000 maps at nalicity, I mearly suggested finding one that caters to a specific weapon, rather than requesting a new map be made for no other reason than the asking. Use a wep-replace mutator and BAM!, Instagib rocks, sniper maps suck, even though I enjoy the occasional head shot from a bizillion UU away :)

I kinda saw this farewell thread coming from what was happening in the gay sig thread. I could have stepped in and stopped the carnage, however engaging in a flame war over banners is gay.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Twrecks said:
We have over 6,000 maps at nalicity, I mearly suggested finding one that caters to a specific weapon, rather than requesting a new map be made for no other reason than the asking. Use a wep-replace mutator and BAM!, Instagib rocks, sniper maps suck, even though I enjoy the occasional head shot from a bizillion UU away :)

I kinda saw this farewell thread coming from what was happening in the gay sig thread. I could have stepped in and stopped the carnage, however engaging in a flame war over banners is gay.

You still don't get it, don't want to do settings each time the map is played,
every map you would need to stop the server.As opposed to placing all the same weapon in one map.


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
ReD_Fist said:
You still don't get it, don't want to do settings each time the map is played,
every map you would need to stop the server.As opposed to placing all the same weapon in one map.

You can make a small mod that allows you to swap specific weapons for one another. I know because for a mod I worked on the same concept was used and it worked well.
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