I *had* to change the name for me to change the CAMMOs. If I change the name back Bastillestation Webadmin can not set the cammo.
This is what happened to me and NTBK. He asked me to change the cammos. I did it and did not think twice about it. Then a day later NTBK said when are you going to change the Cammos. So I just thought I did not save the new cammo settings.
Then while NTBK was on the server, I changed the cammo's, set WebAdmin to Bastillestation and clicked Apply. The Server re-started to Bastillestation with the new Cammo's. I thought good it worked. However when the server rotated back to Bastillestation the Cammo's where the defaults. It was strange but changing cammo's on Bastillestation would only work *once*.
Then I remembered that I changed the name of Bastille to Bastillestation by right clicking on it and chosing "rename". I did this to keep the beta map files different and from people getting mis-matches when connecting to GD Server during the test. After I re-named Bastillestation back to Bastille, the cammo's stayed put. You think I am nuts? Ask NTBK about it!
Vega-Don. Can you recomplie Bastille to like BastilleV2 or something? Not just a file name change like I did but a "what ever, you Mappers uses" to complie the UT/Inf Maps. If you do, PM me ASAP!!! I'll get the map on GD and going.