UT2kX Unreal II/XMP weapons mutator

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Jan 20, 2008
This mutator implements the Unreal II weapons from UTXMP to UT2004 and balances them. The mutator is fully customisable and suitable for online play.

The pack also includes Unreal II Power Stations mutator that replaces all health and shield pickups with power stations. Also includes Shield Reward that allows you to pick up unused shields from dead opponents.

News: The Release Candidate 3 released! If anyone had an older version, please upgrade immediately, because now RC2 is obsolete!

Changes from the RC2 version:
  • [RC 3.0] + Added Unreal II Power Stations mutator to the pack.
  • [RC 3.0] + Added Shield Reward mutator to the pack.
  • [RC 3.0] * Smoke grenades now impair bot visibility.
  • [RC 3.0] * Concussion grenades now impair player visibility.
  • [RC 3.0] * Concussion grenades now affect bot visibility.
  • [RC 3.0] + Added configuration options for the concussion grenade behaviour.
  • [RC 3.0] > Fixed Shotgun not appearing in any gametype.
  • [RC 3.0] + Bots now choose weapons using a smart system ported from Unreal II.
  • [RC 3.0] > Rewrote the bot AI for a few weapons.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Configuration no longer has presets, but instead uses a number box to set the strength of all weapons.
  • [RC 3.0] + Weapons now use shaders with specular and self illumination textures to make them shine and glow in the dark.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Removed the ambient glow from weapons to make them more similar to Unreal II counterparts.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Flamethrower primary fire now does more damage.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Flamethrower secondary fire now does less damage.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Incendiary grenades now do less damage.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Seeking rockets now do more damage.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Quad rockets now do slightly less damage.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Shotgun deals slightly more damage.
  • [RC 3.0] ! Napalm is now visible at longer distances.
  • [RC 3.0] + Added decals for Assault Rifle alt fire slugs.
  • [RC 3.0] + Rocket Launcher now shows which enemies the rockets are locking on to.
  • [RC 3.0] * Grenade Launcher now uses the reload mechanics properly.
  • [RC 3.0] * Reload animations properly reflect the time it takes to reload.
  • [RC 3.0] ! The Grenade Launcher now has a decreased firing rate.
  • [RC 3.0] * Turrets now fire from their barrels as opposed to the air above them.
  • [RC 3.0] * Rocket Launcher alt-fire now works properly online.
  • [RC 3.0] * Sniper Rifle's racer is now accurate online.
  • [RC 3.0] * Reloading animations of certain weapons work correctly online.
  • [RC 3.0] * Field Generator wall effect now looks correctly online.
  • [RC 3.0] * Weapons are now switched away when they have no ammo online.
  • [RC 3.0] * Fixed a bug that made the client think that it was firing the weapon, but not notifying the server.

My website, Alternative Mirror

UZ2 files for redirect servers:
My website, Alternative Mirror

Descriptions for individual weapons and the changes from the UTXMP versions:
(Legend: General Description: the uses of this weapon in UT2004; Primary fire: the effects of the primary fire; Alternate fire: the effects of alternate fire; Changes from UTXMP: What has been altered from the UTXMP release with the Optimised XMP configuration setting; Unreal II settings: How Optimised Unreal II is different from Optimised XMP; Alternative Option: How the weapon changes when the Alternative Options configuration is enabled (if applicable for the weapon); Known Bugs: Any known bugs)

Shock Lance Energy Rifle

General Description: Starting weapon. The Shock Lance Energy Rifle is a good-looking Izarian weapon that is enhanced with EMP technology. It isn't effective against infantry at all, but excels in taking out vehicles. Extremely useful in Onslaught - you will never again be helpless while the vehicles spawnkill you.
Primary fire: A dual stream of small, flashy, bouncy projectiles. Usually they deal only 5x2 points of damage, but when they hit a vehicle, it is disrupted and is pushed back. Can bounce off any surface multiple times (but never directly bounces off so you don't hit yourself) - good for taking out heavy vehicles that are round the corner.
Alternate fire: A Shock Ball, enhanced with electromagnetic technology. Slow and lasts only a few seconds before evaporating. Deals 34.2 damage to infantry, but due to EMP technology dishes out 5 times the damage to vehicles.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage; added UT2004-style EMP technology.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity.
Alternative Option: Makes the EMP Shock Ball last longer and deal more damage.
Known bugs: None.

Vulcan Flamethrower

General Description: Excellent mine layer in Deathmatch games and impressively effective close range weapon.
Primary fire: Throws flames. These flames not only look impressively, but also light areas, blind opponents and very rapidly burn the opponents to the bones. Those who get burned, but manage to escape, can still die of severe burns.
Alternative fire: Pours puddles of liquid napalm. The napalm bursts into flames after an explosive weapon sets it off, some time elapses or someone steps into it. Be very careful not to burn yourself.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity, faster.
Known bugs: When using the alternate fire, the floating napalm is not displayed.

Magnum Pistol

General Description: Very accurate, fast and deadly pistol. Use wisely, as the ammo is expensive and thus rare. Can headshot.
Primary fire: Rapid bullets. They deal 33 damage each, with double damage if hits the head. Very rapid, but the clip holds only 9 bullets.
Alternative fire: A burst of 3 bullets. They deal double damage, but are somewhat slower. Additional double damage if they hit the head, usually one burst is enough to kill the opponent.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage; The primary mode no longer requires you to release the mouse button (Unreal II style); added headshot ability.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity.
Known bugs: None!

Hydra Grenade Launcher

General description: Extremely effective against medium-range and close-range opponents if you hit them; very good for backing up in Capture the Flag matches. A very versatile weapon. If you don't know yet, the Grenade Launchers can throw both timed grenades and those which explode on impact. For the instant, tap to shoot, and for the timed ones, hold the trigger for a few seconds.
Primary Fire: Shoots a grenade. There are different types of them:
Fragmentation grenade. If you hit an unarmoured opponent with it, you get a frag, as it explodes on contact and deals 100 points of damage. Has a big explosion radius so good for clearing out crowds of enemies.
Smoke Grenade. Makes a huge shroud of smoke that is impossible to see through (and deals 5 damage on explosion). Very useful in Capture the Flag games as the opponents can't see the flag carrier. Works with bots, too.
EMP Grenade. Specialised for taking out vehicles. Deals 22 damage to infantry, 8 times more to vehicles (176) when used with Unreal II settings. Very effective against slow ground vehicles, such as Goliaths. Extremely effective against Paladins as the grenade itself, being relatively slow and harmless before ignition, isn't repelled by the Paladin's energy shield.
Toxic Grenade. As much as the EMP grenade specialises on vehicles, the Toxic Grenade specialises on infantry. It deals 85 damage on explosion and then constantly does 25 damage to infantry in the toxic area, but only 15 on explosion and 4.5 to vehicles. Very good for defending the flag in Vehicle CTF matches - you can drop a timed grenade and an instant grenade, then jump into a vehicle and be unharmed, as the enemy has to cross two poison fields.
Incendiary Grenade. It deals only 2 damage on explosion, but even 60 constantly and rapidly after it for a short time. Guaranteed death to any infantry if it goes into the flames. Even though it deals only 20 damage constantly to vehicles, drivers of unarmoured ones such as Manta or Scorpion will be just as doomed as infantry. It is also ultimately useful against immobile objectives such as Power Cores or Power Nodes.
Concussion Grenade. (You bet it, the great Concussion Jumps from UTXMP are included!) Even though this grenade is standardly is used for defence (it knocks out any enemies out of the area near the explosion and send them flying somewhere far, far away), and does that very well in Onslaught maps such as ONS-Torlan (if you kill an enemy, it respawns automatically, what to do? Send them flying!) or Vehicle CTF maps (stop the enemy from taking the flag!), it is also a brilliant attacking weapon. In Vehicle CTF matches, it can be used for clearing out the area around the flag and giving the opportunity to simply take it. But the best and the most impressive way of using it is to dodgejump and fire it somewhat behind you (maximum looking down) - this severs you (usually around 20hp, 8 from the explosion and 12 from the concussion effect), but you get the opportunity to literally fly around the map! As the players in UT2004 are lighter than in UTXMP, they fly even higher (but also take more damage). In ONS-Torlan, you can easily fly on top of the sniper tower in your base, or from there fly through half of the map. You take a lot more damage falling, though, so usually 2 concussion jumps are the limit (unless you take some health). The use of ShieldGun gives the opportunity to minimise the falling damage. You get a chance to configure whether to use the concussion overlay or not, with it being foolproof on servers.
Alternative Fire: Switches between grenade types. The current type is indicated on the HUD.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage; remade Unreal II behaviour.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity.
Known bugs: None.

Duster Combat Assault Rifle

General Description: A camel when it goes to carrying ammunition. When using Unreal II settings, it can hold up to 500 bullets (and 75 in clip). Can ricochet alternative fire slugs off any surface - good for taking out enemies that are round the corner.
Primary fire: Rapid bullets. Each deals 11-14 damage, Minigun style.
Alternative fire: Incendiary slug. Breaks to 5 ricocheting mini slugs on impact to a non-damageable surface. 50 damage if fully hits the opponent when using Unreal II settings.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage.
Unreal II settings: A lot bigger capacity, slower slug speed, more momentum transferred.
Alternative Option: Lets you fire from two barrels at the same time (Unreal: Return to Na Pali style).
Known bugs: None.

Crowd Pleaser Shotgun

General Description: Personal Deathmatch favourite. Extremely effective in close quarters.
Primary fire: Spread pellets, Flak primary style. 5-6 damage for each pellet, but as each shell holds 16 pellets, the final damage can be up to 96.
Alternative fire: More spread incendiary pellets. Deals more damage (7.3 each, totalled 116.8) , but spreads wider so only useful in close range. Burns out after a short time after shooting if doesn't hit anything. If it does, however, the player will be on fire for some time and will have their HP drained.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity, increased clip size and reload time.
Known bugs: None!

Shark Rocket Launcher

General description: The best massive destruction weapon. Do not use for close range targets. DM-Morbias plays interesting with it.
Primary fire: Rapid rockets. Each deals a whopping 110 damage, but holds only 5 rockets in clip, and the reload time is extremely long.
Alternative fire: Drunken rockets. They fly in somewhat random directions but to the same side as when fired. More useful when there is a horde of enemies, like in Invasion. If the trigger is pressed, crosshairs held on a target, the crosshairs indicate the target. After the trigger is released, rockets will strongly home towards the target.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity, increased reload time.
Known bugs: None.

Widowmaker Sniper Rifle

General Description: The best Sniper Rifle invented. Has a great enhanced scope that can zoom in and zoom out with the mouse wheel. Not good to use against vehicles.
Primary fire: Sniper bullet. Deals 70 damage, triple damage if headshot, 56 if hits a vehicle.
Alternative fire: Zoom scope on or off. The zoom is controlled by the mouse wheel, so you can zoom out as you wish as well. Zooms in more than usual snipers - you can even see the ammo pickups of the opposing tower in CTF-FaceClassic.
Changes from UTXMP: Renamed to prevent confusion; Reduced the amount of damage; added headshot ability.
Unreal II settings: Bigger capacity, increased clip size, decreased fire rate.
Known bugs: None!

Deployables are automated tools that run autonomously and help the owner to do certain tasks. All deployables are, like other vehicles, vulnerable to EMP attacks. They are deployed by throwing their modules on the ground. They are different from UTXMP version in that vehicles can not encroach them in any way, making friendly navigation a lot easier.

Auto Turret

Description: This turret is an automated defence made to help you defend your base from enemy attacks, but can be used in offence just as well. It has the same properties as the Combat Assault Rifle, 300 health and a limited field of view. Auto Turret is unique because of its accuracy and hitscan technique.
Changes from UTXMP: Same as CAR.
Known bugs: None.

Rocket Turret

Description: This turret is similar to the Auto Turret. The only differences are that it's stronger (has 500 HP) and fires rockets instead of bullets. They are very useful against slow moving targets, such as tanks.
Changes from UTXMP: Same as Rocket Launcher.
Known bugs: None.

Proximity Sensor

Description: A small device, capable of notifying people about any enemies that are found nearby. They are harmless, but very annoying, thus distracting opponents and allowing VCTF base defenders to find where the next enemy attack will be centred at. Bots also get annoyed by these. Proximity Sensors are now standard tools in the starting equipment.
Changed from UTXMP: It's not present in UTXMP.
Known bugs: None!

Power Station

Description: A stationary device that heals or replenishes your shields. The more time you take to stand in them, the more health or shields you will get. Also, the larger the station is, the more health or shields it will provide. The orange or teal parts on the stations indicate how much power the station has and therefore the amount of health or shields it can give. The power is recovered automatically over time. This is very strategic when used in CTF matches, since it requires the user to stop in order to replenish health or shields, making them vulnerable to enemy attacks. Bots also know how to use them properly.
Changed from UTXMP: The stations have a limited power supply, but don't take any team energy to operate.
Known bugs: None!

The mutator is fully customisable. You can disable/enable any weapon replacement, replace custom weapons or make anything else with it, with a few exceptions. You shouldn't change the starting weapon (Shock Lance Energy Rifle), and the weapon that replaces the Link Gun (Shotgun). These settings use custom coding that is not tested when changed. Enabling and disabling is fine.
There are several extra parameters: Alternative options enable the options that are stated above (in Alternative Option lists). XMP-style firepower makes the weapon feel closer to that of XMP rather than Unreal II. Firepower damping sets the overall firepower and feel of the weapons - the setting directly influences the amount of damage every weapon deals. Integrate with Shield reward allows you to choose whether the Shield Reward mutator produces UT2004-style shields or U2-style energy pickups. Concussion Grenade behaviour allows you to set the way concussion overlay is handled.

Unreal Tournament 2004.

The installation of this mutator is now as easy as of any other mutators on the web - drag and drop.

Additional screenshots:
Shock Lance:





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Mr. UglyPants

2007 never existed, it was all a dream.
Aug 22, 2005
Canada... eh
I remember EE having done a simliar thing a few years ago, but he never finished it, nice to see a full weapon set.


Jan 20, 2008
There was a beta release of xmp weapons by Sander Van Noort. But only the meshes were affected, the weapon fire modes were the same. Looked strange on weaponlockers as well...


Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
Great job, I've always wanted a mutator that uses a full set of U2 weapons. In fact I'm also getting the Super Skaarj Invasion mod that also includes the dispertion pistol :D

Only problem I had was with the flamethrower, it froze the game when I killed a bot with it. Might be cause the flame effects were too much for my low end PC, I don't know. But the UTXMP version didn't crash.

Other than that it works pretty good. Maybe you might include a Singularity Cannon to replace the Redeemer? ;)


Jan 20, 2008
I thought about it and I would, BUT I need the animations and possibly the emitter. If I would get those, I would surely do that.
By the way, the DP there isn't the real one too... If I would just get the proper animations (with the player gauntlets) I would make it better. But I can't find any.
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New Member
Mar 26, 2001
This is really cool, I'd always hoped someone would do this. But I'm having a few problems. I can't see any muzzle flashes, tracer fire, or flamethrower flames in first-person mode, and all the ammo pickups just a have a solid white texture on them.


Jan 20, 2008
Check if you have the 343T.utx package in your UTXMP/Textures folder and that it takes 513 KB of space. You might also want to copy it to your main UT2004/Textures folder. Also check if in your UTXMP/System the file XMP_RaptFX.u takes 134KB of space. If they don't, I can send these two for you.
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New Member
Mar 26, 2001
Hmm, it seems like I already had a 343T.utx in my main texture folder, but it was twice the size. I copied the one from UTXMP over, and it fixed the skins on the ammo pickups. XMP_RaptFX.u is the correct size, and I have one in both system folders. I'm still not seeing the first-person effects, I wonder if it's some kind of setting on my end...

EDIT: Actually, I am seeing the flamethrower flames, but they seem to come out just above my head, and they are only drawn spouting in one direction, regardless of where the gun is pointed.
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Jan 20, 2008
Aha, that's caused by a bad animations package. Replace the WeaponsK.utx from your UT2004/Animations to WeaponsK from UTXMP, do the same with Weapons3rdPK and U2Weapons3rdPK from my package.


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
Ah yes, that fixed it right up. Great mod, I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!

Anybody have any U2 maps converted to UT2K4? I have one assault map, and I know there's another one out there, but I can't find it.
Apr 11, 2006
Ah yes, that fixed it right up. Great mod, I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!

Anybody have any U2 maps converted to UT2K4? I have one assault map, and I know there's another one out there, but I can't find it.

Well, I don't know how much luck you'd have getting them to work in 2k4 proper, but there is the XMP conversion for UT2004, which has a number of maps.


Jan 20, 2008
Yeap. The mod the mutator requires is also a splendid Vehicle Capture the Flag version that I recommend playing, and it has quite a lot of converted Unreal II maps. Here's a tutorial (just the hack key is Enter or whatever you want): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD5AgCrwgko
Sammael, you have an assault map of Unreal II converted to UT2004? Link? :)
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New Member
Mar 26, 2001
AS-Obolus: http://www.mapraider.com/maps/?fileid=2225

It's by that same guy who made that other XMP weapon mutator, it's based on the part where the Atlantis has to land to make repairs.

I heard there was one based on the dam map, or something like that, but it was hosted on ut2003hq, like a lot of other cool stuff. I wish they'd bring that site back.