Jailbreak 2004 Tournament - Rules

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


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Feb 22, 2003
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Here are the "official" rules for the upcomming Jailbreak 2004 Tournament.
These rules will replace the prelimanary rules mentioned in the General Info thread.

Tournament Servers
  • Games will take place on the following servers, as mentioned in the MotherShip (MS) and UnrealStarGate (USG) servers, as mentioned in the Tournament Schedule:

    Defcon Mothership Server (MS) : (scoreboard)
    UnrealStarGate Server (USG) : (scoreboard)

  • An admin will put the server in Tournament Mode before the game (and put it back afterwards). If possible the Admin will be present during the game.
  • Spectators (other then an Admin) are not allowed during Tournament matches.
  • The tournament servers will not be password protected, to give all Tournament players the change to connect. The Maximum number of players wil be set to 10, so no other players will be able to join.
  • If no Admin is present during the game, the Team Leaders themselves are responsible for a correct gameflow.
  • In case a server/map crashes during a game:
    • If an admin is present, the map will be restarted for the remaining minutes. The score of this second part (without overtime) will be added to the score of the first part. If this total result is equal, then the overtime will be played, as normal.
    • If no admin is present, and teams can not decide for themselves how to go from here, the remaining part will be re-scheduled and played when an admin is present.
    • It's also allowed for one team to forfeit and give the other team the win, if they think the gap is too big to overcome in the remaining minutes.

Tournament Rules
  • Cheating is not allowed, if caught, you (and possibly your team) will be kicked out of the tournament.
  • Using escape routes is not considered cheating.
  • Buttoncamping is not considered cheating.
  • Hiding is not considered as cheating.
  • Using map exploits is considered cheating.
  • In case of doubt, the Admin / Tournament Leaders will decide.
  • In case of a dispute, a decision will be made by the Tournament Leaders.
  • Tournament Leaders decisions are final, Tournament Leaders are always right.

Tournament Teams
  • Teams will be played with the Signed Up players, if possible.
  • In case of emergency, it is allowed to use players not listed on the sign-up list (remember it is a FUN Tournament).
    These players may NOT BE PART of other teams participating in the tournament.
  • If a team is not complete 15 minutes after the official starting time, the team can decide to play with 4 players instead of 5. Teams with 3 players will not be allowed and this team will have to forfeit (or both teams must agree themselves on a re-schedule).
  • In case one of the teams has got a problem playing on one of the determined dates/times, contact the Tournament Leaders asap. If possible the game will be re-scheduled. However tournament dates for some teams are scares.
  • If a player is disconnected during a game:
    • If an admin is present, the game will be paused asap (scores in between disconnecting and pausing don't count). If the player is not back in 5 minutes, the map will continue as planned 5-vs-4. If another map needs to be played, the 4-player team can decide to make use of a bot (difficulty level: skilled).
    • If no admin is present, the map continious playing 5-vs-4, giving the player (or a reserve) the possibility to normally reconnect to the server. If at the start of the next map, the player is still missing, the teams can decide to play the next map 4-vs-4, however the 5-player team can not be forced to do so (but keep in mind it's still a fun tournament).

Tournament Games
  • Every Tournament Game will consist of 3 maps of 15 minutes. Overtime will be ON.
  • All weapons / Weapons Stay
  • Translocator is OFF
  • Friendly Fire is 10%
  • Hitsound mutator is ON
  • Llama protection will be ON
  • Teams will gather on the server at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
  • The TeamLeaders must meet on IRC channel #utjb on irc.enterthegame.com 15 minutes before the match starts.
  • Both teams will choose one map from the allowed maplist (see below) and will inform their oponents via IRC before the game starts. Selecting of these maps will be done by normal mapvote.
  • The first team on the tournament schedule will be the home team and will be RED.
  • The map choosen by the home team (RED) will be the first map to play.
  • The third map (again from the allowed maplist), will be decided by a normal MapVote. Also if you have won the first two maps, this map can be a deciding factor when calculating the end-score (it has been that way in the past).
  • The admin (if present) and both teamleaders will make a screenshot of all map end-scores and send them to the following e-mailadress: [email protected].

Tournament Score
  • In the first round, the winner of every Tournament Game (consisting of three maps) will be awarded 1 point.
  • Scores will be counted up at the end of the first round.
  • The first four teams will go over to the semi-finals.
  • If at the end of the first round teams have equal points, this will be the order:
    a) If equal, the result of the game between these teams will be the deciding factor.
    b) If still equal, the mapdifference (win-lose) of all maps played by these teams will be the deciding factor.
    c) If still equal, the capture difference (captures-captured) of all maps played by these teams will be the deciding factor.
    d) If still equal, the number of winning maps will be the deciding factor.
    e) If still equal, the number of captures will be the deciding factor.
    f) If still equal, the Tournament Leaders will decide how to go from here.

    Semi Finals
  • At the end of the first round, the 4 best teams will go over to the semi finals.
  • The Semi-Finals will be best of three maps, maps choosen from the Semi-Finals maplist (see below)
    Team 1 vs Team 3
    Team 2 vs Team 4

  • The winning teams of the Semi-Finals will battle eachother in the Final (1st and 2nd place).
  • The losing teams of the semi-finals will battle eachother in the Small Final (3rd and 4th place).
  • The Finals will be best of five maps, maps choosen from the Finals maplist (see below).
  • The first map will be chosen normal by mapvote.
  • From then on every time losing team will choose the next map.
  • It is not allowed to play the same map twice.

Tournament Maps

The following maps are ALLOWED to vote for during the first round:
  • JB-Addien-Gold
  • JB-Arboria
  • JB-BabylonTemple-Gold
  • JB-Basmma
  • JB-CastleBreak-Gold
  • JB-Cavern
  • JB-Chrome
  • JB-Conduit-Gold
  • JB-Cosmos
  • JB-Frostbite
  • JB-Furia
  • JB-Galactica
  • JB-Grudge
  • JB-Heights-Gold-v2
  • JB-IndusRage2-Gold
  • JB-MoonCraters-Gold
  • JB-NoSense-Gold
  • JB-Poseidon-Gold
  • JB-Oasis-V2
  • JB-Relic
  • JB-SavoIsland-Gold
  • JB-ScorchedEarth
  • JB-Snifam
  • JB-Solamander-Gold
The following maps are ONLY ALLOWED to vote for during the first round if both teams agree:
  • JB-Crusher2
  • JB-EternalCaves-Classic
  • JB-Gauntlet-Classic
The following maps are NOT ALLOWED to vote for, due to various reasons:
  • JB-Alarscia
  • JB-Arlon
  • JB-Aswan
  • JB-SubZero
The following maps are ALLOWED to vote for during the semi-finals:
(these are the maps which have not been played during the first round)
  • JB-Addien-Gold
  • JB-Cavern
  • JB-Chrome
  • JB-Conduit-Gold
  • JB-Frostbite
  • JB-Galactica
  • JB-Heights-Gold-v2
  • JB-IndusRage2-Gold
  • JB-Mooncraters
  • JB-Poseidon-Gold
  • JB-Oasis-V2
  • JB-Relic
  • JB-SavoIsland-Gold
  • JB-ScorchedEarth
  • JB-Solamander-Gold
The following maps are ALLOWED to vote for during the finals:
(these are the maps which have been played the most during the first round)
  • JB-Arboria
  • JB-BabylonTemple-Gold
  • JB-Basmma
  • JB-CastleBreak-Gold
  • JB-Grudge

Keep in mind this is a FUN tournament.
Good luck to all teams.
Happy fraggin'

The Tournament Team
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Unreal Tournament Junkie
Feb 16, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Being the obnoxious American politician that I am I just wish to opine on two things. One is a concern and the other is actually a good idea for you Tournament Leader guys. First is spectating. I was wondering if we could have spectating, cause remember, we have reserve people waiting. Also, they could be ther to rally the team if they wish. The second is that if the team points are tied decideing who goes into the semi-finals, after a, b, and c there still is a tie, why not look at total captures for? A team that wins matches by scores of like 8-5 or 9-5 would probably be better of being favored over one that only wins matches by 2-1 or 1-0. Do you agree or disagree with me here?


Oct 14, 2001
Syracuse, NY
You can't really allow spectators because they will be on voice comms and will be relaying the positions of enemy players. It ALWAYS happens when spectators are allowed to play, at least in really serious ladders/tourneys. I don't think anyone is taking things all that seriously here, but I know there are clans playing here that make routine use of voice comms. Asking them not to put a spectator on voice comms or expecting that the spectator will never slip and say something of tactical value is stretching it. Not allowing spectators just works better.


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Feb 22, 2003
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Spudsy said:
why not look at total captures for?
Capture difference added under Score. Thanks.

//edit: Is it possible for one of the moderators to "Sticky" this thread and "Un-Stick" the "Jailbreak 2004 Tournament - General Info" thread?
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Feb 22, 2003
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!!!! ATTENTION !!!!

For games starting on Sunday 12th of June and onwards, the following rules are now changed:

  • In case of emergency, it is allowed to use players not listed on the sign-up list (remember it is a FUN Tournament).
    These players may NOT BE PART of other teams participating in the tournament.
  • If a team is not complete 15 minutes after the official starting time, the team can decide to play with 4 players instead of 5. Teams with 3 players will not be allowed and this team will have to forfeit (or both teams must agree themselves on a re-schedule).


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Feb 22, 2003
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!!!! ATTENTION !!!!

Due to recent events (nothing shocking ;)) and to make some things more clear, for games starting on Friday 17th of June,
The following Tournament Rules have been added / changed:

Tournament Servers
  • In case a server/map crashes during a game:
    • If an admin is present, the map will be restarted for the remaining minutes. The score of this second part (without overtime) will be added to the score of the first part. If this total result is equal, then the overtime will be played, as normal.
    • If no admin is present, and teams can not decide for themselves how to go from here, the remaining part will be re-scheduled and played when an admin is present.
    • It's also allowed for one team to forfeit and give the other team the win, if they think the gap is too big to overcome in the remaining minutes.

Tournament Teams
  • If a player is disconnected during a game:
    • If an admin is present, the game will be paused asap (scores in between disconnecting and pausing don't count). If the player is not back in 5 minutes, the map will continue as planned 5-vs-4. If another map needs to be played, the 4-player team can decide to make use of a bot (difficulty level: skilled).
    • If no admin is present, the map contineous playing 5-vs-4, giving the player (or a reserve) the possibility to normally reconnect to the server. If at the start of the next map, the player is still missing, the teams can decide to play the next map 4-vs-4, however the 5-player team can not be forced to do so (but keep in mind it's still a fun tournament).

Tournament Maps
The following maps are NOT ALLOWED to vote for, due to various reasons:
  • JB-Aswan

The Tournament Team
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New Member
Feb 22, 2003
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Just for completeness I've added the votable maplists for the Semi-Finals and Finals, mentioned in this post to the Tournament Rules.

Also for the finals (best of 5 maps) the Tournament Rules for the voting system have been updated. This to make sure one team does not have an advantage over the other team:

  • The winning teams of the Semi-Finals will battle eachother in the Final (1st and 2nd place).
  • The losing teams of the semi-finals will battle eachother in the Small Final (3rd and 4th place).
  • The Finals will be best of five maps, maps choosen from the Finals maplist (see below).
  • The first map will be chosen normal by mapvote.
  • From then on every time losing team will choose the next map.
  • It is not allowed to play the same map twice.


I dunno! :x
Dec 17, 2003
TEZC World
well according to the rules we only have a choice of 5 maps to play in the finals anyway, so no real point in the loser voting for them as they will all be played anyway :)

Edit: I spose minimum of 3 maps would be played so i guess voting will be there..