Unreal 3 xmp

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Nov 21, 2004
i hope that when the ppl realease Unreal 3 they will start makin xmp (expanded multiplayer). It was a great addition that had so many addicted ppl. if i had xfire on while i played xmp i probly would have over 500 hours, i loved that game like so many others did. the xmp community was huuuuger havin a bunch of servers but a bad master server which repeatedly died and probly cause many ppl to not play. there were a good amount of clans and ppl were playing it and having fun whihc is basically what games in general should be about with also some competition. the thing that made xmp take a major hit was utxmp. i dont have any problems or anything against fmi for tryin to make it an exact replica of u2xmp but the news caused many ppl to not play alot of u2xmp and even some to stop playing u2xmp and wait for utxmp. i just hope that the ppl taht make u3 make the right decision and make an xmp for it with same weapons and everything just new maps, and just convert the old basic maps (garden, nakoja, etc...) to u3 graphics.


Kill Xmp I Kill ¥ØÚ!!!
Aug 23, 2005
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) i have played u2xmp for 3years now it is the only game i have ever really enjoyed. Freemonkey made a utxmp and i was very disapointed. it just wasnt fun. u2xmp is the best game and nothing can compare. that is unless unreal3 makes one. that would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ausome.:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
nb_steel said:
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) i have played u2xmp for 3years now it is the only game i have ever really enjoyed. Freemonkey made a utxmp and i was very disapointed. it just wasnt fun.

I'm going to presume that this is a bot post, or someone trying to make trouble, but I will say this:



Nov 21, 2004
woulda been better if they tried it out themselves first and then fixed teh bugs they could find then release a beta. i mena to make so much hype and have it suck is alot worse thena beta.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004

BlueX said:
saw something about Unreal 3 single player like 2 months back. cant rmeeber exact addy tho. and who u calling stupid jackal u sucked at xmp.
BlueX said:
the thing that made xmp take a major hit was utxmp. i dont have any problems or anything against fmi for tryin to make it an exact replica of u2xmp but the news caused many ppl to not play alot of u2xmp and even some to stop playing u2xmp and wait for utxmp.


XMP was dieing LONG before UTXMP. So dont even try to blame it on that. Maybe like, 2 people stopped playing because they waited for UTXMP. But otherwise, it was normal. INFACT, UTXMP brought more people back/to XMP than there was in the past few months. Another thing, they ARE NOT, I repeat ARE NOT making an exact replica. Why don't you people understand this? It's been a year almost, and people still think "OMG this is the final product, WTF BBQ FMI SUX BAN!!!!111"

Iceboy2003 said:

You can't blame ignorant people Iceboy.

Ok. Also, wtf is this crap about Unreal 3 making it? Unreal 3 isn't anything....there is an Unreal Engine 3, but no Unreal 3. There will never be another XMP, due to the fact that Atardi closed down Legend (Legend made XMP). And now that Midway has taken over, XMP is not insite for anything other UTXMP. With all the asswipes that tell FMI they suck and are doing a bad job, I seriously doubt FMI will do another XMP on the UE3.
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Nov 21, 2004
i never said they sucked, i said it was a good idea but shoulda kept it secret until they had alot of bugs fixed out that would have been found by themselves or the beta testers. and heres a list of bug reports http://forums.beyondunreal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=527 just to prove that utxmp is very buggy even tho its been out a couple months all ready. and xmp was alot stronger b4 utxmp news came out, i kno a certain player that stopped playing u2xmp and wouldnt start playing xmp until ut came out and when it did he basically sstopped playing xmp alll together.
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BlueX said:
i never said they sucked, i said it was a good idea but shoulda kept it secret until they had alot of bugs fixed out that would have been found by themselves or the beta testers. and heres a list of bug reports http://forums.beyondunreal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=527 just to prove that utxmp is very buggy even tho its been out a couple months all ready.

Did I say you said they sucked? No. Also, they must be doing something right. As 2 of them have been hired by large game companies. Can't say which ones thou, but there ones that are making the games you will be playing in the next few years.

I know what FMI is doing. Im a beta tester for UTXMP as I was one for XMP aswell. Even thou this is hardly the place to get into this rant, there are only very few people working on UTXMP. I give them an A for effort and a B for the game they have done. There not finished yet, bugs will get fixed.

And in my opinion, they shouldn't have kept it secret. If they didn't say anything to anyone, do you think people would still be intrested? Many people left as it is. They chose to tell people (at least I would think they did) at a good time, when XMP was fading away.
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Nov 21, 2004
well if they ahd done better with the bug fixes more ppl would be playing it. i use the all-seeing eye for ut2k4 and i always check to see if there are ppl in the utxmp servers and i dont see a single person playing most of the time. and if the 2 of them are so good why are there still so many bugs. and u cant say i suck becuase i'm better then u. Sorry.
BlueX said:
well if they ahd done better with the bug fixes more ppl would be playing it. i use the all-seeing eye for ut2k4 and i always check to see if there are ppl in the utxmp servers and i dont see a single person playing most of the time. and if the 2 of them are so good why are there still so many bugs. and u cant say i suck becuase i'm better then u. Sorry.



Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
All I can add to the idea of U3XMP is that Epic has not ruled out Unreal 3 (they just aren't working on it at the moment), and nobody ever bothered to trademark the name "XMP" as far as I can tell... therefore the possibility still exists that -anyone- (not just Epic, or Midway, or FMI) could make a mod called U3-"XMP" based on UE3. It really might be pointless to make U3XMP, however, because the UT2007 'Conquest' gametype will already have many of the qualities/traits of XMP (see here http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=159589 and here http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=159584).
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Nov 21, 2004
unreal 3 xmp has a chance and will be sucessful because ppl are naturally curious and will try about 90% of the things offered to them. if enuff ppl help me get epic to atleast consider an unreal 3 xmp then i kno that those ppl are the real xmp lovers :)
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New Member
Apr 3, 2004
hey jack, i know a kid down the street that still believes in santa clause, if you want to crush everyone's dreams today. it's still early...

hope you are well <3 coon


Jul 13, 2004
[pet]raccoon said:
hey jack, i know a kid down the street that still believes in santa clause, if you want to crush everyone's dreams today. it's still early...

hope you are well <3 coon

R:lol: FLMA:lol:
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