Respawns are essential to any game lasting more than 30 seconds.
If you want long, complex games, you must have respawns, and you must let people play. If that does not happen, then no one will join, no one will learn, and no one will ever give Infiltration a second chance. When matches can last for 20 minutes, people must be allowed to spawn back in.
I know exactly the feeling that ros is talking about regarding teamwork and lives. When you had one life, it was would not get a chance to play again if you died! Horror! However, the simplicity of the matches in the past made it possible. It was extremely simple. Get two people to a spot, and dat's dat. Now, you have to cross the map, do one or more actions, and escape. That cannot be accomplished when you have equal sides and equal lives, unless the defenders are immensely stupid.
With DTAS, you *did* have respawns, in a manner of speaking; you had 5-11 three minute matches. Every three to five minutes, you started another round, got another life. The only difference in EAS from DTAS was not everything was reset. I *like* having the claymore I placed 15 minutes ago to still be there when I walk by. I like being able have a friend drop smoke, and have it still be spewing when I come by later. I like persistancy. However, the only way to keep that persistancy is through respawns, multiple waves. It won't work any other way.
DTAS +RandomTeamSpawn (remember, the spawns were not DTAS controlled.) provided one thing that EAS has, and one it doesn't. First, it offers simple objective based gameplay. EAS/Spec has that and much more that simple single spawning is not possible. Second, it offered random gameplay. While random gameplay is not often seen in EAS missions, It can be done if the mapper decides to. Some maps do, most don't.
If you want tense gameplay, where everyone values their life, a single spawn will do it, but will ruin any chance of EAS working. Imagine a hypothetical EAS-Normandy with one spawn, one chance. No so much fun, eh? That's how I feel about every map like that. Infiltration is as real as it gets...apparently. No army, even one with limited resources, will decide it can only send one squad of four people to capature some special documents or blow up important installations. Single respawns begone, forever. Any server with a complete lack of respawns will never again draw my attention...I got plenty of that crap from the last two and a half years.
However, if you want people to be cautious with their life, the only way that will happen is by making them wait. Make them wait long enough that they won't know what's out there, and don't let them have a near zero chance to spawn instantly. Even better, have variable spawn times for each side, like could be set up in DropInINF. It'd have to be a new mutie, but if you could set it up so that each team spawns a minimum of some number, and maximum of some number, and randomly choose that number every time a spawn is signaled, you could not only have long times, but random times, making how long you spawn and your enemies spawn a question.
But that's just me.