You want a better ut3? ok then.......

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Aug 12, 2001
Unreal 2 didn't ship w/ mp. Some may argue that Legend was pressued to remove it speculating it would divide the mp community between 2k4. XMP was fun but unless it comes in the box it won't get much more exposure than a popular mod.


Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
UT is the spin off.

Imo if Epic had stuck with a solid single/multi player game the Unreal franchise would have a much larger playerbase than today by covering more of the market and appealing to a vider audience.

Hey, At the time Unreal Tournament gained a lot of popularity, maybe even more than Unreal. That was one of the best times to have multiplayer shooters. How the hell are they supposed to see in the future and find that there will be a focus in SP.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
I can't say i agree with that. Most decent sequels expand the universe of the original...
Ahh, i need to reword my previous statement. I agree with this completely. What i mean is, I'm fine with sequels expanding the universe, if they don't, there is no point getting them. But i think that expanding the universe to a degree that takes a game a bit to far from the original should be left to spin-off games.

This is where i am at a contradiction: UT3 in terms of gameplay is not that different to previous games in the series. Generally the same guns, vehicles and whatnot are present.
And gameplay is what counts right?
Which is funny because i think this game should not be called ut3 just because of the story.
So, the story is too out there, but the gameplay is as close as it can be.
Whether or not it should be called ut3 depends on whether you value a games story higher then its gameplay. Currently I can't decide. :lol:
If we're talking something like Unreal 2, which only paid a passing glance to the original Unreal, I'd understand the viewpoint, but I think UT3 is tied well enough to not only UT, but to all the games in the series that came before, in one way or another, that it deserves the branding.
I suppose so, it is as UT as it's ever going to be. The only thing that isn't "UT" is the story. As i said above: Whether or not it should be called ut3 depends on whether you value a games story higher then its gameplay.


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
That's the thing, though, there is a lot in the story that has to do with the Tournament. The plot may not have to do directly with the Tournament but it does take place pretty much directly adjacent to it, which is close enough for me.

I think it's just a difference in opinion at this point.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
What you say is very true, A lot of the story references other ut's and everything. The only thing is that it ISN'T close enough for me. :lol: It would be close enough if there was a tournament mode SOMEWHERE in ut3. No changes other then that would be necessary in order to change my opinion.

It is indeed a difference in opinion. I'm actually quite happy that for once, people can acknowledge this fact and let it be, instead of flaming the person and the opinion simultaneously.
The rest of the internet take note! lol

Anyway, so far its been a good discussion - much better then i expected. Obviously Beyondunreal is the great community that everyone says it is.
I know all that is a bit OT but hey, i had to say it. GG BU!


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
It would be close enough if there was a tournament mode SOMEWHERE in ut3. No changes other then that would be necessary in order to change my opinion.

Instant Action ;)
But seriously, if we can figure out how to mod the SP map list, we might be able to make a custom SP storyline that takes place during the Tournament. Could be an interesting mod project.
A lot of it is just the context behind it all. There's an ini file that, I think, will let you change the map descriptions. The toughest part would probably be changing the SP interface so it showed a ladder-type format instead of the planet image.
Some of the 2k4 conventions, like treating injuries, trading players, and managing finances (which I really didn't care for, personally) would be trickier, but the Ronin team should stay together, I think. It might be interesting to follow what Epic had suggested earlier, where the first part of the game would take place during the Tournament, until the Necris invaded, and from that point on you'd be fighting them...


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
UT3 in terms of gameplay is a lot different than previous UT games. It's all in the details.


May 24, 2004
San Diego, California
www. .
Instant Action ;)
But seriously, if we can figure out how to mod the SP map list, we might be able to make a custom SP storyline that takes place during the Tournament. Could be an interesting mod project.
A lot of it is just the context behind it all. There's an ini file that, I think, will let you change the map descriptions. The toughest part would probably be changing the SP interface so it showed a ladder-type format instead of the planet image.
Some of the 2k4 conventions, like treating injuries, trading players, and managing finances (which I really didn't care for, personally) would be trickier, but the Ronin team should stay together, I think. It might be interesting to follow what Epic had suggested earlier, where the first part of the game would take place during the Tournament, until the Necris invaded, and from that point on you'd be fighting them...

I'd rather make a game that takes place JUST before the creation of the Unreal Tournament... Didn't a big war happen of a sort? Have a REAL assault in which the Skaarj actually set foot onto Earth after a failed human attempt to sabotage their mothership! Then there'd be Gears of War+PlayerDesiredFeatures. And better music damnit (steal it from Vegas 2?)


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
UT3 in terms of gameplay is a lot different than previous UT games. It's all in the details.

It's different, true, but it achieves its uniqueness by refining elements of the previous games. So it's different but similar at the same time.

I'd rather make a game that takes place JUST before the creation of the Unreal Tournament... Didn't a big war happen of a sort? Have a REAL assault in which the Skaarj actually set foot onto Earth after a failed human attempt to sabotage their mothership! Then there'd be Gears of War+PlayerDesiredFeatures. And better music damnit (steal it from Vegas 2?)

Yeah, the Skaarj War.
As I understand it, though, the assault on the Mothership was successful, and led to the end of the War...

I can't say I'm at all a fan of putting Gears of War in Unreal trappings with R6V2 music, though. That sounds like a horrid abomination...

The creation of the Tournament was a gradual process. Miners in deep-space asteroid mines became restless and eventually violent, and when regular disciplinary processes failed, Liandri decided to let them vent their aggression on each other in free for all blood matches. The fights grew as a sort of underground thing, swiftly gaining in popularity. Somewhere along the line the Skaarj War ended, but the Tournament slowly grew into a sanctioned event and so on...
There's plenty of opportunity for dealing with the early days of the Tournament, though, and it's certainly a time period they haven't dealt a whole lot with yet.

They've also got some established characters that they could expand on. Lauren's history, the events leading up to her joining the Tournament, could make an interesting story, for example.
Last edited:


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
Had anyone heard of Izinagi before UT3? I hadn't, but I haven't delved too much into UT mythos. I guess i'm just a Liandri shill.

They where originally a corporation in Unreal 2 that terraformed planets and where after the Tosc Artefacts. They employed Mercs in power armour called Ghost Warriors for their colonial operations.

Ever since they've been mentioned in little pieces in UT2k4, UC2 and UT3. For example, the Spidermine gun is an Izanagi designed weapon.

In general, I think the Unreal series needs another singleplayer game to flesh out the story.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
It's different, true, but it achieves its uniqueness by refining elements of the previous games. So it's different but similar at the same time.
I agree in many ways, but in many other ways it has some very stark differences to previous games. The greater problem is that they aren't really noticeable on the surface.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
Instant Action ;)
But seriously, if we can figure out how to mod the SP map list, we might be able to make a custom SP storyline that takes place during the Tournament. Could be an interesting mod project.
A lot of it is just the context behind it all. There's an ini file that, I think, will let you change the map descriptions. The toughest part would probably be changing the SP interface so it showed a ladder-type format instead of the planet image.
Some of the 2k4 conventions, like treating injuries, trading players, and managing finances (which I really didn't care for, personally) would be trickier, but the Ronin team should stay together, I think. It might be interesting to follow what Epic had suggested earlier, where the first part of the game would take place during the Tournament, until the Necris invaded, and from that point on you'd be fighting them...

yeah, that would be cool. :tup:
My arguments are starting to get trivial, but i still think that epic should provide the tournament story while mod teams focus on other things.

UT3 in terms of gameplay is a lot different than previous UT games. It's all in the details.
it is a lot different. But all things considered, it still feels "UT". We have the traditional loadout with a few tweaks. ALL the previous vehicles and some new ones. really, it is close enough to previous ut gameplay when you think about how close the ut3 plot is to previous ut plots. (Unreal one to unreal 2 would be a good example here too, but it's a bit tangental)


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
I agree in many ways, but in many other ways it has some very stark differences to previous games. The greater problem is that they aren't really noticeable on the surface.

I think that's the biggest issue as far as popularity. Pretty much all of the reviews that I saw said it was exactly like UT2004, just with better graphics, which simultaneously made casual fans think nothing had changed, and pi**ed off 2k4 fans who actually noticed the changes.

What I would like to see is more appreciation for subtlety among reviewers and the casual crowd, but since that's not going to happen I'm not sure what to do. One option would be for Epic to continue to make each new title drastically different from each one before, so the reviewers can say it's kinda' slightly different, or for Epic to continue to refine what works and make smaller changes, which would reduce or prevent the near-rebuilding of the community each time, but lead to the general conclusion that they never do anything different.

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
I think that's the biggest issue as far as popularity. Pretty much all of the reviews that I saw said it was exactly like UT2004, just with better graphics, which simultaneously made casual fans think nothing had changed, and pi**ed off 2k4 fans who actually noticed the changes.
That's because the reviewers are idiots. It plays nothing like UT2004. :rolleyes:

Yet another reason not to take IGN and Gamespot seriously, kids!

Bishop F Gantry

New Member
Aug 18, 2004
*Cough* Unreal 2 *Cough*

Ahem yes a solid single and multi player game, something Unreal2 isnt.

Hey, At the time Unreal Tournament gained a lot of popularity, maybe even more than Unreal. That was one of the best times to have multiplayer shooters. How the hell are they supposed to see in the future and find that there will be a focus in SP.

Well having a good single player game is a good way of techdemoing your engine, aswell leaving open the door for a much larger playerbase, or do you consider cutting of 50% of potentinal buyers as a good idea?

I'd rather make a game that takes place JUST before the creation of the Unreal Tournament... Didn't a big war happen of a sort? Have a REAL assault in which the Skaarj actually set foot onto Earth after a failed human attempt to sabotage their mothership! Then there'd be Gears of War+PlayerDesiredFeatures. And better music damnit (steal it from Vegas 2?)

Skaarj never managed to deploy their full invasion force, however what they managed to drop onto Earth required Leviathans just to flush out dug in Skaarj positions.

It would be nice to see the Skaarj fleshed out and done properly, Skaarj weaponary to Skaarj vehicles and Skaarj servant races not to mention the Skaarj themself.

Unlike Unreal2 where you got to see 3 Skaarj and a Monkey.

Going in circles is fun

I think it was Unreal 2 that introduced all of the factions in the unreal universe

barely mentioned with minimal info and no variation, you got the light/medium/heavy armor, all factions using the same weapons, making them plain and indistinguishable, sure the armor looked nice but there was no diffrence in their behaviour or use of equipment. Well Skaarj forgot to bring their own weapons or pretty much anything they have.

They where originally a corporation in Unreal 2 that terraformed planets and where after the Tosc Artefacts. They employed Mercs in power armour called Ghost Warriors for their colonial operations.

Ever since they've been mentioned in little pieces in UT2k4, UC2 and UT3. For example, the Spidermine gun is an Izanagi designed weapon.

In general, I think the Unreal series needs another singleplayer game to flesh out the story.

Imo the franchise needs a good singleplayer game with a decent storyline and a good multiplayer experience thats interchangable and with an ability to play the singleplayer cooperative online or offline without having to separate the gameplay between single/multi.

UT3 has a terrible storyline, bad singleplayer and weak multiplayer.

I think that's the biggest issue as far as popularity. Pretty much all of the reviews that I saw said it was exactly like UT2004, just with better graphics, which simultaneously made casual fans think nothing had changed, and pi**ed off 2k4 fans who actually noticed the changes.

What I would like to see is more appreciation for subtlety among reviewers and the casual crowd, but since that's not going to happen I'm not sure what to do. One option would be for Epic to continue to make each new title drastically different from each one before, so the reviewers can say it's kinda' slightly different, or for Epic to continue to refine what works and make smaller changes, which would reduce or prevent the near-rebuilding of the community each time, but lead to the general conclusion that they never do anything different.

Uhhh every UT title is drasticlly diffrent from the previous version the closest to similar is "Unreal1+Re Na Pali" and "UT2003/UT2004" respectivly.