Just out of curiosity: What model does the bullet drop-off follow? Line, parabolic, distorted parabolic or something else?
[NL]Freshmeat said:Thanks for the answer.
I am deeply impressed.
Honestly, I thought that the sheer amount of calculations for this kind of realism would kill off any processor, esp. with lots of full-auto fire.
Demosthanese, are you implying that the game uses a non-analytic approach? Or is it more along
y=-a*t^2 (gravity)
x= b*ln t (resistance)
For a fast approximation?
Wrong and wrong. (40mm's are affected by the bBounce variable and will not display that behavior if it is set to false)Demosthanese said:The resistance is something the team has little control over, as it is a product
of the level in the variable of terminal velocity. Any object going faster than
what the level assigns as terminal velocity is slown down gradually (apparently
why the 40mms don't behave properly). Gravity affects the bullets in the
same way it affects the player or a flak shell in Vanilla UT.
I doubt that it uses the distance formula. I'd imagine that every unit of time,
the game subtracts or adds to the velocity of the pawn, and the position is
altered based on the speed.