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Dickhead Fulfilled!
Feb 15, 2001
I agree with this article. Also, I'm not even going to start laughing at Canada's "military".

What happened to Storm? Haven't seen him for a couple days.


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
It's time for Congress to do its duty and stop enjoying the benefits of all the pork this obsolescence and redundancy provides. If the Army can't change with the times -- as the powerful horse cavalry generals couldn't just prior to World War II -- then it should fold up its tents and turn the ground-fighting mission over to the Marines



The Grand Elitist
Dec 24, 1999
Jeez, so much money is wasted in the US military due to redundacies.


[AFA]'s unoffical godfather
Apr 4, 2001
United States of America
There are some very good blokes in the Army. But let me tell you of one I met in Fort Bragg, NC.

I had been in the field for olny about two weeks when I get the chance to drive to mainside. I enter the convenience store, anxiously awaiting a nice cold Pepsi. In front of me, on line for the ATM, is a soldier, chatting away with one of his buddies about how much the field sucked and how glad he was to be out in the "real world" again. His buddy asks him, "How long were you out there, man?" The guy replies, "Four days." His buddy gives him a look of shocked horror and says :"Man, the Army sucks."

BTW, a moment later I notice the way this guy is dressed. A brown T-shirt, blue shorts, and Scooby Doo slippers. You know the big ass ones that look more like stuffed toys than foot wear?

I was disgusted. Why would I be disgusted at just one simple individual?. The same reason we Marines feel shock, horror, and disgust whenever we hear that one of our own had disgraced our name. This soldier did not care at all. Selfism at it's best.

However, again, there is still enough old school left in the Army to allow it to pull its head out of its ass when needed. The problem is, during the Clinton years, he bogged them down with so much senstivity crap, the soldiers are no longer professional killers. But damn they can make that gay dude feel better when he stubs his toe!

Again, soldiers, Marines, sailors, are not trained to be nice people for a reason. Because we on occasion, need to go kill some muthaphuckas somewhere.

[edit] Colonel Hackworth has been saying this kind of stuff for years now. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the press he deserves, because he isn't media "mainstream" (read: liberal)
As much as I had my heart heart set on joining the Army and going into the Airborne, after I read a few of Hackworth's articles I had to change my plans to Marines. Sensitivity training? I want to be a professional killing machine, not a damned kindergarten teacher.

BTW, read Hackworths autobiography About Face, or (if you are a illiterate motherfucker like poaw) read the short version Brave Men. Some real good shit in there.