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Mar 22, 2003
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This weekend you can purchase the complete Sins of a Solar Empire collection, Trinity, for $10. It's by far the lowest price I've ever seen for it.


Sins is a 4x-RTS with very deep and complex strategy and tactics elements, but unlike Starcraft and the like it is not an APM-based clickfest. It also rocks for online multiplayer on the Diplomacy expansion. There are even 5v5 PUGs, which is how most 5v5's are set up now. (I'll give you three guesses as to who introduced pugging to the Sins community.)

Early next year a full-fledged stand-alone expansion called Rebellion will be released which will essentially act as a Sins-2. If you buy Trinity you'll save $10 on the $40 price for Rebellion, essentially making it free if you think you'd ever want to get that next expansion. So, now is a good time to get into the game so that you'll be an experienced pro by the time Rebellion comes out.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Fallout, Freespace, Giants, MDK and other Interplay games 50% off only until July 4

Full list:
Battle Chess Special Edition
Castles + Castles 2
Conquest of the New World
Descent + Descent 2
Descent 3 + Expansion
Die by the Sword + Expansion
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2
Earthworm Jim 3D
F/A-18E Super Hornet
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Freespace + Expansion
Freespace 2
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business
Kingdom: The Far Reaches
Kingpin: Life of Crime
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
M.A.X. + M.A.X. 2
Redneck Rampage Collection
Shattered Steel
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
VR Soccer '96

They all only cost 3 dollars.

Sacrifice is great. It's sort of a strategy-rpg but not like Warcraft and Spellforce where you play an rts and some units can level up, but you play an individual with spells and whatnot and you can summon and resurrect an army. It's hard to explain and I don't know anything to compare it to, but it was pretty cool.
Fallout Tactics is sort of a Jagged Alliance for wusses. It's not an rpg like the Fallout 1 and 2. I found it to be pretty good, but I haven't finished it.
MDK2 is an alright action adventure platformer. Zany characters. Don't know how well it has aged.
Earthworm Jim is a pretty difficult 2d jump'n'run with a really crazy sense of humor. If you have an xbox you might want to have a look at the HD remake on xbla instead. It's more or less the same game but a) you can turn down the difficulty, b) graphics are in HD (though true to the original) and c) it has some additional stuff like special coop maps and I assume achievements. Earthworm Jim 2 isn't as good as #1 but it's still alright. Earthworm Jim 3d probably shouldn't have been made in the first place, but since Rayman, Zelda and Mario all made the jump to 3d... Didn't work out as well for Jim.
Freespace 2 is probably the definitive space combat "sim". Mostly because there is nothing newer around that gets close to it. Haven't finished it because it wasn't my kind of game, but I recognize its greatness.

Now, what I want to know, and have wanted to know for a while, how are the Descent games? A nostalgia-free evaluation would be great, if possible. I don't mind old graphics, but I've never played one of them so the gameplay should work today too. Opinions?
And what's Die By The Sword like?
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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Now, what I want to know, and have wanted to know for a while, how are the Descent games? A nostalgia-free evaluation would be great, if possible. I don't mind old graphics, but I've never played one of them so the gameplay should work today too. Opinions?
And what's Die By The Sword like?

I haven't played Descent in many many years, so I may not be the best judge for reasons of nostalgia. Think of it as DOOM in 360 degrees. You pilot your ship through tunnels with action happening all around you. It's very easy to forget which way is up. I remember it being great fun.

As it's simply a maze shooter, it probably holds up reasonably well, but naturally graphically it's going to be very dated.


Feb 11, 2000
Descent I and especially II were awesome in their days, and I can still see them working if you don't care about the graphics. An entirely new genre was founded by the games. Shattered Steel is the first BioWare title and I remember playing the demo religiously on my very first computer. Consider checking it out. I never cared much for Die By The Sword, but then I never cared much for complex melee combat. If you do, have a look at it - it kind of is a simulation game. MDK is a must-have, for it brought (and in my opinion still does) an immense load of refreshing elements into a tired genre. Don't even hesitate there. M.A.X. II is a hidden gem few have heard about. If you're into complex strategy games, you might want to grab it.

This special offer is like my first five years of gaming coming back to haunt me. Awesome!
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
You can get ever Descent series game for $6. It is 100%, absolutely worth owning at that price. In fact, I am rebuying it now.


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
I've already owned the GOG versions some of the games offered in that sale and I still managed to spend over $50 on it. I'm so doomed.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
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There are so many great games in that list. I didn't realize, until seeing them all in one spot, that Interplay rules!
(or, at least, they also knew great games when they saw them)

I wonder if MDK2 still has the z fighting issue with modern PC's...
if it does, it's not worth it, because last I checked it was so bad it almost ruined the gameplay, and the only fix was to pull out your dusty old Pentium 3 with Voodoo class card :D
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
So, thanks for posting about the Interplay sale. Would've gone right by without me noticing it otherwise. Now re-own the entire Descent series. I love those games.