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I finally got around to trying the new Ghostbuster game on PC.

It looks nice, sounds nice, and is pretty well done so far (only 30 mins into it).

My major complaint is the horrible controls. The game actually doesn't support rightclick on mice. Well it does, but you can't change it. It's preselected as something else and you can't change it.

There is mouse excelleration or something while playing too. You can start to turn and before you know it, you've done a 180 or more. Completely destroying your aim and causing you to damaged everything around you.

So other than the control system which I really hate, it seems to be decent enough. Either I'll get used to the mouse movement and learn it, or I'll just get way too pissed off at it and not play it anymore.

The game does look nice. The facial animations are really well done, as is the voice acting by the original stars of the movie.

I will give it a another run through before I decide to actually buy it. I have a feeling I won't care for the game in another hour or two.


Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..
7/10 Mirror's Edge

Damn...this by far one of the hardest games I have played! The free running stuff was a lot of fun along with the traversal puzzles.

But at some points the game gives no hints on how to get out of a tricky spot!


Sep 17, 2004
Are you serious? M'sE is quite a easy game when you have it in you, I guess you don't have that Parkour running in your blood. :)
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Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
When they will release it in Europe? ****
I really can't wait to play as Hakumen. Dude can dish out 100% Health combos if used correctly, which I'm planning to do.

The PS3 version of the game is not region locked iirc. According to some news sources you're screwed if you're waiting for the 360 version. Which you shouldn't be doing--the Xbox controller is horrible for fighting games.

All of Hakumen's moves are depending upon his special gauge, meaning a lot of his combos are based around cooldowns, but damn can his sword hurt. Still, Arakune/Rachel/V-13 pwn face. Those characters aren't enough to make the game broken, thankfully.

...and that's why those crappy anime fighter spam fest games fail. That's the one thing that was wrong about dub's dumbing down games thread, it was obviously inspired by his love for this game when it's probably less skillful than SF4. :lol:

Just because characters can do 100% combos doesn't mean that they are situational nor the only thing you should (or can) do in the game. If someone is caught in a situation where they lose all their life in a few seconds, they're playing the game wrong or they are fighting Iron Tager. And he's considered the worst character in the game as far as tier lists.

As far as being less skillful than SF4, there's A LOT more stuff going on in BlazBlue than in Street Fighter. Barriers, Counter-Attacks, False-Cancels, Barrier Bursts, and a ****load of traps just make this game a whole different experience over SFIV.

Honestly the "skillfulness" of either game is about equal require slightly different skill sets. Your game is only going to require as much skill as it takes to beat the other guy.


Jun 24, 2004

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal - 8/10
I think Telltale has done pretty good job of capturing the humour and feel of Monkey Island. The fact that most of the voice actors from the previous game(s) have returned for this new series certainly helped them achieve that. It's the first episode so there's obviously not a lot happening yet, but it's a good introduction to the series.

One very minor gripe I had with the game, however, is that they've for reasons unknown abandoned the traditional point 'n' click interface. In this you control Guybrush with either the WASD keys or by holding the left mouse button and drag the mouse in the direction you want him to walk. The latter I feel is a somewhat awkward way of navigating.

Penumbra: Black Plague (Episode 2) - 8.5/10 [Episode 1 review]
The fact that they've removed the combat system altogether makes this a vast improvement over the first episode. Whenever you encounter enemies in this episode you are usually only required to either sneak past or simply run to safety (as opposed to the first episode, these enemies can easily be outrun). There are still some forced action sequences, though, but despite still being the game's weakest points they aren't as annoying as they were previously.

The storytelling in the first episode was also a bit drab at times, almost to the point where I would start to lose interest, but this episode has picked up a little and gotten a lot more interesting IMO. However, reading the many pieces of text on the background story can still be a little dry.

Shatter - 8.5/10
Imagine if Breakout had a love child with Super Stardust HD while on crack.

At its core it's essentially a re-imagined Breakout clone with physics, special abilities to manipulate with the ball and the blocks and the ability to launch multiple balls at any time you wish. The game will also change orientation from level to level (horizontal, vertical and circular) and there's a boss fight at the end of each world. It's not terribly hard to beat as it's fairly forgiving with giving you extra lives whenever you need them, but of course the real challenge comes from beating hiscores. It's pretty addictive.


May 24, 2004
San Diego, California
www. .
Here's my share:


Reinstalled the thing again. I upgraded from 2 GB of RAM to 6 GB of RAM. Coupled with my quad core proc and GTX 285 (1 GB edition), I just and wanted to give the sci-fi thriller another shot.

This time, I installed 2 mods for the game before running through the campaign again:

  • Lifesis mod. Gives Crysis a photo-realistic feel. If you thought original Crysis looked cartoony, then this mod would be for you. If you thought original Crysis looked realistic already, this mod will prove you wrong and give you a whole new perspective on CryEngine 2 graphics.

    Here's a sample screenshot. Be impressed, it's as photo realistic as you're gonna get with CryEngine 2.



  • FX Mod. Explosions and sparks are everywhere, it's not to a point of ridiculous either, it's just bumped up "a notch". It really shows well with red barrel explosions, tank blowups, using the gauss rifle on alien badguy... Believe me, this mod completely changed the way Crysis felt. It really felt like I was a SUPER soldier wrecking SUPER havoc and SUPER sh*t on everyone and everything around me. I honestly felt like Predator and Psychopath at the same time with this mod.
  • Crysis Extreme Quality TOD (Time of Day) Mod. Changes the time of day for each level in the single player campaign, and changed a bunch of graphics settings that really pushed my graphics card to the limit. Of the 1 GB that is on my video card, this mod forced my video memory to be maxed out on certain levels (mainly the last one with all the explosions going around, the LOD distance was increased for particles, so when I had FXMOD and this mod running simultaneously there were moments where my FPS dropped from 60 to a staggering 6,..... but the graphics were orgasmicly amazing.
  • Advanced AI mod. Self explanatory. Enemy and friendly AI is a lot more aggressive, AI doesn't act all stupid when you fire on one person in a group and the others just strafe vertically against you making easy shots. Also they fire almost IMMEDIATELY after you fire in any particular direction. They will also disperse more in attempts to flank you. Finally, don't expect cloak-uncloak-shoot-cloakagain to work flawlessly with this mod. They will figure out after a while (or sometimes immediately) what you are doing and will lay down suppressive fire in the general area that you uncloaked from... And not just one guy doing that.

I also made some small configurations under the in-game console.

g_suitspeedenergyconsumption 30. I did this so I could use speed mode longer. After all I've already beaten this game. I also don't think real nanosuits only allow you to use speed mode for 1.0 seconds...

g_suitcloakenergydrainadjuster 0. Cloak mode will last longer. After all if the Koreans have cheap knock offs of your suit and can have super long-lasting cloak mode, why would a supernation like America underfund their supersuits to not have long-lasting cloak modes? I fixed the hypocrisy with this little in-game console tweak.

All in all, my experience with Crysis became much more enjoyable. The 6 GB of RAM in particular made all of my hitching and lag non-existent. The only thing I was missing was the 2 GB edition of the GTX 285, as FXMOD and Lifesis mod combined caused some rare massive slowdowns on certain levels, particularly with super-big explosions

i.e. the big super alien at the end blowing... this created a splatter of sparks everywhere (like it should to feel more cinematic) but on 2560 x 1600 resolution, it caused Crysis to quit out unexplained. I had to reduce the resolution to 1920 x 1200 to get the game to not crash-quit on the last level just because there were so many damn particles everywhere :lol::D

Obviously, this tweaks did nothing to change the story, and only one mod changed the AI which therefore slightly changed gameplay, but overall these were cosmetic mods. Nonetheless, if you're playing Crysis for enjoyment, chances are you're not playing it for the story any way, as Crysis's biggest showcase lies in its graphics itself.

Oh, and finally, the soundtrack that was used in the game was brilliant. Action music cues came in at the right moments now (it may be the RAM, as there's no more hitching). Maybe it's because of Windows 7. Anywho, for some reason I hear certain music cues that I've never heard before on previous play-runs in Crysis. I heard some really dramatic-emotional ones when ....

.... I stormed the enemy Harbor and helped Psycho blow North Korean sh*t out of the whole area. And when the airstrikes bombed out the enemy carrier some really emotional music cues kicked in again. It was music designed to make me, the player, feel like a war hero. On that note, the music composer did a FANTASTIC job analyzing each "scene" in the game and composed approrpriate music for each particular scene.


Sep 17, 2004
WTF. That is 97% photorealistic. :lol:
BTW from the AI mod, are they better than Warhead? I know they improved the AI with cloaking. IMO, cloacking is the dumbest concept in that game. Cheap, and super easy.
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May 24, 2004
San Diego, California
www. .
YES, I thought Warhead's AI was crap too... You would think that CryTek would've done something to fix the AI, and while I do give them credit for making an attempt at fixing the AI, the truth remains that whatever "improvements" they made to the AI for Warhead simply wasn't good enough.

That AI mod I posted does a better job IMHO. Enemy AI isn't retarded... I mean, no game's AI is gonna be perfect, but at least the AI mod I posted isn't as crappy as the default AI in Crysis or the default AI in Warhead.

Give it a shot dude, give ALL the mods I posted a shot, believe me it totally changes your Crysis experience. Things were just so much more enjoyable. Truthfully, I felt as if that is what Crysis SHOULD have been.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Dead Space - 9/10

Had a blast with this title. Some nice scares thrown in there, or at least to me they were pretty jumpy. I really liked how it captured the look and feel from the Alien films, especially the soundtrack. One thing I do despise is the portion where you have to defend on the turret against all sorts of devil asteroids. That part can go to hell and die in a fire.
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20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
WipEout HD Fury: 10/10

The original game was 20$. The expansion doubles the game's content, and it costs 10$... 4 new tracks playable forward or reverse, 4 game mode (Zone, Zone Battle and Detonator) exclusive tracks, 3 new game modes (Eliminator, Zone Battle, Detonator), new music, new menu skin, 13 new ship models with apparently 3 new alternate skins for the 12 existing teams.
Oh wow. Anyone that has a PS3 should buy this, it's most likely the best DLC ever offered on the PSN for the best game ever offered on the PSN.
WipEout HD (88% on Metacritic) just got insanely better.


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
WipEout HD Fury: 10/10

The original game was 20$. The expansion doubles the game's content, and it costs 10$... 4 new tracks playable forward or reverse, 4 game mode (Zone, Zone Battle and Detonator) exclusive tracks, 3 new game modes (Eliminator, Zone Battle, Detonator), new music, new menu skin, 13 new ship models with apparently 3 new alternate skins for the 12 existing teams.
Oh wow. Anyone that has a PS3 should buy this, it's most likely the best DLC ever offered on the PSN for the best game ever offered on the PSN.
WipEout HD (88% on Metacritic) just got insanely better.

Yep, it's awesome :) Eliminator on Elite is a blast and zonebattle is very cool too. Now I have to get my skills back, since I haven't played a while.

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Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory : 9/10

The only Splinter Cell game that I have finished. Or even gotten past the first mission for that matter.

Need for Speed Undercover : (I might have rated this before) -infinity/10
Good lord...


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Splosionman (XBLA) 7.5/10
Good fun, gets frustrating towards the end. Coop seems pretty fun, too.

TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (XBLA) 5.5/10
I wish it was more fun, but the traps in the levels are mostly just tedious and annoying (the pirate ship's traps actually made me angry), the bossfights are cheap and not fun. I regret getting this, even though I really wanted to like it.

Beautiful Katamari (360) 8/10
Frustrating controls but once you get the hang of it it turns into a mad dash for rolling up people and buildings and planets. Time limits on the challenges can be a bit tedious, but at the end you get rewarded with a 'freeplay' level to roll up a million+ kilometer katamari, which is AWESOME.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA) 8/10
Pretty awesome platform/RPG/action/exploration game. Takes a while getting into but once I was there I ended up losing track of time and wanting to explore more and more and more.
Mar 9, 2009
Vancouver, BC.
Left 4 Dead 7/10

It's a nice game i really liked it a lot in the first week but after that it starts to be boring... Playing the same levels over and over, I might try some of the add-ons Campaigns.

Plus there's an obvious difference between "Advanced" and "Expert" difficulty levels it feels silly on "Advanced" but very intense and fun on "Expert" and very harder than "Advanced" IMO... Though it's still cool to be played with some friends from time to time.

If anybody fancy some games my steam ID is: aCRaSSiCauDa :)


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island

I was going to make a thread about videogames that were too unpopular to put into their own thread, but then I remembered this thread.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 3/5 (Good)

Okay I haven't beaten this one but I've played enough to say that it pales in comparison to the first Prime. Still, it's a very beautiful and fairly cool game; I just don't like the gimmicky upgrades, leading-by-the-nose story, and the divided-into-pieces game world. Also, the controls, while great for a Wii game, could benefit greatly from some damn auto-targeting (the controls from the earlier GameCube titles were better). Good, but not great and not stellar like Super Metroid or Metroid Prime (1).


Wait, if you're here then that means...
May 11, 2008
Under the bridge downtown.
Mass Effect 2 - 9/10

negative parts

I hate some of the characters, Jack, Tali'Zorah, Jacob and Grunt. Most of the crew members personal missions are a complete waste of time and normally it shouldn't be something you'd risk your life/time on.

It's very obvious when there's going to be enemies shooting at you. It's almost always from a long distance (which makes the shotgun pretty much useless except for the 1 mission where you obtain Legion.) And there's always loads of cover between you and the enemies.

There are also some bugs you may experience while playing, I had to restart on 5 missions cause I got my character to stand in the middle of the air and there was no way to get down except restarting the mission.

positive parts

The story is fantastic, the graphics are awesome and most of the game is super fun to play. There's also a lot of different options within the dialogue, depending on what you choose in the dialogue. Some of the crew members will no longer talk to you and some members might just fall in love with your character.

In the end it all comes down to a final mission, depending on what crew members you pick to do what and what kind of loyalty you have with them and what kind of upgrades you have bought throughout the game some of them will die. If you do everything perfectly, then you may very well get out of there with the whole crew alive (I gotta say though, the final boss was a bit disappointing, while it was plenty cool it was also a complete pushover). And remember, you can use your save files from Mass Effect 2 in Mass Effect 3 . I had 4 of my crew members die in the final mission, Tali'zorah, Legion (was sad to see him die, I really liked that character), Jack (YAY!) and Samara.

All in all, Mass Effect 2 is without a doubt one of the best games from 2009 and I'm very eager to play the 3rd installment which is estimated to be available sometime in 2011.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
I was going to make a thread about videogames that were too unpopular to put into their own thread, but then I remembered this thread.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 3/5 (Good)

Okay I haven't beaten this one but I've played enough to say that it pales in comparison to the first Prime. Still, it's a very beautiful and fairly cool game; I just don't like the gimmicky upgrades, leading-by-the-nose story, and the divided-into-pieces game world. Also, the controls, while great for a Wii game, could benefit greatly from some damn auto-targeting (the controls from the earlier GameCube titles were better). Good, but not great and not stellar like Super Metroid or Metroid Prime (1).

This review doesn't make sense to me. How far are you into the game? What do you mean by "lead by the nose". I haven't played in roughly a year or so but I remember stopping shortly after beating the boss of the floating city and it definitely didn't feel like my hand was being held. Also there is auto targeting. I think there was 3 different aiming options. Manual for advanced players, full on auto aiming, and auto aiming that locks onto target, but can still move the target redicule for precise shots. You might want to check on your settings.
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