After playing a couple of days with the people who got 2.9 earlier than others I decided that it might be a good idea to post a quick overview of each map's objectives and special features as I found myself going over them in-game quite a bit. Hopefully some of you will find this helpful your first few days, or even weeks, of playing 2.9.
In this small summary, Primary Objectives are those that must be completed in order to win the round. Secondary Objectives aren't needed to win, but cause other things to happen when they are completed. Special information will be listed where needed. Please feel free to add to this if you wish or correct me if I get something wrong. I won't include the "Classic" maps, such as Cuban Dawn, Chita46, and Terrain, mostly due to time and the fact that these are pretty close to the original AS versions of the maps. If there is a call for these to be done as well, I'll add them later.
Arab Outpost: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to extraction mission with no secondary objectives. Insertion is behind some buildings in the Southwest corner of the map. The primary objective is located in the Northeast corner of the map in a small building that is directly on top of the defender spawn area. There are many routes to take to and from the objective. Extraction is at the flare near the attacker spawn. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
A City Block: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to the extraction mission with no secondary objectives. However, it does have one special feature in the form of keypads. To get to the CD the attackers must enter through at least one door that is protected by a keypad. It takes the attacking team 5 seconds to open these keypads (from either side) while it only takes the defenders 1 second to open them. Attackers start out in a house on the far North end of the map and defenders start out on the South end. Roof access in a couple of spots is intentional on this map and quite useful. Watch the windows on the South end of the map as well. Extraction is at the hummer near the attacker spawn. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Atoll: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to the extraction mission with no secondary objectives, however there are multiple extraction points. As this is a 2.86 map as well, I won't go into as much detail about locations unless it's needed later. Attackers spawn on the Uninhabited Island, near some Zodiacs. The majority of defenders spawn in the main building, with some spawning at the smaller building near the docks. The laptop is located on the helipad. Attackers can extract to either the Zodiacs at their spawn or the one at the docks. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Belfast: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to the extraction mission with no secondary objectives. The primary objective is on the second floor of a building in the center of the map. This building has roof access via a ladder. You are able to enter every building on the map, so check every window and door. Extraction is back at the hummer near the attacker spawn.
Border Town: This map is huge. Really huge. It's also a simple capture the CD and extract mission, but has a couple of twists. The attacker spawn is randomly chosen between two points - one near the collapsed bridge, and one near the church. If the defenders are fast enough they can see the drop-off chopper leaving the spawn area to give them an idea of which way the attackers will most likely be approaching from. Be warned that there is a canyon connecting the two spawn areas though, so attackers can move freely between the two, further complicating matters for the defenders. Extraction is at one of two locations. Attackers may either return the CD back to the blackhawk at their original spawn location or go to the far Southeast corner of the map to a waiting hummer. That route is a long one, but a good one. Having the random spawn points and the two different extraction vectors makes this a tough map to defend. The laptop here is located on the ground floor of a 3 floor building (with a basement as well) in the middle of the town. Like Belfast, each and every building here can be entered.
Chemical Threat: This map is a simple capture the CD and extract mission with a secondary objective. The primary objective is the CD located on the top floor of the factory. The secondary objective is not needed, but does help the attacking team tremendously if they accomplish it. Attackers are initially dropped off in a field near the factory's garage entrance. This is where they will continue to spawn unless they capture the storage area on the first floor of the South end of the factory, after which they will spawn in that room. The spawn area in the field has some protection by being behind a shed, but it is still far more vulnerable than the South storage area. I highly recommend finishing this objective at the very beginning. There is a door into the needed area at the South end of the building as well. Extraction is back at the open field, below the blackhawk hovering there. It's a very open extraction, so be careful and be ready to lay down suppressive fire if needed.
Frozen: This map has two primary objectives. The first is to unlock the laboratory doors remotely from the top floor of the research station. Only at that point can the attackers get to the laptop located in the laboratory. This also pushes the defender spawns back deeper into the station, into the tunnels below. Extraction is via a blackhawk that lands outside the facility. The installation has multiple ways in and out, much more than first meet the eye, so be aware of that as an attacker and as a defender. Attackers spawn on the outside of the station on one of two sides. They must crest hills in order to get to the instalation.
Iraq: This map has several unique features. There are two different laptops containing identical CDs. Attackers only need to extract with one of them to win. The attackers start at the far end of the map and must fight their way through the Northern alley or the archway to reach the objectives. Their first secondary objective is capturing the Northern alley. If they manage to do that, it will advance their spawns to that alley, otherwise they continue to spawn back at their original location. The second secondary objective is capturing the Stronghold near the initial defender spawn. Doing this will push the defender spawns back past the extraction point, making the capture of either of the CDs much easier. The downside is that it also puts the defenders closer to the extraction building, letting them dig in for a defensive effort there a bit easier. The laptops are located in the middle area of the map in two fairly spread out locations. One is on the second floor of a building with a bunker and the other is on the second floor of the communication tower building. There are multiple ways in and out of each building. Next to each laptop is a radio that can be used to call in air support in the form of two circling blackhawks with M249 gunners. They will shoot at any defenders they see, so defenders, take cover. Extraction is on top of a building at the far end of the map from the initial attacker spawn. It's fairly vulnerable up there, so be careful. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Island: This map has a single CD that attackers must capture and return to extract. Attackers spawn on one end of the island and defenders on the other. The CD is located on the first floor of a building near the defender spawn. There are multiple ways across the island including beach access, tunnels, and both sides of the mountain in the middle. The defenders spawn in a building on the left side of the island relative to the attacker spawn, so be careful when taking that route. Extraction is back at the Zodiacs near the attacker spawn. This whole area is protected from defenders by a blackhawk that circles the area in order to prevent spawn camping on the beach, so defenders be aware of that when in the area.
Mostar: First of all, this map is special. A big thanks to Alpha_9 for making it at my request. He went far beyond what I ever dreamed possible. This map has 2 primary objectives. A blackhawk helicopter was shot down and has crashed. It crashes in one of four different random locations every round. The spawns are also randomly selected from several different locations, for both the attackers and defenders. The attackers must get to the downed chopper and hold it long enough (40 seconds) to uplink GPS coordinates in order for the blackhawk to be destroyed by bombs. Four minutes after that, a second blackhawk will arrive to extract the team. You must have at least 50% of your team at the extraction site in order to leave and win. At the crash site in the river, the extraction site is on the bridge above it. At all other crash sites the extraction is in the same location as the downed chopper. There are essentially three ways over the river, 2 bridges and a path through the water near the steps of a hotel and through a storm drain. These can all be used to flank, so watch your rear. There is also a sewer, but you'll need a flashlight to take that path. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Pankisi Gorge: First of all, camos work very well in this map. Remember that. I've stepped on enemy soldiers before without realizing it. They work that well. This is a simple get the CD and get out mission. There are multiple paths to the CD and back to the extraction, all covered in bushes and trees that make hiding easy. Attackers spawn at the base of a cliff, near a flare that serves as the extraction marker. Defenders spawn in a canyon near the mission. It's a fairly simple layout, but it's very tense due to where the objective is located, where the spawns are, and the fact that every bush you see could be an enemy soldier. This map makes me paranoid.
Refinery: This map has a simple capture the CD and extract mission. The CD is located on the second floor of a building opposite the attacker spawn and next to the defender spawn. There are several buildings between the attacker spawn and the objective, each one able to be entered and two story with lots of windows. You must keep looking up and down on this map or you'll get shot a lot. Moving from cover to cover is a good idea, but you never know where to take cover from, so keep alert and aware of your surroundings. Extraction is at the flare by the attacker spawn.
Road to Kandahar: Forget everything you knew about large maps. This one is huge. It's essentially a road running through the middle of a wide canyon. This mission is a capture the CD and extract mission with a twist - both teams can capture the CD and extract. There are several bomb shelters spread out the map. Remember where they are since there are jets bombing the hell out of the place every once in a while in an effort to destroy the convoy and the CD. Each team spawns over the crest of the canyon, one one each side of the road. The CD is located at one end of the road and the extraction hummer is at the other end of the road. It's extremely tense, especially with the NoScopes mutator on. There are all sorts of strategies for this map, but I'll let you work those out for yourself. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Ruin: This is a small, tight map with an almost infinite number of routes between the attacker spawn and the CD. The attackers spawn at one end of the map and the defenders at the other, near the CD, which is located on the ground. This is a CQB map at its finest. You must watch every corner or have someone watch it for you. There is a platform above the CD where defenders (and attackers) like to stay, so be aware of that. Extraction is back at the attacker spawn and is marked by a flare.
Silo: More CQB goodness here with some medium range combat on the surface. There are 3 missile silos with a command center at the middle of them all. This command center is where the laptop is located. Each silo has multiple levels reached either by ladder or stairs. The command center has a working alarm system that will alert the defenders as to which main silo door has been opened and entered. Defenders spawn at the bottoms of the silos, while attackers spawn on the outside of the complex on one of two sides. The CD can be extracted at either of the two gates at a truck waiting on each side. Inside the silos things are cramped and there is a lot of fighting in the z-axis, so keep your eyes up and down all the time. Outside, it's medium to long range. Tense map. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Skopje: Urban street combat map with one objective, capture the CD and extract. The CD is located at a humvee barricade down the street from the defender spawn. The attackers spawn on the other side of the map. The layout here is essentially an S with a line down the middle. There are multiple routes to take, but the open nature of the laptop and position relative to the defender spawn means you might have to lay down some suppressive fire as an attacker in order to take it. And even then you'll have to watch your flank in order to insure that nobody sneaks up on you around that circle. The extraction is located down the street from the attacker spawn at a hovering blackhawk. Great map for medium to long range fighting. None of the buildings are able to be entered so you can focus on the streets and corners. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Stalingrad: Another CQB gem. The laptop here is located at a corner on the second floor of a building near the defender spawn. Attackers spawn in a back corner of the map. Well, it's what's left of a building. This whole map is a bombed out city, so there is lots of rubble and every window is open. The laptop here is pretty exposed so be sure you can take it before you try. Extraction is on the second floor of a building in the corner across from the attacker spawn. It's marked by a flare. There are tunnels under this map and it's a good idea to make use of them to move around relatively undetected. They surface in quite a few helpful spots.
Tuscany: Forget everything you thought you knew about Sicily. Even though this map looks like it at first, it's twice as big and has a total different feel. This map has no CD to take. It has three primary objectives, and the order in which you accomplish them can affect what happens. There are two anti-aircraft guns, located on the left and right sides of the map relative to the attacker spawn, which is at one far end of the map. You must destroy these guns by placing explosives on them. To do this you simply look down at the base of the gun and hold your grab/use key. It may help to crouch. It takes about 10 seconds to plant the charge. If the attackers destroy both of the guns, their spawns move up. The third objective is the villa located between those two guns. The defenders spawn in the back of this villa. The attackers must hold it for 90 seconds in order to capture it. That's a long time to hold a building with several ways in that's close to the defender spawn, but with some teamwork it can be done. You can capture the villa before destroying the guns of course, but only by destroying both guns will the attacker spawn move up.
ok, that covers all of the maps now I believe. Please feel free to correct anything I wrote here or add your two cents. I just wanted to give the new guys a decent broad overview of all of the maps as best I could. Time and experience will be far better teachers of course, but I felt a good introduction and heads-up for some of these was in order, especially for maps like Mostar, Tuscany, and Road to Kandahar that are a bit out of the norm with respect to the objectives. I hope it helps at least some of you.
In this small summary, Primary Objectives are those that must be completed in order to win the round. Secondary Objectives aren't needed to win, but cause other things to happen when they are completed. Special information will be listed where needed. Please feel free to add to this if you wish or correct me if I get something wrong. I won't include the "Classic" maps, such as Cuban Dawn, Chita46, and Terrain, mostly due to time and the fact that these are pretty close to the original AS versions of the maps. If there is a call for these to be done as well, I'll add them later.
Arab Outpost: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to extraction mission with no secondary objectives. Insertion is behind some buildings in the Southwest corner of the map. The primary objective is located in the Northeast corner of the map in a small building that is directly on top of the defender spawn area. There are many routes to take to and from the objective. Extraction is at the flare near the attacker spawn. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
A City Block: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to the extraction mission with no secondary objectives. However, it does have one special feature in the form of keypads. To get to the CD the attackers must enter through at least one door that is protected by a keypad. It takes the attacking team 5 seconds to open these keypads (from either side) while it only takes the defenders 1 second to open them. Attackers start out in a house on the far North end of the map and defenders start out on the South end. Roof access in a couple of spots is intentional on this map and quite useful. Watch the windows on the South end of the map as well. Extraction is at the hummer near the attacker spawn. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Atoll: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to the extraction mission with no secondary objectives, however there are multiple extraction points. As this is a 2.86 map as well, I won't go into as much detail about locations unless it's needed later. Attackers spawn on the Uninhabited Island, near some Zodiacs. The majority of defenders spawn in the main building, with some spawning at the smaller building near the docks. The laptop is located on the helipad. Attackers can extract to either the Zodiacs at their spawn or the one at the docks. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Belfast: This map is a simple capture the CD and get to the extraction mission with no secondary objectives. The primary objective is on the second floor of a building in the center of the map. This building has roof access via a ladder. You are able to enter every building on the map, so check every window and door. Extraction is back at the hummer near the attacker spawn.
Border Town: This map is huge. Really huge. It's also a simple capture the CD and extract mission, but has a couple of twists. The attacker spawn is randomly chosen between two points - one near the collapsed bridge, and one near the church. If the defenders are fast enough they can see the drop-off chopper leaving the spawn area to give them an idea of which way the attackers will most likely be approaching from. Be warned that there is a canyon connecting the two spawn areas though, so attackers can move freely between the two, further complicating matters for the defenders. Extraction is at one of two locations. Attackers may either return the CD back to the blackhawk at their original spawn location or go to the far Southeast corner of the map to a waiting hummer. That route is a long one, but a good one. Having the random spawn points and the two different extraction vectors makes this a tough map to defend. The laptop here is located on the ground floor of a 3 floor building (with a basement as well) in the middle of the town. Like Belfast, each and every building here can be entered.
Chemical Threat: This map is a simple capture the CD and extract mission with a secondary objective. The primary objective is the CD located on the top floor of the factory. The secondary objective is not needed, but does help the attacking team tremendously if they accomplish it. Attackers are initially dropped off in a field near the factory's garage entrance. This is where they will continue to spawn unless they capture the storage area on the first floor of the South end of the factory, after which they will spawn in that room. The spawn area in the field has some protection by being behind a shed, but it is still far more vulnerable than the South storage area. I highly recommend finishing this objective at the very beginning. There is a door into the needed area at the South end of the building as well. Extraction is back at the open field, below the blackhawk hovering there. It's a very open extraction, so be careful and be ready to lay down suppressive fire if needed.
Frozen: This map has two primary objectives. The first is to unlock the laboratory doors remotely from the top floor of the research station. Only at that point can the attackers get to the laptop located in the laboratory. This also pushes the defender spawns back deeper into the station, into the tunnels below. Extraction is via a blackhawk that lands outside the facility. The installation has multiple ways in and out, much more than first meet the eye, so be aware of that as an attacker and as a defender. Attackers spawn on the outside of the station on one of two sides. They must crest hills in order to get to the instalation.
Iraq: This map has several unique features. There are two different laptops containing identical CDs. Attackers only need to extract with one of them to win. The attackers start at the far end of the map and must fight their way through the Northern alley or the archway to reach the objectives. Their first secondary objective is capturing the Northern alley. If they manage to do that, it will advance their spawns to that alley, otherwise they continue to spawn back at their original location. The second secondary objective is capturing the Stronghold near the initial defender spawn. Doing this will push the defender spawns back past the extraction point, making the capture of either of the CDs much easier. The downside is that it also puts the defenders closer to the extraction building, letting them dig in for a defensive effort there a bit easier. The laptops are located in the middle area of the map in two fairly spread out locations. One is on the second floor of a building with a bunker and the other is on the second floor of the communication tower building. There are multiple ways in and out of each building. Next to each laptop is a radio that can be used to call in air support in the form of two circling blackhawks with M249 gunners. They will shoot at any defenders they see, so defenders, take cover. Extraction is on top of a building at the far end of the map from the initial attacker spawn. It's fairly vulnerable up there, so be careful. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Island: This map has a single CD that attackers must capture and return to extract. Attackers spawn on one end of the island and defenders on the other. The CD is located on the first floor of a building near the defender spawn. There are multiple ways across the island including beach access, tunnels, and both sides of the mountain in the middle. The defenders spawn in a building on the left side of the island relative to the attacker spawn, so be careful when taking that route. Extraction is back at the Zodiacs near the attacker spawn. This whole area is protected from defenders by a blackhawk that circles the area in order to prevent spawn camping on the beach, so defenders be aware of that when in the area.
Mostar: First of all, this map is special. A big thanks to Alpha_9 for making it at my request. He went far beyond what I ever dreamed possible. This map has 2 primary objectives. A blackhawk helicopter was shot down and has crashed. It crashes in one of four different random locations every round. The spawns are also randomly selected from several different locations, for both the attackers and defenders. The attackers must get to the downed chopper and hold it long enough (40 seconds) to uplink GPS coordinates in order for the blackhawk to be destroyed by bombs. Four minutes after that, a second blackhawk will arrive to extract the team. You must have at least 50% of your team at the extraction site in order to leave and win. At the crash site in the river, the extraction site is on the bridge above it. At all other crash sites the extraction is in the same location as the downed chopper. There are essentially three ways over the river, 2 bridges and a path through the water near the steps of a hotel and through a storm drain. These can all be used to flank, so watch your rear. There is also a sewer, but you'll need a flashlight to take that path. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Pankisi Gorge: First of all, camos work very well in this map. Remember that. I've stepped on enemy soldiers before without realizing it. They work that well. This is a simple get the CD and get out mission. There are multiple paths to the CD and back to the extraction, all covered in bushes and trees that make hiding easy. Attackers spawn at the base of a cliff, near a flare that serves as the extraction marker. Defenders spawn in a canyon near the mission. It's a fairly simple layout, but it's very tense due to where the objective is located, where the spawns are, and the fact that every bush you see could be an enemy soldier. This map makes me paranoid.
Refinery: This map has a simple capture the CD and extract mission. The CD is located on the second floor of a building opposite the attacker spawn and next to the defender spawn. There are several buildings between the attacker spawn and the objective, each one able to be entered and two story with lots of windows. You must keep looking up and down on this map or you'll get shot a lot. Moving from cover to cover is a good idea, but you never know where to take cover from, so keep alert and aware of your surroundings. Extraction is at the flare by the attacker spawn.
Road to Kandahar: Forget everything you knew about large maps. This one is huge. It's essentially a road running through the middle of a wide canyon. This mission is a capture the CD and extract mission with a twist - both teams can capture the CD and extract. There are several bomb shelters spread out the map. Remember where they are since there are jets bombing the hell out of the place every once in a while in an effort to destroy the convoy and the CD. Each team spawns over the crest of the canyon, one one each side of the road. The CD is located at one end of the road and the extraction hummer is at the other end of the road. It's extremely tense, especially with the NoScopes mutator on. There are all sorts of strategies for this map, but I'll let you work those out for yourself. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Ruin: This is a small, tight map with an almost infinite number of routes between the attacker spawn and the CD. The attackers spawn at one end of the map and the defenders at the other, near the CD, which is located on the ground. This is a CQB map at its finest. You must watch every corner or have someone watch it for you. There is a platform above the CD where defenders (and attackers) like to stay, so be aware of that. Extraction is back at the attacker spawn and is marked by a flare.
Silo: More CQB goodness here with some medium range combat on the surface. There are 3 missile silos with a command center at the middle of them all. This command center is where the laptop is located. Each silo has multiple levels reached either by ladder or stairs. The command center has a working alarm system that will alert the defenders as to which main silo door has been opened and entered. Defenders spawn at the bottoms of the silos, while attackers spawn on the outside of the complex on one of two sides. The CD can be extracted at either of the two gates at a truck waiting on each side. Inside the silos things are cramped and there is a lot of fighting in the z-axis, so keep your eyes up and down all the time. Outside, it's medium to long range. Tense map. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Skopje: Urban street combat map with one objective, capture the CD and extract. The CD is located at a humvee barricade down the street from the defender spawn. The attackers spawn on the other side of the map. The layout here is essentially an S with a line down the middle. There are multiple routes to take, but the open nature of the laptop and position relative to the defender spawn means you might have to lay down some suppressive fire as an attacker in order to take it. And even then you'll have to watch your flank in order to insure that nobody sneaks up on you around that circle. The extraction is located down the street from the attacker spawn at a hovering blackhawk. Great map for medium to long range fighting. None of the buildings are able to be entered so you can focus on the streets and corners. There is a Mission Briefing for this map.
Stalingrad: Another CQB gem. The laptop here is located at a corner on the second floor of a building near the defender spawn. Attackers spawn in a back corner of the map. Well, it's what's left of a building. This whole map is a bombed out city, so there is lots of rubble and every window is open. The laptop here is pretty exposed so be sure you can take it before you try. Extraction is on the second floor of a building in the corner across from the attacker spawn. It's marked by a flare. There are tunnels under this map and it's a good idea to make use of them to move around relatively undetected. They surface in quite a few helpful spots.
Tuscany: Forget everything you thought you knew about Sicily. Even though this map looks like it at first, it's twice as big and has a total different feel. This map has no CD to take. It has three primary objectives, and the order in which you accomplish them can affect what happens. There are two anti-aircraft guns, located on the left and right sides of the map relative to the attacker spawn, which is at one far end of the map. You must destroy these guns by placing explosives on them. To do this you simply look down at the base of the gun and hold your grab/use key. It may help to crouch. It takes about 10 seconds to plant the charge. If the attackers destroy both of the guns, their spawns move up. The third objective is the villa located between those two guns. The defenders spawn in the back of this villa. The attackers must hold it for 90 seconds in order to capture it. That's a long time to hold a building with several ways in that's close to the defender spawn, but with some teamwork it can be done. You can capture the villa before destroying the guns of course, but only by destroying both guns will the attacker spawn move up.
ok, that covers all of the maps now I believe. Please feel free to correct anything I wrote here or add your two cents. I just wanted to give the new guys a decent broad overview of all of the maps as best I could. Time and experience will be far better teachers of course, but I felt a good introduction and heads-up for some of these was in order, especially for maps like Mostar, Tuscany, and Road to Kandahar that are a bit out of the norm with respect to the objectives. I hope it helps at least some of you.
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