I have heard the most inane rote bitchery in this forum since its inception. "OH PLEASE, EPIC! PLEASE DON'T CHANGE THE GAME WE'VE BEEN PLAYING OVER AND OVER FOR SEVEN YEARS IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!" Jeezus, you guys can't handle new ideas? "Make the Sniper Rifle identical to the UT version!" "Oh, this flak cannon is too futuristic looking!" I'm Goddamned sick of it. Do you guys remember who these people ARE? This is EPIC. They've given us some of the best games of all time. Hell, that's why you're posting on BeyondUNREAL, right? You can't trust them to make some creative decisions? Whatever they make is going to be absolutely badass in some form, but you guys ostensibly can't trust them to do that.
Imagine if Epic took notes from Quake fans when making Unreal. "Oh, you can't have inventive guns like the ASMD or Bio-Rifle or Razorjack! Give us boring rocket launchers and grenade launchers and sh*t like that!" Epic's hallmark is packing a bunch of new and innovative stuff into every game they make. You guys say that Epic's not supporting the community? F*CK YOU. They've released their developer tools with every game they make. They want people to make mods! They want people to have fun (and incidentally to make money off these people at the same time). They want to foster a LOYAL FOLLOWING. Looks like they lost their grip on that one, 'cause a lot of you won't trust Epic with SH*T. It's beginning to seem like all you guys want is for Epic to re-release UT99.
No Skaarj? No Lightning Gun? No Assault? No Bombing Run? No Domination? WHO THE HELL CARES? Epic's gonna make a badass multiplayer FPS that's so full of new and awesome sh*t that it'll blow the competition and your haughty indignant expectations out of the water.
Shut up and wait for it. The Unreal series is some of the best fun you've had in video games since '98. Why should that stop now?
Imagine if Epic took notes from Quake fans when making Unreal. "Oh, you can't have inventive guns like the ASMD or Bio-Rifle or Razorjack! Give us boring rocket launchers and grenade launchers and sh*t like that!" Epic's hallmark is packing a bunch of new and innovative stuff into every game they make. You guys say that Epic's not supporting the community? F*CK YOU. They've released their developer tools with every game they make. They want people to make mods! They want people to have fun (and incidentally to make money off these people at the same time). They want to foster a LOYAL FOLLOWING. Looks like they lost their grip on that one, 'cause a lot of you won't trust Epic with SH*T. It's beginning to seem like all you guys want is for Epic to re-release UT99.
No Skaarj? No Lightning Gun? No Assault? No Bombing Run? No Domination? WHO THE HELL CARES? Epic's gonna make a badass multiplayer FPS that's so full of new and awesome sh*t that it'll blow the competition and your haughty indignant expectations out of the water.
Shut up and wait for it. The Unreal series is some of the best fun you've had in video games since '98. Why should that stop now?
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