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New Member
Dec 22, 2011
Streets of Rage 2


I really liked SoR better thou. Playing co-op is hell in that game coz u can get hurt by yer ally lol
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Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
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Streets of Rage 2


I really liked SoR better thou. Playing co-op is hell in that game coz u can get hurt by yer ally lol

It's hard to find, but if you can get a copy of the final Streets of Rage Remake (v.5 is the one you want), it's a SoR fan's dream come true.

It's a bit wierd because Sega knew full well that project was underway for years, allowing several releases before finally shutting them down, like, THE DAY v.5 was released.
It still had a chance to leak out to some places though.


XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way

While the game may be almost a decade old, I still find myself going back to this nostaglic spy shooter, and still as addicted to it now as I was when I first picked up the game about five years ago. Just a shame that Monolith's owned by WB now, so I don't think we'll see them getting back together with Fox for a sequel anytime soon. :(

It was a great mix of LOL moments, shooting enemy agents whilst they aren't looking, and the interactivity for that time was out of this world in terms of the stuff you could make Cate do in this game. Almost a perfect shooter. Just a shame that the graphics are too dated, and they don't support widescreen resolutions, and you do get those occasional MFC Client crashes from time to time when you try to load up a game. All in all, when the game works, it's a charm to play.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

Just started playing this but it looks great, it's more of what I love about this franchise and it's probably going to be one of those 9/10 games that soaks up hours and hours of my time.



Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Puke Nukem Forever.


I really only tried the muti-player because funk wanted me to have the Puke Nukem experience and after that, I don't think I ever want to play the SP or the game again.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Bioshock 2-9/10

What they've changed in this game from the first one hasn't detracted from the game at all. Like the first one it's hard to stop playing it. And another great storyline (which is unique in gaming).

It's great to be back in Rapture. Fear the power of Unreal technology!


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
World of Tanks 8/10 (value for money 10/10)

Free to play mmo with tanks. No storyline and No quests.
Select a starter tank, join a battle... earn experience and credits. Upgrade or buy a better tank. Repeat. :)

The tanks themselves are based on U.S, German, Russian and French tanks (or designs) ranging from the late 1930's to the 1950's with other nations to follow. They are broken down into tiers for match making purposes. The better the tank the higher tier it is put in.

Each tank is either a light,medium,heavy, tank destroyer or artillery. Each with its own role to play and requiring different tactics to counter.

E.g. Light tanks scout the battlefield, spot enemies for their team and try to pick on artillery.

A battle usually has 30 tanks (15 per team) spread over three or four tiers. They last for 15 minutes or until the enemy base is captured or all enemy tanks are killed.

The battles are set in a variety of locations. Desert, Towns, European countryside etc and the maps are well designed and about the right size for plenty of action without people getting lost for half a game. Also large enough to allow plenty of scope for everyone not to be falling over each other. Most seem to be around the one square kilometer mark.

Game play manages to be pretty tactical as well as providing a fair bit of carnage, with attacks, counterattacks and ambushes going on all over the place.

As it is well supported and has a very large player base you wont be searching for games to play or waiting around for slots to fill up. If you are more serious it also supports clans and tournaments etc.

Its not a sim but tries to be fairly true to the original tanks. The battles are third/first person (can be top down for artillery) and it is a lot of fun. The game can be a bit buggy and the match making system makes some odd choices occasionally but nothing game breaking. (for me anyway)

The game is easy to pick up but as you play more it becomes obvious it also has plenty of depth in the game play. For example each tank has its own armour values and a damaging shot depends on on where you hit it and from what angle and range. So a light tank may be easily swatted by a heavy if they meet face to face with the 'scout' being unable to hurt the larger tank. However if it uses its speed and maneuverability to get to the sides or rear it can wreak havoc. There is also a camouflage system to learn how to make the most of and team tactics for each map etc. On top of this your tank crews gain experience and skills effecting the performance of the tank they are in.

It is free to download and play though you can if you want spend lots of money on it in various ways. Bought stuff does not make you all powerful thankfully. It is mainly for limited edition tanks and to help you progress up the tech tree's quicker.

All in all, If you have ever fancied driving a tank this is worth a look.
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Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Saints Row: The Third


SR3 is an addictive and ridiculous game full of Baysplosions and really fun fighting mechanics. Basically everything you own/acquire can be completely customized making the game very personal if you want it to be. The main plot is alright but I don't think the point of the game is to play the SP and take it seriously, there's so much stuff to do outside of the main plot that you can spend all your time just driving around and never run out of missions to do.

There's even a few future DLC's that sound promising and if you buy the season pass, you get them automatically when they get released. :tup:


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
My old clan got into that one hardcore.
Last I remember the clan had 3-4000 active members and I think the WoT division was around 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire membership
They had to set up like 10 sub-divisions to manage everyone

Yeah it is very popular and I must admit to being a little hooked on it.

Best bit of it for me is that grinding involves shooting stuff with a very big gun :)


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
I keep seeing that game and I don't really understand it's popularity, it doesn't seem very engaging, or have any strategic or tactical or skillful depth. I know he said it does, but from the videos I've seen, eh.
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New Member
Feb 8, 2008
I keep seeing that game and I don't really understand it's popularity, it doesn't seem very engaging, or have any strategic or tactical or skillful depth. I know he said it does, but from the videos I've seen, eh.

It does. Drive your heavy tank straight at the enemy lines and it will be blown to pieces in a very few seconds.

Like most games of its type the tactics are down to you and your team mates.

You can just drive around shooting everything you see or you can work in conjunction with others such as 'wolf packing' with medium tanks to quickly overrun a tactically advantageous part of the map. Using your scouts as spotters for artillery or to lure enemy tanks into an ambush etc.

Also as each map has multiple routes to the enemy base or can even just be open fields. Deployment of your force is important. If everyone goes off in the same direction to try to bulldoze a flank it leaves you completely open for attack from over half of the map from a better deployed force while they hold you at a choke point.

As for player skill again yes it does. You need to know how to deal with individual tanks and there are many of them. For instance it is not easy trying to aim for a small weak spot on a tank rushing you at 50-60kmh across uneven ground from several hundred meters. There is an element of luck as different guns have different accuracies and damage dealt per shot is in a range not a fixed figure but if two equal tanks meet, the better player will win.
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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks 8/10

Had the game since 2009 and finally completed it the other day. First time playing it I made it about halfway, then dropped it for other titles so I ended up starting over because I had forgotten everything. 2nd time wasn't much better, but my 3rd time was apparently the charm.

The touchscreen controls work, but they can be rather cumbersome when trying to write notes, or play the rabbit minigame. Any type of writing will end up displaying about a quarter inch to the right of where you put your stylus. And no it isn't my screen since it doesn't exhibit this behavior else where. Sword play and just about everything else was spot on.

It borrows features from Phantom Hourglass in that you have a main "temple" that gets added onto the farther you get into the game. The phantom mechanic is also back, but more annoying since certain segments will have you controlling both yourself and the phantom.

The final boss was a major annoyance, not because it was a 4 phase battle, but because of the stupid decision to make a certain someone reset if they get hit.
Zelda is behind you gathering energy while you have to fend off Malladus's fireballs. If one hits her, she has to reset her entire sequence. This sequence is pretty damn difficult and without the upgraded spin attack scroll you get as a quest reward; I just don't see how you can do it.

Overall, the game is kinda slow starting and can be somewhat annoying if the touchscreen controls wig out on you. But in the end I did have fun with it and now I move onto the big dog which is Skyward Sword.
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Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 18, 2006
NOLF 2 is awesome - and did for storytelling in an FPS what Half-Life 2 supposedly did, but got there first, and did it better by far. The less said about the prequel the better.

Rayman: Origins: 9.5 / 10

Slick, beautiful and almost flawless. This may have been the best game of 2011, and I can't believe it flopped so badly.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
NOLF 2 is awesome - and did for storytelling in an FPS what Half-Life 2 supposedly did, but got there first, and did it better by far. The less said about the prequel the better.

When you say prequel, do you mean the first NOLF game or the third NOLF game? I only ask because I bought all three of them a couple years ago, played the first one for about an hour, and never went back to them.

Rayman: Origins: 9.5 / 10

Slick, beautiful and almost flawless. This may have been the best game of 2011, and I can't believe it flopped so badly.

No, I think the "Slick, Beautiful, Flawless 2011" award definitely goes to Bastion. Everyone should play this game.


All of the artwork is hand-painted (but sized and rendered at 1080p on PC.) The game also features destructible environments (well, mostly) and most of the animation is as smooth as any 3D polygonal animation. Not to mention the story, gameplay, and the narration, which all kick ass. This is probably my top pick of 2011. Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a close second and Skyrim would be third.
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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
When you say prequel, do you mean the first NOLF game or the third NOLF game? I only ask because I bought all three of them a couple years ago, played the first one for about an hour, and never went back to them.

Contract J.A.C.K. is considered to be the prequel to NOLF 2 and shouldn't be allowed to sit on the shelf beside NOLF and NOLF 2.


Feb 3, 2003
I need to finish Bastion, thanks for the reminder.

I also finished Duke Nukem Forever. 7/10

Ooh, controversy, it's not a terrible game! It was a fairly decent game with some flawed concepts, definitely patched together, but it still works somehow. The main things that bugged me were the weapon and ammo systems. Only two (or four!) guns at a time was ok by itself, but coupled with the fact that boss enemies only take damage from RPGs, pipe bombs, trip mines, and the Devastator, it meant that every boss had an ammo cache with some kind of explosive weapon nearby. What really made it hilarious was the five-rocket limit on the RPG. If you have to put a weapon cache by the boss anyway, who gives a shit what your limit is? It's not like you can use any other weapons to kill the boss anyway. Sheesh. Other than that, it was a pretty straight-forward shooter with some gimmicks to keep it interesting. Nothing ground-breaking but I never thought it would be (after about 2001 anyway lol). Each level was basically a set of scripted encounters. Enter area, fight bad guys who spawn in, combat music ends and there's one last guitar chord and you're done, save game and get ready to move on. Not a bad thing, really, just felt a bit dated and it made me realize how many games now make that a more smooth and natural thing, or even older games where it was just a level populated with a bunch of badguys. Anyway, that's my two cents. Take it or leave it.


Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 18, 2006
When you say prequel, do you mean the first NOLF game or the third NOLF game? I only ask because I bought all three of them a couple years ago, played the first one for about an hour, and never went back to them.

Contract JACK, like Hal says. That's an utterly terrible game. NOLF is a good game, NOLF 2 is one of my favourite games of all time.

No, I think the "Slick, Beautiful, Flawless 2011" award definitely goes to Bastion. Everyone should play this game.

All of the artwork is hand-painted (but sized and rendered at 1080p on PC.) The game also features destructible environments (well, mostly) and most of the animation is as smooth as any 3D polygonal animation. Not to mention the story, gameplay, and the narration, which all kick ass. This is probably my top pick of 2011. Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a close second and Skyrim would be third.

Did you even play Origins? Your post suggests you didn't, considering all the artwork is hand-painted, rendered in 1080p @ 60fps on consoles and the PC, and the animation is fantastic due to the solid rendering engine behind it (able to scale and rotate sprites rigged skeletally with no visible artifacts of any kind). Both DX:HR and Skyrim are great games, but painfully flawed and buggy-as-fuck.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Contract J.A.C.K. is considered to be the prequel to NOLF 2 and shouldn't be allowed to sit on the shelf beside NOLF and NOLF 2.

Contract JACK, like Hal says. That's an utterly terrible game. NOLF is a good game, NOLF 2 is one of my favourite games of all time.

Gotcha. Yeah, I figured as much. I gotta play those.

Did you even play Origins? Your post suggests you didn't, considering all the artwork is hand-painted, rendered in 1080p @ 60fps on consoles and the PC, and the animation is fantastic due to the solid rendering engine behind it (able to scale and rotate sprites rigged skeletally with no visible artifacts of any kind).

No, but




IMHO. I guess it's a matter of taste more than anything; I just prefer the oil/watercolor look of Bastion. I'll happily give Origins a try though. Do I need to play the previous Rayman games first, or is it okay if I skipped those?

Both DX:HR and Skyrim are great games, but painfully flawed and buggy-as-fuck.

Skyrim is a bit buggy, but I didn't encounter a single bug/flaw in DX:HR. What were you referring to specifically?
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