ArmA 2 finally CQB fiendly?

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New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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From what i read on the forum, this addons seems to really fix the cqb aspect in arma.

The freeaim being turned off in the video doesnt really impact that i think.


Feb 16, 2001
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I read the documentation of True Mods and although it looks interesting i still don't find myself tempted to get CO. Arma2 was a bit too dissapointing. STMovement works fine but i wish it was more extended and used real weapon/world collision.


Feb 16, 2001
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Even bought their new expansion (with the future PR beta in mind). The performance sucks HEAPS and movement is still clunky. I don't understand how a dev can put up with it.

Oh Arma.. What am i gonna do with you..

I reinstalled COD MW1 the other day. With all the **** games that are out there nowadays, this one actually comes closest to Infiltration in hardcore mode.


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Movement in Arma 2 feels like your wearing gravity boots and walking on the hull of a spaceship. Plus, their forum seems to filled with angry 10 year olds. And I don't think the "Mods" are much older. Obviously, BIS has no plans to change anything. I'm just waiting for CE3 now.


The Redbeardyist
Always felt like a puppeteer controlling a soldier rather than the soldier itself.
The player movement has always been the main reason I could never get into Arma 1/2.


This is actually one of the things I've been working on a lot with this bloody UDK thing I'm doing.
A smooth true first person view, with weapon collision, leaning etc.

Weapon hits wall and not sighted? Lower weapon.
Turn rapidly? Lower weapon.
Makes for smooth CQB experience, looks better and prevents spotting people because their weapon is clipping through a wall or other object.
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TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Arma 2 is a great infantry sim. Their flight sim sucks, but the infantry part is good. They just need to make movement realistic and let the character sleep off his alcoholic stupor.


Jul 31, 2011
Operation Flashpoint/Arma series was never meant for CQB. This engine (Real Virtuality) was written specifically with an open battlefield theme in mind. Basically at first it was just a clone of 1998 Delta Force game.

The maps were huge, but still most buildings were just poor imitations, and not real buildings. And like most of you write, their collission model and movement was weak from the very beginning.

That's why I much prefer engines like Id Tech and Unreal, or even CryEngine. They were built specifically for CQB initially, and they performed (and still perform) very well inside buildings.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
After all this time, I've *finally* joined this decade and tried Arma 2. I bought Combined Ops on Steam this week for $30, and of course 2 days later they strike the price down to $15. :mad:

Man, since the complaints about Arma 2 started on this forum I was always hoping they were somehow exaggerated and wrong. Unfortunately, you guys were right.

The Shacktac mod certainly helps, but something is still really screwy with Arma 2's movement system. There is a jog separate from sprint, but you still can't aim or shoot while jogging!? Being only able to walk with sights up is really shitty in a game where multi-mile distances between objectives are common place. You have to stay in hip/crosshair mode to retain any defense while moving, and even that is too slow.

It also sucks that jogging is on by default. As soon as you double-tap shift the movement seems twice as logical and natural, but having to double-shift every time you spawn or enter the game is really annoying.

We were really spoiled with INF's movement. I hate to say it, but even arcade shooters like R6 Vegas and Borderlands feel more natural and realistic in their movement than Arma 2. I'm still trying to get into the game, but it's clear that it's not exactly what INFers are looking for.


EDIT: Ok I feel like I solved my remaining issues with Arma 2 via the following methods:

1) I set my keys so I can switch to walking default by double-tapping ALT at the beggining of each round. It's a small change but for me it's a lot easier since I'm not using my pinky (and my crouch key) to do it.

2) I raised my fov from Arma 2's default ~68. This makes a huge difference, granting the situational awareness necessary to navigate CQB effectively, and making your movement appear faster.

3) I realized that expert mode removes the crosshairs (though you can also turn if off in your server settings).

After doing those 3 things, Arma doesn't feel any clunkier than any other tactical shooter to me. If any of you haven't done this (especially the FOV) then definitely try it! All that's left to do is for someone to scout arma's maps for locations that'd make good CQB missions, and then make some.
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