SP Framework feedback thread

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May 7, 2002
England baby!
In this thread feel free to post questions, queries or help requests regarding the Single Player Framework. Because this thread is linked to from the readme, I'll also post any advanced tutorials or explanations here too.

Q. How come in some maps I have the inventory display in the top right whereas in others I don't?

A. The inventory system is optional. The mapper can specify whether or not to use the inventory system through the SPLevelInfo actor - specifically the variable bUseInventory.

Q. When I place a PlayerStart in my map and then attempt to play, I can't spawn! What gives?

A. Because of the checkpoint system (and the Engine's stubbornness with bStatic), you must use the SPPlayerStart actor (subclassed under PlayerStart) instead. The difference is that these can be manipulated to form the basis of the checkpoint system.

Q. Is it possible to make a map with functional vehicles in SPframework?

A. Yes, vehicles are enabled by default. You can either add them in one at a time or use an ASVehicleFactory actor to (re)spawn them.

Q. Is it possible to change the properties of a monster like the health,the skill or the attitude to the player, for example, like in the UnrealEd 1.0 (the first unreal)?

A. You can modify the Health value, but currently the Skill value depends on the difficulty you select and the Attitude value is not in the new Pawns. Their attitudes will have to be modified in the code, although I will be perfectly happy to help anyone out with this.

Q. I tried to make a map in the unrealed for SP, but there is a problem with the nali, the cows, and the nalirabbit, if they see you, they all run after you, and follow wherever you go, like if they wanted the player to kill them, is there anyway to fix this?

A. Yes, you have to modify the actions they take in the code. Again, I'll help anyone who wants to alter the enemy behaviours.

Q. I created a simple SP map, with the SPlevelInfo actor and the SPSpawnPoint actor, but when I try to playtest it, I get the following error message:

Failed to enter Autoplay.ut2?NumBots=0: Can't find file for package 'CodeBase'

History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Free

A. Unfortunately, that seems to be Epic's fault - you see, even if you load up UnrealED with the -mod tag, when you playtest it the editor doesn't pass the -mod parameter to ut2004, so it tries to run your map normally, ie not in mod mode. The best thing I can recommend is to launch the SP Framework by hand and try your map out from the menu.
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 8, 2003
Visit site
hi, this is great, true singleplayer in ut2004 is what i was waiting for, good job, but i have some questions:

Is posible to make a map with functional vehicles in SPframework?

I tried to make a map in the unrealed for SP, but there is a problem with the nali, the cows, and the nalirabbit, if they see you, they all run after you, and follow wherever you go, like if they wanted the player to kill them, is there anyway to fix this?

Is possible to change the properties of a monster like the health,the skill or the attitude to the player, for example, like in the UnrealEd 1.0 (the first unreal)?

Ok i have more questions but i think is enough for now, keep up the freaking good job! :rockon:


Bola Gun fun anyone?
May 25, 2004
Something small, but quite noticeable, the main menu background texture's default properties needs to be set to Texture>> LOD_Interface, as by default it is set to LOD_World, and looks quite bad when you have world detail turned low.


Deus Ex Machina
Aug 15, 2005
Another tiny lil thing is that if the numbers in the inventory window reach 1k they shift by one line and so the numbers stand at the upper right corner while the item stands at the upper left corner. I didn't try it out so far, but I guess you can avoid this by setting the resolution to minimum 1024x768 pixels.

Something else:

is it possible to make a scrolling text? I mean that it looks like you read the text while it is written on the screen.

How do I avoid PlayerMessage from being displayed rapidly four or five times while standing inside the trigger?

Is there a way to make something like a 'LineOfSight' trigger? I mean, if you are watching at an object or trigger, you will be shown a critical PlayerMessage which declares the objects funktion and triggers it when pressing the use button. (Quite like the UseTriggers in Unreal 2, maby even whith that scaleable frame around the object)


May 7, 2002
England baby!
Wulff said:
Something small, but quite noticeable, the main menu background texture's default properties needs to be set to Texture>> LOD_Interface, as by default it is set to LOD_World, and looks quite bad when you have world detail turned low.

Damn, I always miss that one out.

Corvus said:
Another tiny lil thing is that if the numbers in the inventory window reach 1k they shift by one line and so the numbers stand at the upper right corner while the item stands at the upper left corner. I didn't try it out so far, but I guess you can avoid this by setting the resolution to minimum 1024x768 pixels.
Did you reach 1k without using the console or cheats? If so, :eek:

Corvus said:
How do I avoid PlayerMessage from being displayed rapidly four or five times while standing inside the trigger?

I'd imagine you could add some timer code into the trigger, but I don't know of any proper non-hack method currently.

Corvus said:
Is there a way to make something like a 'LineOfSight' trigger? I mean, if you are watching at an object or trigger, you will be shown a critical PlayerMessage which declares the objects funktion and triggers it when pressing the use button. (Quite like the UseTriggers in Unreal 2, maby even whith that scaleable frame around the object)

You could probably use a Trace command from the player to the end of the sight and if it hits a certain trigger/object, make it render something on the HUD or display a player message.

Turret 49

Doomer at heart
Jun 26, 2004
I just want to say that when you use the gamble console in the second part of the test maps, you can just keep pressing the use button rapidly and your credits will go up and up and up...


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
Only a question: If it possible that if the player dies, that the match is really ended. He should not spawn then. I didn`t understand how to change the beginning inventory with the credits and so on. Where must I do it?


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Hey guys, I'm new here. First off, I'd like to say I think this SPFrame thing sounds like a pretty good idea, and I'm already eager to start making maps...however, as my name implies, I'm a moron with these things so I'm hoping you can answer a question for me.

I created a simple SP map, with the SPlevelInfo actor and the SPSpawnPoint actor, but when I try to playtest it, I get the following error message:

Failed to enter Autoplay.ut2?NumBots=0: Can't find file for package 'CodeBase'

History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Free

Can someone please tell me what this means?...I assume I'm missing some kind of file or info. Thanks


May 7, 2002
England baby!
Editor_n00b said:
Hey guys, I'm new here. First off, I'd like to say I think this SPFrame thing sounds like a pretty good idea, and I'm already eager to start making maps...however, as my name implies, I'm a moron with these things so I'm hoping you can answer a question for me.

I created a simple SP map, with the SPlevelInfo actor and the SPSpawnPoint actor, but when I try to playtest it, I get the following error message:

Failed to enter Autoplay.ut2?NumBots=0: Can't find file for package 'CodeBase'

History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Free

Can someone please tell me what this means?...I assume I'm missing some kind of file or info. Thanks

Unfortunately, that seems to be Epic's fault - you see, even if you load up UnrealED with the -mod tag, when you playtest it the editor doesn't pass the -mod parameter to ut2004, so it tries to run your map normally, ie not in mod mode. The best thing I can recommend is to launch the SP Framework by hand and try your map out from the menu.

(Adding to FAQ list at the top too)


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Another dumb question...it's about the Audio Trigger.

Okay, I have my initial Audio Trigger set up. It plays the music KR-HELL. After a little bit of exploring, I have another trigger set up, which is supposed to turn the music off.

It ain't working, that's the prob. The trigger to end the music activates the EndMusic effect, and the Audio Trigger, with the EndMusic tag.


That's the properties I have set for the Audio trigger. Thanks for any help!


Curing the infection...
May 20, 2000
Visit site
Lo all :)
Im very interesting in trying this out but sadly i cant run it :(
Its probably very easy to solve but i dont know how.

When i run the Launch SP Framework.bat file i get this error,

UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-02-15_17.02]

OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 3202 MHz with 1022MB RAM
Video: RADEON 9800 XT (6561)

Failed to enter NoIntro.ut2: Can't find file 'NoIntro.ut2'

History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Free


I have tried to replace NoIntro.ut2 with the default NvidiaLogo.ut2 in UT2004.ini but with the same result.

I would really appreciate some help here.


May 7, 2002
England baby!
Haven't come across that one. In your original UT2004.ini file, is LocalMap set to NoIntro.ut2? It may have ported that setting across to SPFrame.ini and since there would be no NoIntro.ut2 file in SPFrame/Maps/ it won't find it.


I have tried to replace NoIntro.ut2 with the default NvidiaLogo.ut2 in UT2004.ini but with the same result.

Have you tried replacing it in SPFrame.ini? :)


May 7, 2002
England baby!
Editor_n00b said:
Another dumb question...it's about the Audio Trigger.

Okay, I have my initial Audio Trigger set up. It plays the music KR-HELL. After a little bit of exploring, I have another trigger set up, which is supposed to turn the music off.

It ain't working, that's the prob. The trigger to end the music activates the EndMusic effect, and the Audio Trigger, with the EndMusic tag.


That's the properties I have set for the Audio trigger. Thanks for any help!

I'm afraid bSilence was an accidental variable that wasn't used in the end. Instead, try putting None in the Song line.


Curing the infection...
May 20, 2000
Visit site
Parser said:
Haven't come across that one. In your original UT2004.ini file, is LocalMap set to NoIntro.ut2? It may have ported that setting across to SPFrame.ini and since there would be no NoIntro.ut2 file in SPFrame/Maps/ it won't find it.


Have you tried replacing it in SPFrame.ini? :)

That was it!
Thanks m8 :)


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Another dumb question...

I want to know how to activate/deactivate triggers. You see, in my map, I have a trigger that is not initially activated, but I haven't been able to turn that trigger on after hitting another trigger.

To be specific, I want to make it so after hitting the USE button for SPInGameMessageTrigger, a normal touch-trigger is turned on.

Thank all y'all.
Sep 24, 2005
Hi! Just a few qestions, plz.....

1.)I'm planning to make a small "lost-on-a-uncivilized-planet" single campaign and weapon shops don't seem to be a good idea. Is there a way in the sp-framework to place weapons/weapon lockers without respawn?

2.) I'm wondering why self-damage was disabled for the framework? Shield-jumping without loosing health seems kinda imba/broken to me....

3.) Is there a chance that you people release a test-map with the save system workin? I don't thing I will figure this out myself..... ;)


May 7, 2002
England baby!
madspacemarinemustdie said:
Hi! Just a few qestions, plz.....

1.)I'm planning to make a small "lost-on-a-uncivilized-planet" single campaign and weapon shops don't seem to be a good idea. Is there a way in the sp-framework to place weapons/weapon lockers without respawn?

2.) I'm wondering why self-damage was disabled for the framework? Shield-jumping without loosing health seems kinda imba/broken to me....

3.) Is there a chance that you people release a test-map with the save system workin? I don't thing I will figure this out myself..... ;)

1. You mean weapons that just doesn't respawn? If you're planning to do a total single-player experience (no coop, so no player respawn) that might require a bit of code modification. I can help you out on this if needs be.

2. Yeah, that's kind of a side effect from modifying the damage function - because it's not a "team" game if I didn't modify it players could kill each other constantly in a coop game, which could arise to "lameness", so to speak.

3. Do you mean the checkpoint system or the actual save/load function? If it's the latter, just use the menu to save or load. If it's the former, I'll help you with a map example if you would like one. :)