Friend or Foe Identification

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Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
Real World Friend or Foe Identification

OK, first let me state that the closest I have come to military service is years of playing G.I. Joe in my backyard. With that out of the way, I hope this is not too stupid a question.

I want to hear from all you special forces, navy seals, rangers, etc. on what methods are really used in the filed for Friend or Foe identification. The reason I ask is that I find it very difficult sometimes to determine who is on my team or not, since Camos, by nature, often look similar. Currently I am running UTCOmpass on my server with constant player names and, while it works, it just does not do it for me in the "real" category.

A friend and fellow player, Cuchullain, were talking and we have an idea that would work and I would like to know how realistic it would be. Well here goes:

When a player wants to know the position of the other players on his/her team, they press a button that basically asks for a location check. Then, to simulate a response from all players, ea mic click or some other sound would be heard and simultaneously a dot in the color of your team would appear on the screen. The dot would be on the player if they are visibile or to the side closest to the player if they are out of view. This way you would have some situation awareness without constantly knowing where everyone is, which is unrealistic.

What do you think? Is it doable? Would it be realistic? If not, what could be done to make it realisitc?


[SOB]bAd ChIcKeN

Free-Range Pain the Ass
Feb 6, 2001
hmmm since I have no clue about UScript, I have no idea if this is doable or not. But a nice idea none the less, well unless you are like me and like to spend your time at the bottom of the scoreboard :p. Alot will depend on Location ID's being present on the maps, which most EAS are quite thourgh in this department. Also a script of some sort to report the direction/elevation as well as a colored dot or blip on your hud with the appropriate text.

Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
I am running ReportDirection on the server. The problem is that a lot of ppl do not use it. I am currently running UTCompass which shows the name and direction of the players which works but it takes up a lot of screen space when the little compass on the bottom would work fine if there was a mutie to identify other player locations easily.



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May 13, 2002
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I agree with using the compass. Thats the way it worked with 2.6 and it worked very well. As I understand it there is a problem doing it that way with 2.9 but I can't remember what it is.

As for people not using RD all I can say shan is thats their problem. If I see a target and ask for a position report and don't get it and I TK someone that is their fault. There are many who use RD to track where their team mates are and it works well but the players want to work as a team and RD is part of that.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
I have no military experience else then 7 years of cadet training (at least it was before the days it became a kindergarden... nowaday, you can't even make a cadet do push-ups o_O... in my days we ran laps and laps around the parade scare with our Enfield help strait in front of us... had a Full Metal Jacket feel ;) ) but from what I have experienced when we did "war games" in the mountains or, even more straightforward, from what I experienced in game is that the best way to identify friend or foe is to know where your friends are (because, obviously, it's a littel harder to know where your ennemy are).

For that matter, communication are very important. RD helps a lot. But the problem with communications in INF, is that when there are a lot of people on the server, it's hard to get track of all the radio chatter (especially with that "way-to-transparent-I-can't-see-shit" chat box).


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May 13, 2002
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First of all I will like to clear something up. I am not actually disagreeing with shan. I have been not be playing all that much but I was under the understanding that the locations indicator only appeared for a brief time after someone communicated. I guess I am wrong about that. Things can always be improved.

On the old 2.6 system height .ie level below or above, was indicated.

As for geo's comment I really have to agree. I have suggested a few times is that a filter system is needed so I can filter only the messages I want. For example I don't want Say comments from the enemy and I don't want to hear from the dead. Also from a certain team mate I only want to hear from him when he uses RD. (Some I can avoid his babbling but still get position and contact reports.)

I perfer the older compass System but I understand there are some issues. I believe it has been debated before.
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Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
One thing I can definately say from experience on my server is other teammates not using RD is definately my problem. They get killed and leave me to defend myself. :)

Really I am asking for this sort of tool for non-Clan play. I have no doubt that during clan matches and even some public server matches there is good teamwork and, as a result, good situational awareness. What I am looking for is a tool that helps the new and/or experienced players with poor hand/eye coordination. :)

Here is my personal opinion of how it should be implemented.

First off, the player location code already exists in tools such as UTCompass. The only problem there is that the compass takes up screen space and sometimes obscures enemy players (especially those on the second floor in maps like Kosovo). Also, you are correct that in the default config, UTCompass only shows players for a short time but I have it configured to show them all the time to combat lack of RD use.

OK, so back to how I would implement it. Since UTCOmpass proves the player location data is available, this should be possible (but I know nothing about coding):

1. A key should be bound to a Location Check button
2. When pressed a message saying something like "Location Check. All units, Location check" should play
3. Then, indicators in the form of dots should appear on your display in 3 possible ways:
  • On the left for players to your left or rear left
  • On the right for players to your right or rear right
  • On the screen over or under a player for a player who is in front of you (visible or not)

The indicator should also show up when a ReportDirection message or TeamSay message is received.

Here are a couple of things that would be nice-to-haves:

  1. When the dot is on left or right, it could also show the players elevation relative to you using the middle of the screen as same elevation then being higer or lower to display the other players elevation in relation
  2. The dot color could progress from green to red to show the players relative distance: Green is close, Orange is medium range, red is long range
  3. Radio chatter could be played to simulate the response from players. This would help to interrupt some of your normal hearing so that players would use this feature only when they really need to ident another player

Is there anyone who would set this us?



Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
(SDS)benmcl said:
Take a look at Report Direction. One of the options I use is Reverse Cardnal bearing which tells my team mates what direction I am from them.

All servers should be running this.
The reverse cardinal direction is very usefull for the teamplay (if a server does not use UTCompass) , but it is important for the one that will use this RD feature to first watch the guy you want to speak with a reverse cardinal direction (or the direction he is) before using a Reverse Cardinal direction

As i already heard ingame someone , trying to give me a hint of where he was, saying "I am on your North" when in fact he was in my East . The problem was just that he was watching South when he used the his speech bind with the reverse cardinal direction (as the reverse cardinal will display the opposite direction as you are actually watching).

Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
That is one of the reasons for my request. I think it is unrealistic to expect newbie players to just jump into INF and use RD, Speechpad and everything else. Inf itself is hard enough to get used to without putting players in the position of having to use additional tools or take the wrath for TKs.



Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
The greatest thing in my opinion about the Report Direction mutator is the fact that no one is forced to use the RD feature : normal INF speech bind will continue to work they are not disturbed by the RD existence.

This way in a server that have RD on , every kind of player can play : the ones that use heavily RD feature to enhance their speech bind and the one that use the classic speech bind.

I dont understand why there are some servers that do not have Report Direction mutator installed on them.


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May 13, 2002
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That question has alwyas puzzled myself. Another question I have is why do people just say Contact with NO direction. Can't support you without knowing where to shoot.

Actually RD is not hard to use but maybe creating a script to set it up for people may help.


Edit: My thinking is this. **This is only an example**
Post a text file called RD_binds.txt. The following text would be in it

set input A mutate report contact
set input A mutate direction EAS target at bearing
set input A mutate direction I'm in position, facing %c
set input A mutate direction I'm heading %c
set input A mutate direction ROGER %SY

instructions would say:

Put text file in the UT/system directory.
Open text file.
Change the letter A in each line to the letter you wish to bind to.
Put a # sign in front of lines you don't wish to run.
Start Infiltration.
Open up the console.
Type EXEC RD_binds.txt

Good to go.

I think I got the syntax right.
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New Member
May 26, 2002
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(SDS)benmcl said:
That question has alwyas puzzled myself. Another question I have is why do people just say Contact with NO direction. Can't support you without knowing where to shoot.

Quite simple. Saying "contact" does two things. One, says that I have seen a contact (obviously), and two, lists my position. The position thing is the main reason I bother with saying "contact". Someone (who knows the map) can look at that and tell roughly where I am, and therefore know where the contact is.

Frankly, I find the whole "I'm facing X", or "Enemy to the X" is pretty pointless unless I know where you are.


M = Me, E = Enemy, Y = you.
You say "Contact to the west". For me, the contact would be to the east. If I turn to the west to look for a contact, I'm going to get shot in the back. That's why I like Shan's idea, so that not only do I know where my teammates are, when they tell me they see an enemy in a specific direction, it's actually useful information.


Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR

You hit on the problem in your last post. IF I stay in contact with Report direction, work in a team, etc. then RD, Speechpad and UTCompass fit the bill. I don't know how much play time you've had on the public servers, but the majority of ppl out there do not use RD or the other tools, at least not on the pub servers. Some the GD guys and some of the other clan members.

Let me repeat again that, while I beleive clans would use this mutie, I do not beleive it is as much of a necessity on clan servers as on the public servers where many ppl do not use the additional tools. I have them all running on my server so they can use them but they do not.

And I also want it clear that I am not badmouthing RD, Speechpad, UTCompass or any of the other great and innovative tools put together by you all. You are one of the reasons that I love this community. The fact that I can ask for a mutator and within hours have a reply if not the tool still amazes me. And the existing tools work great if ppl go through the effort to use them. If they do not go to the effort the entire team is punished for that today. I am hoping for a tool that gives me the situational awareness that I beleive is realistic without having to rely on some player I do not know to do his/her part since, in many cases, they don't.



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May 13, 2002
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Bhruic when someone gives me a contact direction I should have at least a fair idea where you are. If not the GPS will give me a rough bearing or the location ID. In that situation I can usually figure out where the contact is. Most of the players that used RD and GPS with 2.86 usually had no problem even when the team is divided. Its not all that difficult.

For the little effort it takes to include the direction even if it helps one player to get that one important kill per round then its worth it.

Before I took a break form playing I usually ignored contact reports with out a direction unless they where reported audio which is a whole different situation.

shan we know you are not bad mouthing the mutators so don't worry about that. Actually I think it may be interesting to see. Hope to see if some tries to make this.

Edit: translated into something resembling English.
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Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
Here is the configs files i use on the ...\UnrealTournament\System with Report Direction mutator.
Maybe this can help someone that is clueless about the Report Direction

-The first file , named SpeechNormal.txt , contains the speech voices used when on no-RD mutator servers and in this file here is what i have
set input NumPad2 speech 0 0 0
set input NumPad3 speech 2 1 -1
set input NumPad4 speech 2 3 -1
set input NumPad5 speech 4 7 0
set input NumPad6 speech 4 14 0
set input NumPadPeriod speech 2 2 -1
set input MiddleMouse teamsay Searching the area
set input Space button bInfReload | teamsay Reloading

numpad2 will say Acknowlegde
numpad3 ------- Hold this position (used for Bot play only never online)
numpad4 ------- Need Backup
numpad5 ------- Contact
numpad6 ------- Tango Down
numpadperiod --- Gogogo (used for Bot play only never online)
pressing space will reload my weapon , while saying " Reloading" to my teammates

-The second file , named SpeechReport.txt , contains the speech voices used when on RD mutator servers and in this file here is what i have
set input Numpad5 mutate direction Contact ! on my %c. %s7
set input Numpad6 mutate direction Kill confirmed on my %c. %SE
set input Numpad2 mutate direction Ready, moving %c. %SY
set input MiddleMouse mutate direction I am on your %r. %B
set input Numpad3 mutate direction I think there are enemies in my %c. %s7
set input NumpadPeriod mutate direction I am defending my %c. %B

-Then, to go from one speech usage to another and vice-versa ingame without having to use the console , in my InfiltrationUser.ini i have the key A and Z bound to it , like this

Z=EXEC SpeechNormal.txt
A=EXEC SpeechReport.txt

This way ingame , if i want to use the Report direction speech , i will press A , and if i want to use the normal speech again, i press Z.

Hope this can help in a way or another
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May 13, 2002
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Yes Thats exactly what I do. Actually you can use one key to toggle back and forth.

In your normal file have this: Z=EXEC SpeechReport.txt

In your report direction have: Z=EXEC SpeechNormal.txt

Hopefully I didn;t get these backwards.

Your file is much more usefull then my sad little example.



Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
I didnt thought about your suggestion of toggle usage.
It will make things a lot easier , and will free one key ;)

Thanks a lot.