hey looking cool.
As a pointer, im gonna be moving the focus of map gameplay from all of it almost set outdoor to 50% indoor 50% outdoor. So the first part is set outside then the attackers move into the structure for combat.
As if its going to be pvp and I was attacking. I wouldnt like to be fighting 90% of the map outside, also seeing as we wont be having vehicles in this build. Outdoors will be pretty hard for the attackers without vehicle armour.
Looks good, spectrum. You can use any of the bunkers BSPs I created in the island map and that goes for any one else, as i would like to have a 'theme' design going on through the Alliance bases.
In that 2nd picture, the base you have there, i would say keep that as the entrance area/main fort. I like the raised platforms too, as its giving some Z axis fighting, with the Alliance above and the attackers comming in below them. The red looks cool, make sure the base uses orange coloured lights too. Also the map gives me the feel the enviroment is hostile. So maybe the fort on the surface should look "rusted" and not friendly... like not many people come up here. The real base is underground where the conditons are better. And inside the base underground use brighter coloured lights like whites and yellows.
What would be cool is if there is no atmosphere on this planet
no air, so everyone is wearing breathing kits, Like on Doom3 when he goes outside. All that happens is, you start hearing your breathing. That was a really cool effect, and for me it made it feel like there was no air. Then when you leave the underground base to the surface, you will feel you are steping onto an alien world.
It could be done with a special zone, where once inside, your hearning is lowered and you can hear your breathing. I think this could be fun, specially if you add slightly lower gravity. The Alliance soliders have a mask anyway dont forget, also it could be used in space maps too.