Cheating during the DTASAL

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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
This is a copy of my original post:


Today, Neabit release information proving that some members of the MDC/TW team cheated during the DTASAL.

After reviewing the posted information very closely, I am now convinced that this actually happend. I have no reason to think otherwise at this point.

Considering this information, and considering that one of the players involved, Taque, has been part of TW since day one, It is with a lot of reget that I have to remove MDC/TW from this league completly. With this, I am now considering *every* match MDC/TW played, without any regards to who played on the actuall team, invalid.

Failing to find any actual evidence of cheating myself and not recieving such evidence from other (until now), I could not take any action against the players involved. It is very sad that this factual informations comes out only now.

That being said, I would like to give my deepest appologies to all DTASAL teams and to the Infiltration community in general. Supporting cheaters and letting them play on our team was never our intention and we (myself and other team members I have spoken to) find it very regrettable.

I just hope that at this point our appology will be heared and accepted.

JgKdo/UMC and N1, you are now officially in first place for the DTASAL, MDC/TW being now removed from this league. I am sorry it ended this way, this was a league I personally enjoyed a lot.

I just don't know what else to say but that I am sorry.

- geogob
MDC Team leader


Cannon Fodder
Aug 13, 2004
Ohio, Planet Earth
As a member of MDC/TW, I offer an apology to the teams of DTASAL and the players of our community.

I am sorry.

I salute you all!



PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I have no idea what is going on (out of the loop), but this means I win! Yay!

Erm anyway, sorry to hear this. Really... I had lots of fun playing a couple of matches, this doesn't ruin that. And I'm kinda looking forward to a next DTASAL league :)
Apr 21, 2003
LOL @ Rostam, I really feel with you, lol. Now you can go on with your FAL ;).

As said in the other thread, the cheating thing aws regular bad news to me, but the names (ncks) that were named in relation with this really shocked me :(.

This is the first time I feel good about beeing a not so good INF player, lol, pathetic :(.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
As stated before I have never cheated nor plan to ever in any game I play. I DO apologize for defending Duke when he was accused of being a cheater. Guess I now have a pile of **** in my mouth. Ah well that just makes me feel that much better as a real non-cheating player.

Although I only played in 2 matches for MDC/TW, I would wholeheartely agree with MDC/TWs removal from the leagues results.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I think I defended him a few times as well, NT. You see he did abuse map bugs, and therefor I had no respect for him. I suspected him of having some sort of radar for a long time but since I had no proof, he may just as well had nothing back when I suspected him.

Psych, only reason I was using the FAL is because it looked so cool firing it on semi automatic. I don't like anything else about it :p
I remember the 2.87 times when ppl used to accuse Duke of cheating. He always did amazing things, great reflexes... He used to play inf all day long with bunny, there was no reason at all to accuse him... or there was? None has never found a proof.

I passed all 2.87 and 2.9 hearing things about cheating with Duke, and latelly Taque. I could not belive in that accusations. They are nice ppl, good players with a well organized team. False and True.

****, I am so desapointed. Geo, as I said before, when none came to help you in our match, you deserved more (and Odie too).


3-time World Champion Bowler
Oct 22, 2004
Portland, OR
TCJ's deserve rematches too!!!! We actually did have a good chance to take the gold. I mean, we were right there... in front of WeeD :eek:


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
NTKB said:
I meant more from a comment ecale made somewhere else about knowing taque was cheating over a month ago. Sorry for the confusion.

I was getting shot through walls without ever being visible to him, i watched him bunnyhop fire the M203 and still hit with pinpoint accuracy, and a few other things that were real obvious.