UnrealEd won't start up

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Mar 29, 2001
Portland, OR
Visit site
i made NO motifications whatsoever to my system, yet one day later unrealed crashes with "Threed32.OCX is not registered or installed" or something. i checked my windows/system directory, and i do indeed have threed32.ocx.

my specs:
p3 866 384mb
windows ME
unreal v224 (226 crashes in opengl)

ill give more info if necessary.

can someone help me? :(
the fix that Blaze-22 told you about is for UnrealEd one. If you have GOTY edition or 436 then you will have UEd 2.0 so the patch wont do anything. all i can say is reinstall or repatch 436 as that will reinstall just the editor (and a few other things) and not waste time doing everything else.