QAPete returns from his dormant state, providing this open letter to the BeyondUnreal community concerning the state of the site and himself in 2005, and a peek into what lies ahead in 2006.
jackal_the_xmp said:For some reason this piece by you Pete was rather emotional for me. Call me odd, but I really love this place. It's my start up page when I double click on my FireFox Icon. And as stated before, I honestly don't know what I would do if went down. I mean, it may be sad, but is apart of my life that I will NEVER forget. I'm sure some of the other members feel the same way too. I love Beyond Unreal. While I have also pretty much lost intrest in UT2004 (still play UT thou) I love the community that you - Pete, RaptoR, Hal, MalHavoc, and the rest of the newer additions to theh BU staff - have built and put together.
Jackal_xmp_the said:Every morning before I go to work, and every afternoon when I get home from work, is the FIRST thing I do. I don't even shower until I have gone through the news and forums.
Jackal said:All in all, I love this place. I will do my best to keep it a good place aswell. If ever needs something from me, then I will be there to help her out.
The Jackal-XMP said:For some reason this piece by you Pete was rather emotional for me. Call me odd, but I really love this place. It's my start up page when I double click on my FireFox Icon. And as stated before, I honestly don't know what I would do if went down. I mean, it may be sad, but is apart of my life that I will NEVER forget. I'm sure some of the other members feel the same way too. I love Beyond Unreal. While I have also pretty much lost intrest in UT2004 (still play UT thou) I love the community that you - Pete, RaptoR, Hal, MalHavoc, and the rest of the newer additions to theh BU staff - have built and put together.
I am going to start to try to donate money to the site to help in any way I can. Is there even any other site out there that comes close to I don't think there is. You guys have built an empire, a very well respected empire. I love being apart of this community, and I love the fact that I have made friends here (atleast I like to think I have made friends here).
Every morning before I go to work, and every afternoon when I get home from work, is the FIRST thing I do. I don't even shower until I have gone through the news and forums.
All in all, I love this place. I will do my best to keep it a good place aswell. If ever needs something from me, then I will be there to help her out.
Thanks again Pete, and everyone else here at for making this the best place on the web.