Good luck Ms. Palin.

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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
[PSI]Snow White;2194523 said:
The main street media can spin all they want, but most of those who watched IMO will say Sarah won.

You must be deaf, dumb and blind.

Palin didn't answer a question. In fact, she went out of her way to avoid them and let the moderator know that she wouldn't be answering them head on.

If you consider just getting by (regurgitating heavily memorized, finite information and talking points) a success, then I guess she was successful.

Where I come from, doing the bare minimum does not mean you won.


Feb 3, 2003
This just in: people watching the debates believe their candidate of choice won.

Details at 11.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
RE: Gwen Ifill's book

To be fair, I don't think we know that the book is PRO Obama. It seems to be a study of the progress of black politicians and she's said she hasn't yet written the chapter on Sen. Obama. It is kind of weird that it is supposedly coming out on inauguration day though and I'm certain that she's at least outlined the chapter given that the book has his name in the very title.

I have to say though that it's probably something that one attempting to assume a neutral role would want to reveal to the debate commission. I'm pretty sure they could cough up a moderator that wasn't writing a book about either one of them.

In the end though, it was probably a non-factor.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
To be fair, I don't think we know that the book is PRO Obama. It seems to be a study of the progress of black politicians and she's said she hasn't yet written the chapter on Sen. Obama. It is kind of weird that it is supposedly coming out on inauguration day though and I'm certain that she's at least outlined the chapter given that the book has his name in the very title.

I have to say though that it's probably something that one attempting to assume a neutral role would want to reveal to the debate commission. I'm pretty sure they could cough up a moderator that wasn't writing a book about either one of them.

In the end though, it was probably a non-factor.

I agree that the moderator was a non-factor. The questions were fair, and she stuck to the format. The new format keep the conversation more directed, but it wasn't as interesting. It also added a strange element of strategy that Biden exploited well. If the time for that subject was running out he could say whatever he wanted and Palin couldn't respond. For instance when Biden mentioned that McCain wouldn't talk to the president of Spain. That's the second time that this claim has gone unchallenged in the debates.

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
... For instance, many accuse her of changing the subject, and just talking about what she wanted to. I felt that this was actually a very positive strategy for her. If she had not done so Biden would have been able to dominate the direction of the debate...

Imagine that McCain and Palin win the election and, Jeebus forbid, McCain dies. And then Russia decides it wants to invade some non-NATO, eastern European nation. And we have a debate/negotiation with one of Putin's puppets....

Putin's Puppet: If we leave Genericistan will you remove your missiles from East Genericistan?
Palin: Gosh darn it, you betcha I'm not going to answer your questions there. Let me tell you about my energy experience....


The person who should have "dominate the direction of the debate" was the moderator, and she should not have tolerated any deviation from the question at hand.
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Living Legend (and moderator)
Nov 21, 2000
New York
I've said this of Bush, and it stands true of these candidates.

Putin(thick Russian accent) "Why could we not have had these idiot capitalist leaders when Soviet Union was strong?"


Rattus Norvegicus
Jul 17, 2001
[PSI]Snow White;2194635 said:
:lol: Biden wasn't even in control of his eyes. He wouldn't look at the camera. BTW, Whats the deal with his eyes? They looked cemented shut. :eek:

I am sorry but you are a complete moron. You're the type of person who probably didn't vote for George Bush because, "He looks like a chimp omg lol!" or maybe you didn't vote for Kerry because, "He looks like a horse rofl!"

But I'm sure now that we have a superficial bitch who can reflect (according to your values) how all women should look, act, and think - hey, why not have free breast implants and liposuctions for all? Since that's what REALLY matters.

I can tell you've probably had your fill. Try not to purge yourself on the way out.


Feb 11, 2000
I watched most of the debate because I didn't have anything better to do. It was somewhat entertaining, actually. Points:
1. People that say "dog-gone it" scare me.
2. The most annoying thing in the whole debate was Palin desperately trying to call McCain a "Maverick" whenever mentioning him. Sheesh.
3. I really hope no one in America actually cares about the candidates' personal lives.
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