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New Member
Nov 15, 2001
K im a bit nervous about releasing this in its state but i need feedback and any tips I can get about it.
There is no readme yet so ill just post it here for the beta.

This is my first map and Its me learning the editor.
I used Angelheart textures my first go round with a few stock INF ones as well.Also borrowed Agelhearts Trench brush and some of the textures that went with it.
The tree house was a prefab i found on line but i cant remember who made it.It wont be in the final and same goes for Angelhearts trench brush(god bless him).
The full version will have 100% custom textures(just figured out the correct way to reduce palette and size in PhotoShop)and my own brushes.
Like I say,its just me learning the editor.

It started with a Beta map i saw in the test forum but never heard about it again.I started with the terrain and ,err borrowed?, the tree ideas from DM-Platoon.
The leafs on the trees are only going to be in the beta,as i have a new way of doing them that looks better.
This map isnt even zoned yet and its a bit R speedy in some spots.

I need help on ligting,tricks or tips anyone can give me.

The bots suck and its realy hard to get them to leave the base(if they get out of the base there ok).

Some older spec systems lock up at high texture detail(if you have old vid card please only use medium world texture detail).

Feel free to rip it apart.Dont be gentle,I can take it.

(If left click doesnt work trie rite click save as)

DM-ContraJungleBeta to your UnrealTournament/maps folder.
JStextures to your Unrealtournament/textures folder.

For this just Unreal editor, Terraedit,with Photoshop for the Terrain .
But I am now also learning Maya Deep Paint.
Now that I know a little bit more about the UT editor I will be incorperating all these tools for maps I produce.

Angelheart - His movie theme maps cought my attention early on and he IMHO revolutionized the realistic mapping community.

BadKahrma - His sense of realistic scale and clean modeling skill inspired me from the get go.
Check out his work.

Oh and of course,David Lynch(although not a game designer,without whom I would never have known what true art means)

And thanks to all who have contirbuted there time and energy to these forums.I owe all you guys.Although I have never posted here I have read anything that has anything to do with mapping here.
Thanks all.

Please post comments here or contact me

J .Simon
Last edited:


Just mute, dammit!
Sep 11, 2001
Can't check out the map. Dunno if geo cut off access becoz of bandwidth, or it's just busy, or what. :(

Did you look into running this through the RealMaps beta routine?


Jun 6, 2000
Visit site
I havn't opened ued for about 3 months(no more motivation) but I have a recomendation...

the poly count looks like it may not get too high anywhere...and the sheet(it took about a minute to think of the word sheet...thats how long its been since ive opned the editor) looks really out of place...

I recommend you take it out and put a terrain brush up there in place of it and just move some of those verteces around to make it look less flat.


New Member
Nov 15, 2001
Thats a bloody good idea,replacing a terrain brush instead of the sheet.
Il play with that.I was looking for dif ways of makeing it more of a jungle canopy and that sounds like the best route .
I was never happy with that sheet.
I wanted to create the effect of those great movie shots were the camera pans up to the trees and the sun peering throught the dense foliage.

As for the download problem ,its prob exceeded but I will post some mirrors tonight.

Im not sure about the poly count but Ill do a check and post it when I get some mirrors.I dont think its that high though but will check.

Thanks guys and keep the great ideas flowing.


Infiltration Germany
Feb 19, 2001
I tried to download the map, but all links don't work....

You say you don't have any costum Texture-Packs yet, could you mail the .utm - file to me? Mail-Address



New Member
Nov 15, 2001
Thats odd.Seems to work on my end.
Maybe trie again and make sure to save target as(for geocities links only).
Ill get some one to test them out but Im pretty sure there OK .

As for the .UTX file..
Well most of them are included with DM-Trenched by Angelheart and I think you can get it from......
Any others were from the INF 2.86 stock textures and are just temp for now.I just bundled them together because I wanted to learn how.

I didnt do custom textures because I just didnt want to get into it at first.
Mainly I just wanted to get used to the UTed interface and learn it up and down.
Now that I have I plan on recreating this map with all new textures and prefabs.
If you come up with anything cool Ill be glad to check it out though.Need some good Camo net and sand bags.
LMK if mirror problem persists.


Infiltration Germany
Feb 19, 2001
OK, worked this time. I'll test the map as soon as i have time, first glance seems quite well :)


Sweet Merciful Crap!
Jan 25, 2001
Played it

I got lost just like I would in the jungle. Just a few things I found(don't have to listen to my dumbass:)):

-The tree with the spiral staircase has a bsp error. I had to crawl under it, then it killed me on the way out.
-In several spots, I was able to go above the tree line, it was odd. Not really a problem, just weird, sice it's just a sheet.
-The lights for the maps look odd with the landing light doing the lighting. Maybe a lantern, or an overhead light. Maybe also scale the light cone to fit the light source.
-Next to one of the spawns, I noticed a slab of earth hanging in mid air. Just cosmetics:)

Everything thing else seemed good. Doing a jungle with the unreal engine is a task I'd never take on. My friend tried it, and it never looked right, so he quit. Don't quit. But just realize that it may not look "right". Not quite sure how to word that. So don't take offense. It's a hard thing to make, keep it up, it looks good so far. Good luck,



New Member
Nov 15, 2001
Thanks Jayman,and you is no dumb ass.
Found that staircase prob and it is a build error.I think im going to do it a lttle diferent for final.
I used the tarquin brush builder so it was kinda experimental.
Man aint kiding about how hard it is constructing a jungle map.
But I learned much.


New Member
Nov 15, 2001
Im working on a test now.
Im just starting to get a handle on terraedit so my terrains wont be so crazy.The one I used for the ground is way to complicated and i have decided to tone it down some.Couldnt find many tutorials for terraedit so I sorta had to figure it out as i went.
Anyone know were I can some tips or tutorials on terraedt?
Ill keep ya posted.
Just grabed the mesh converter as well and you can be sure im going to utilize that for the final.

Thanks Funk

Love your work.

Oh and hey Jayman? Just had a blast on your new map "trapped".
Outstanding work.


New Member
Nov 15, 2001
Yep thats the map that inpired me.
I recreated the leaf sheets in UTed and they were really just a lesson in trying to recreate geometry in the editor,also my frst lesson in working with sheets.I remember reading Platoon had been done with 3d max and I was just curious if I could create sheets with 3 sides in the editor.I also scaled the trees larger then Platoons but the geometry is very un clean because the trees and leafs were the first models I ever built with the editor.
I also replaced the sheet idea with a terrain brush for my roof (with all new textures)and am working on that as I type.I have started it from scratch.Only the terrain brush and bounding box still remain.I also discoverd Nendo (lite 3d modeling prog) and have designed my own tree ,trench and bunker prefabs.
Again,it was just me learning how to build stuff so I just used some of your ideas as a template.
I promise I never planed on using these models or textures and they will not be used in the final.
But your map was definitely the spark for this one and I hope I havnt steped out of line.If so please forgive me,it was only out of admiration for the work you did.