Bot? What do you think?

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Aug 12, 2001
This isn't UT but the recent bot stomping here I take it many ppl can relate to it.

While in a ctf match tonight I ran into another player on the other team who always seemed to know where I was. I would be coming up to the base and as soon as I got to a corner (not around it) he would pop around the corner and bounce me around with single rockets at an inhuman rate. Every path I tried to take he'sd appear from around a corner just as I'm coming up to it and bounce me again (yes, kill).
His ping was 50-60 and his accuracy with rockets at that range was incredible. I checked the scores and for being there <5min his ratio was 28kills, 2deaths.
So I decided to spec him for a whle.
I saw him bunnyhopping everywhere and turning left and right but never strafing. He'd exit the respawn (after healing) and fire a rocket to the ceiling, toss a weapon out, do bunnyhops in a cricle and pick the weapon back up. He seemed to know exactly where and when every person was going to be. The routine stayed like this the entire time I watched.
I returned to the game and said simple..
"that's a nifty little script/bot ya got there,"
no names or implications but the person I had been specing replied, "huh?"
coincidence or concience?
He started backing up his actions by bragging about how long he's been playing,"you think I'd learn something by now," and all the mathces he's competed in. I've had the opportunity to play with and against some of the best PuFs on the Roost (god rest) and view demos of great matches but never have I seem legit player perform as mechanical and do so many usless asctions as him. We talked for a bit more but his excuses began to frustrate me
What do you think and what would you suggest I do if I ever run into someone like this again?


Feb 10, 2000
Sounds like when I played Voyd or Xenex or Rev Whoopas in 1 vs 1.
They always knew where I was. 90% of the time I'd respawn and be dead. IT was that scary. I'm not sure how CTF works tho. The maps are much bigger. And they never moved that wierd.
As for the concience thing the only time I got accused of aimbotting ..besides hell freezing over... the guy just said
"you used an aimbot" or something but no names. I just assumed he was talking to me because the spread was about 10+ in my favour....atleast I hope he was talking to me:D
Anyway.....his movements sound very wierd tho:/
Perhaps you should record a demo and send it off to the llama farm or if you do have one I wouldn't mind seeing it either. Glad to know you didn't use any names and call him a @#$% or #$% tho:)


Sup Big Perm, I mean Worm
Mar 23, 2001
Originally posted by zynthetic
His ping was 50-60 and his accuracy with rockets at that range was incredible.

Accuracy at that range was incredible??? If he's far away from you launching rockets, Shouldnt you move out of the way???


Assault player
Dec 26, 2000
Behind you
Re: Re: Bot? What do you think?

Originally posted by JJaX2001

Accuracy at that range was incredible??? If he's far away from you launching rockets, Shouldnt you move out of the way???

errm dude, u can't have accuracy at range with rockets, rockets take like ages to get from 1 place to another, heck u can even overtake ur own rockets, more than likely he was just spamming a couple of rocks at choke points and u happened to run into them.


Jul 26, 2000
BF, Arkansas?
Visit site
Originally posted by OshadowO
Sounds like when I played Voyd or Xenex or Rev Whoopas in 1 vs 1. They always knew where I was. 90% of the time I'd respawn and be dead. IT was that scary.

If the guy in question is a DM player, it's understandable that he might know where you're coming from if you're predictable in your routes.

Hell, I've done it for TDM. We actually put bots on our server and spec'd them a few months back to draw out maps on paper with all spawn points marked, so as to organize strats for common TDM maps. Spawn points also seem to not be so random. If you're close to two spawn points, the person killed will likely spawn the furthest away from you at a third point, at least from my expieriences. I would assume other teams/individuals who've worked alot on DM strategy have done the same thing.

Look at Curse for instance, and consider a 4v4 TDM...

If you got one guy good enough to hold the top floor by himself, spawn killing with mini and/or shock, and at the same time announce "belt available" to the others, logically the other team will never spawn long enough to get a weapon+powerup. If you get all the powerups, you win, easily. Alotta games I've been in on with such strats against teams without any obvious game plan ended up with them accusing people on my side (whether match or pickup game) of radars and such, but it's just knowing the maps that well really.

The same would apply to a 1v1 when ya think about it. There's only so many spawn points on the standard DM maps. There are certain locations in said maps that'll allow you to see and/or hear whats going on around half or more of those spawn points. Couple that with knowing what weapon the other guy wants to get, and you can predict his movements.

"...and knowing is half the battle!"

--GI Joe

