A thread for spending currency only for greatly discounted electronic transactions

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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Steam mid-week madness:

Codemasters GRID $3.74

That's really cheap and I like a good car racing game but is it any good?

Also HD space requirements: 12.5 gig. :eek:

GRiD is awesome, especially for that price. It looks great, it plays great, and it has lots of content which, incidentally, is a good thing since it is now singleplayer only since CODEMASTERS took the MP servers down.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
GRiD is awesome, especially for that price. It looks great, it plays great, and it has lots of content which, incidentally, is a good thing since it is now singleplayer only since CODEMASTERS took the MP servers down.
O.k. You've convinced me.

For under $4.

I would spend more than that on a cup of coffee.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Credit to KaOTiK from the CAG forums for the following breakdown. I've highlighted my picks in red.

25% off
Bunch of Heroes $7.49 25% off
Dead Island $37.49 25% off
Rock of Ages $7.49 25% off
Space Pirates and ZOmbies $11.24 25% off

33% off
Cthulhu Saves The World/Breath of Death VII $2 33% off
Dead Horde $6.69 33% off
Dungeons The Dark Lord $20.09 33% off

40% off
FEAR 3 $29.99 40% off

50% off
Devil May Cry 3 $9.99 50% off
Devil May Cry 4 $9.99 50% off
Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime $4.99 50% off
Plants vs Zombies $4.99 50% off
Railworks 3 + Zombie DLC $19.99 50% off
Resident Evil 5 $9.99 50% off
Terraria $4.99 50% off
Trapped Dead $4.99 50% off

66% off
Atom Zombie Smasher $3.40 66% off
Burn Zombie Burn $3.40 66% off
Dead Space $6.80 66% off
Dead Space 2 $9.99 66% off

Dungeons $10.19 66% off
FEAR $3.39 66% off
FEAR 2 $6.79 66% off
FEAR 2 DLC $3.39 66% off
Killing Floor $6.79 66% off
Killing Floor DLC $0.67 66% off each

Left 4 Dead GOTY $6.79 66% off
Left 4 Dead 2 $6.79 66% off
Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake $2.37 66% off
Nation Red $3.40 66% off
SAW $6.79 66% off
Scratches $3.40 66% off
Silent Hill Homecoming $13.59 66% off
Zombie Bowl o Rama $3.40 66% off

75% off
Bioshock $4.99 75% off
Bioshock 2 $4.99 75% off
Borderlands GOTY $7.49 75% off

Borderlands $4.99 75% off
Borderlands DLC $2.49 each 75% off
Borderlands DLC Pack $7.49 75% off
Dark Fall Lost Souls $4.99 75% off
Dracula Origin $4.99 75% off
Ghostbusters The Videogame $2.49 75% off
Ghost Master $1.24 75% off
Haunted House $4.99 75% off
Overlord $1.24 75% off
Overlord Raising Hell $2.49 75% off
Overlord 2 $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Overdose $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Redemption $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Black Edition $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Resurrection $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Overture $2.49 75% off
RIP Trilogy $1.25 75% off
Sherlock Holmes The Awakened $2.49 75% off
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper $4.99 75% off
STALKER Call of Pripyat $3.74 75% off
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl $4.99 75% off
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines $5 75% off
Woody Two Legs Attack of the Zombie Pirates $1.24 75% off
Zombie Driver $2.50 75% off
Zombie Pirates $3.74 75% off
Zombie Shooter $1.24 75% off
Zombie Shooter 2 $2.49 75% off

80% off
Amnesia $4 80% off

Borderlands DLC Pack $7.49 75% off includes
All(4) Borderlands DLC $2.49 each 75% off

Dead Space Pack $16.99 66% off includes
Dead Space $6.80 66% off
Dead Space 2 $9.99 66% off

FEAR Collection $6.79 66% off includes
FEAR $3.39 66% off
FEAR 2 $6.79 66% off
FEAR 2 DLC $3.39 66% off
FEAR Extraction Point
FEAR Perseus Mandate

Killing Floor Bundle $10.17 66% off includes
Killing Floor $6.79 66% off
Killing Floor DLC $0.67 66% off each

Overlord Complete Pack $4.99 75% off includes
Overlord $1.24 75% off
Overlord Raising Hell $2.49 75% off
Overlord 2 $2.49 75% off

Painkiller Complete Pack $4.99 75% off includes
Painkiller Overdose $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Redemption $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Black Edition $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Resurrection $2.49 75% off

Penumbra Collection $4.99 75% off includes
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Overture $2.49 75% off

Railworks 3 + Zombie DLC $19.99 50% off includes
Railworks 3 $39.99
Railworks 3 Trans vs Zombies DLC $4.99

STALKER Bundle $8.74 includes
STALKER Call of Pripyat $3.74 75% off
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl $4.99 75% off


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I might get the Painkiller bundle. I know the other games are pretty crap but I guess I'm paying $2.50 for Black and $2.50 for everything else (less than $1 per game).


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Painkiller was fun but not great.


I could never find that on Steam.:eek:

STALKER SOC I never finished so I haven't played STALKER COP...................

[Edit] OK just nabbed Bioshock. Thanks for the heads-up Hal. Where's my coffee? :lol: [/Edit]
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

I could listen to that for 1:30 before realising the guy needs to get off the caffeine pills or amphetamines he's on.

The main Painkiller games was o.k. for me but one of the expansion packs (the one in the amusement park) was much better.

And yes; it did remind me of the original Doom in the way that you got spammed by tons of baddies.

It did look good.

Perhaps one day I will pull the box out and re-install it and have another go.

Someone needs to apply a fire-extinguisher to his tits he sounds like he needed to get that out before he went up in flames (totally).:D

[Edit]Stairway to Heaven? No./Edit]
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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I know those deals are from yesterday, but I must point out:

- Shattered Horizon = dead
- Wallace and Gromit = always wait to buy the Telltale Pack when it goes on sale if you're at all interested in adventure games and don't have many of theirs.