UT2004 San Francisco LAN

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Retired from UT2004
Apr 19, 2000
In position
Agree, very nice written.

Did you play any of the 'standard' gametypes from UT2003?
Are there any different in the gameplay from UT2003? Movements? Weapons? Scoring?

What else than voicechat will be included? I heard mapvote would be in.
Also, TTM has almost been 'standard' on servers, especially in Europe, does anything from TTM's add-ons or something similar be included in UT2004?

This might be speculation, but did you get any idea when Ut2004 will be released?


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
Map vote is in along with another feature, "CliffyB's Ownage Maps". This will let people view the maps that own and download them too.

Other than that, the standard game types are mainly unchanged. The model animation and sizes are better. Weapons are the same, with a few tweaks for balance.

As for the release, Epic is pushing for a holiday release. Look to receive the demo soon and prepare to purchase the game around Christmas.


Nali War Cow

Hope the will be Nali Cows in UT2k4 .... really miss them


nice review, cant wait to wail away the winter hours playing the new version.
crazy as it may seem i have found so many different "release dates" for the game. even atari's site doesnt seem clear hlp?!
>> cant wait for demo + demo of HL2 gulp ;)