Community Update - Version 1.1

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Oct 24, 2001
Hey guys,

As you know we've been working on version 1.1 which will address various stuff 1.0 came with.

Here's a list of what we work on:
  • Totally recoded weapons code to fix all problems with weapons.
  • Concepted new HUD, code will start soon. More info soon.
  • DA2-Classic-Ruins fixed some missing packages, shortened a lot the map so attackers can have a better chance.
  • Turrets will now alarm a sound once they are about to get destroyed warn you.
  • DA2-Triumph fixed tower blocking volumes for rockets to pass through.
  • DA2-Triumph2 fixed tower blocking volumes for rockets to pass through.
  • Increased by a very small amount the delay a grenade needs to explode.
  • Update in DA2-Blackgold map, put a tree in front of oil pump to avoid guided rocket kill. You can still do it but needs more skill.
  • Update in DA2-Blackgold map, attackers have more spawns on the left and they spawn closer so they dont have to walk so much time.
  • Update in most maps, NoTurretZones in special places to avoid turret spamming.
  • Update DA2-Triumph map, blocked way to get beside the bridge, avoids bottlenecks.
  • Update DA2-Triumph2 map, artillery gets disabled after first objective.
  • A9SMG (AntiArmor alt weapon) gets a recoil fix.
  • Medic shotty, reduced recoil.
  • Rocket launcher turret damage multiplier increased SLIGHTLY.
  • Turrets will now have limited ammo, mechs must refill.
  • More objective types for community mappers provided.
  • NEW: Map DA2-Classic-Egypt by FluXs - pics soon
  • NEW: Map DA2-Siege by Nick (creator of DA2-LastHope/Refinery) - pics soon
  • NEW: Bloody death skins will show up once there is a blood splat created on your death (e.g grenade explosion). Nice touch in atmosphere.
  • NEW: EMP Grenade, disables a turret for a short period of time. We have not decided which class/classes will get it.
  • NEW: Custom Music for all maps.

Heres a list of POSSIBLE new features (no promises):
  • Mech barricade, does not get dmg by bullets, used for protection while attacking, can only be destroyed by grenades, rockets, crusher turret.
  • New turret, AVeR, built only by attackers, focuses on enemy turrets only. Fires rockets.
  • Bunker Buster grenades, used to clear out a bunker or sandbag emplacement. Might be switched to napalm grenade.

DA2 Beta 1.1 will arrive most probably October 31st because we will be participating in the 'Independent Game Festival' Competition.

Enjoy your read! - Sorry no pics today ;)
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old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
\o/ In the voice of skycaptain from FutureCop L.A.P.D




New Member
Sep 17, 2005
I wouldn't mind some slightly smaller maps for the people who don't have super top of the line computers.

say like 6-10 players/bots per map.

I can run the average/small maps on UT2004 20+fps but these maps, even on the absolute lowest settings you can possibly have (EVERYTHING turned off and on low, even lowest resolution with windowed mode on for god's sake).

I'd greatly appreciate this.


old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
password, just set the bot count to 10 for now then. Small maps are okay, but then they cannot be added to the server for full sized games, so at the moment they are not worth creating, however later on once more maps are out I am sure we can create 'lite' versions of the maps and some newer ones.


AKA The--Grim--Reaper
Dec 15, 2003
I love egypt already, it reminds me of blackgold, and thats my favourite map.
That anti turret idea is good, they can get really annoying, especially 2 DFA near to eachother with 2+ mechs maintaining them....
if turrets have no ammo for say 2 minutes could they slowly deconstruct or something? because i hate having a turret i can't access to deconstruct sitting there filling up my turret limit, this could be one way to help.
Also, would a possible idea since this is pretty high tech warfare, some form of hacker or something that you can sneak up on turrets and such and hack them to make them yours. just an idea.
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judge of chaos

New Member
Oct 23, 2005
realy looks yummie
love the emp grenades and egypt
but when are the vehicles coming?

also please don't let this mod die(so many cool mods are canceld:( ,and i realy like this one;) )


...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
I dont know for sure if the ammo for turrets will make it into 1.1, but yesterday I coded the turret-self-removal, which will remove a non-prebuilt turret which idles for more than two minutes.

@judge of chaos
Vehicles wont do it until 1.1 - we have a deadline to meet and vehicles will take much time.

The AVeR-Turret and the EMP-Grenades are in, yet. EMP-Grenades will be for the Sniper or the Medic.