FHIv4 Server Log Errors

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a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
I am getting this Accessed none in the thousands

Warning: FHISquad FHI-ThePit.FHISquad (Function UnrealGame.SquadAI.SetDefenseScriptFor:01BA) Accessed None 'SquadObjective'

This seems to occur when I played and had one comptuer bot in the server.
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a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
Here are other frequent warnings

Warning: Weapon_WerebeastFire FHI-ThePit.Weapon_Werebeast.Weapon_WerebeastFire0 (Function XWeapons.MinigunFire.FireLoop.ModeTick:0011) Accessed None 'Gun'

Warning: Weapon_WerebeastFire FHI-ThePit.Weapon_Werebeast.Weapon_WerebeastFire6 (Function XWeapons.MinigunFire.FireLoop.ModeTick:0011) Accessed None 'Gun'

Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitR' not found for mesh 'sktrooper'

Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitL' not found for mesh 'sktrooper'

Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitB' not found for mesh 'sktrooper'

Warning: Monster_Guardian FHI-ThePit.Monster_Guardian (Function FHI.Monster_Guardian.RangedAttack:009B) Accessed None 'Weapon'

Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitF' not found for mesh 'Titan1'
Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitL' not found for mesh 'Titan1'
Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitB' not found for mesh 'Titan1'
Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'HitR' not found for mesh 'Titan1'

Warning: HooverFire FHI-ThePit.Hoover.HooverFire1 (Function XWeapons.MinigunFire.FireLoop.ModeTick:0011) Accessed None 'Gun'


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
the fix you did for the turret bug, some reason after I install the fix, I keep getting this message repetitively, and the ASvehiclefactory turrets don't spawn in the map is stated.

ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASTurret_Minigun
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASTurret_Minigun
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASTurret_Minigun
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling
ScriptLog: ASVehicleFactory::SpawnVehicle - Couldn't spawn vehicle UT2k4Assault.ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling

this appears to be happening in any map, ie. FHI-ICE, that uses assault fact vehicles.


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
Good News!

RPG and FHI appear to be cohabiting together ok. I had a glitch where the abilities didn't show up, but reconnected, and the abilities are there. so, not sure what's up there. Really good thing is that your FH monsters have their weapons. Without the weapon fix, the weapons were littered all over and wouldn't go away. So many would be on the ground that the FH monsters would no longer have any weapons...kinda maxed out or something.


May 7, 2002
England baby!
Sheesh, thanks for the monumental feedback report. :p

Ok, erm.. the turret log errors. I don't think there's much I can do about them because of the way the vehicle factories are handled. If I try to destroy them through the code, the server tends to crash (I think Morph knows about this), so I can only disable them. Unfortunately, this tends to cause a lot of log warnings.

As regards FHISquad, I'm not actually quite sure why 2k4 is moaning there. I'll look into it, but I haven't even replaced that function.

As for the missing anims, that's my sucky coding for ya. ;)
The Hoover errors though, I'm not quite sure about.

MaxMonsterz is fine. :)

Glad to hear about FHI and RPG working together. :)


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
Yes, I suppressed the warnings and the scriptlogs. server.log will be much smaller now. I really like the monsters much better this time. I hope you can fix the titan issues because it is much much better performance wise versus satore's titans.

I am using ut2vote as well, and FHI is working great with it (unfortunately RPG isn't so great, but works with ut2vote). I will setup ut2vote so that people can vote for regular FHI invasion, FHI RPG invasion, and skaarjfest eventually. ut2vote is very good so far handling different mods. Only problem is I think the client side may have issues dealing with going from one mod to the other where the mods have their own folder directories. It's an easy fix though. THe clients just need to include in the default ut2004.ini file the paths to all the mods and all is well. they won't need to add ServerPackages and ServerActors to their ut2004.ini


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
well, i thought all monsters kept their weapons, but the ones with the flamethrowers have no flamethrower, but all others do have their hoovers, and lightning guns. do you know why maybe?


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
I had a BOSS game not end just now. I had RPG going with ut2vote.

Error: FHI FHI-BOSS-Perch.FHI (Function FHI.FHI.SetupWave:004F) Accessed array 'Waves' out of bounds (16/16)

We went to wave 16 with monsters then after that wave was complete, the boss monster showed up. is there something i have wrong in the wave number config?


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
I noticed in the readme file that the monster descriptions list isn't the complete list available, or the monster isn't available in FHIV4. for example, I haven't seen the flesher, and it's not on the list for instant action play. Spike ball is on the instant action edit list, but not in your readme file. I'm not concerned really with what is in the readme file. I am concerned that I don't see all the monsters in the instant action list. I think it's because of the 16 monster limit in this window. Please, confirm, or let me know what all is available, and how to get to flesher monster to configure in a wave.


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
Hey DeathAdder u should come in and check out my server I've got the fhi going with invasion and ons and all other game types but people mostly play inv or fhi. I've even got it set up so fhi maps are on invasion as well. Now i do have fhi set up with satores as well as with fhi default waves. My ip is come on in and play with us and i did play on your server the other night and u've actually got the zombies fireing the flamethrower at you that was freaken cool. ok then c u later.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2005
oh ya i forgot tell u that to join my server u need to take all the fhi files and move them in to your ut2004 folders respectivly. ie: animations - animations system to system except for the ini files. Well what i did was unzip fhi twice moved the files first time than deleted the fhi direcrory. than unziped again because i thought that i wouldnot be able to join other fhi servers since i had moved them. but i found out the other night when i went to your server that i could join fhi servers and i can do it right from the ut join game menu.
ok well that is what you have to do to get in to my server i hope u will come in and see it and i thought i would share my game configs if they could be usefull.
GameConfig=(GameClass="SkaarjPack.Invasion",Prefix="DM,FHI",Acronym="INV",GameName="inv rpg",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,DeployableFun.DeployableFun,DruidsRPG153.ScoreFix,FlakRifle.MutFlakRifle,NLTranslocator.NHTranslocator,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG,XGame.MutUDamageReward,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutSMPMonsterConfig,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame",Prefix="ONS",Acronym="ONS",GameName="ons rpg",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,DruidsRPG153.ScoreFix,MutSuperDualAssault.SuperDualAssault,OnslaughtBP.MutBonusVehicles,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG,XGame.MutUDamageReward,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="XGame.xCTFGame",Prefix="CTF",Acronym="CTF",GameName="ctf rpg",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,DruidsRPG153.ScoreFix,MutSuperDualAssault.SuperDualAssault,NLTranslocator.NHTranslocator,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG,XGame.MutUDamageReward,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="XGame.xVehicleCTFGame",Prefix="VCTF",Acronym="VCTF",GameName="vctf rpg",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,DruidsRPG153.ScoreFix,MutSuperDualAssault.SuperDualAssault,NLTranslocator.NHTranslocator,OnslaughtBP.MutBonusVehicles,OnslaughtBP.MutVehiclePickups,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG,XGame.MutUDamageReward,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="XGame.xTeamGame",Prefix="DM",Acronym="TDM",GameName="tdm rpg",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,DruidsRPG153.ScoreFix,MutSuperDualAssault.SuperDualAssault,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG,XGame.MutUDamageReward,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="WehtamInv.WehtamInvGame",Prefix="DM,FHI",Acronym="INV",GameName="wehtam invasion",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,LoadOut.MutAdjustHP,NLTranslocator.NHTranslocator,WehtamInv.MagicWand,XGame.MutQuadJump,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutSMPMonsterConfig,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="XGame.xDeathMatch",Prefix="DM",Acronym="DM",GameName="dm no rpg",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,MutSuperDualAssault.SuperDualAssault,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,XGame.MutQuadJump,XGame.MutRegen,XGame.MutUDamageReward,XGame.MutVampire,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator",Options=)
GameConfig=(GameClass="TInvasion.TInvasion",Prefix="DM",Acronym="TINV",GameName="TEAM INVASION RPG",Mutators="AdminPlus_v14.MutAdminPlus,DeployableFun.DeployableFun,DruidsRPG153.ScoreFix,FlakRifle.MutFlakRifle,NLTranslocator.NHTranslocator,PresentsUT2004V21.Presents,Ripper.RipperMut,UT2004RPG.MutUT2004RPG,XGame.MutUDamageReward,ZenCodersWeapons2004.MP5_Mutator,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutSMPMonsterConfig,satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack",Options=)
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a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
Visit site
ok, i will check it out sometime. I don't really want to create that many options for games.

Here's a few more log stuff, Parser, that I put in irc while you were busy.

Log: Octree Warning (AddActor): Monster_DemonNali Already In Octree.
Log: AttachToBone: No bone named [head] found in actor Glingor's skeleton.
Log: PlayAnim: Sequence 'Select' not found for mesh 'RocketLauncher_1st'


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
Heres a warning ive never seen before and somewhere down the line yep tested
never seen this before in and server log.
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot192 to InventorySpot187
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot189 to InventorySpot188
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot189 to InventorySpot194
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot191 to InventorySpot188
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot191 to InventorySpot194
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot188 to InventorySpot194
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot210 to InventorySpot205
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot206
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot212 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot200 to InventorySpot197
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot200 to InventorySpot203
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot197 to InventorySpot198
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot197 to InventorySpot203
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot203 to InventorySpot198
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot196 to InventorySpot201
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot192 to InventorySpot187
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot189 to InventorySpot188
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot189 to InventorySpot194
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot191 to InventorySpot188
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot191 to InventorySpot194
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot188 to InventorySpot194
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot210 to InventorySpot205
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot206
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot212 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot200 to InventorySpot197
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot200 to InventorySpot203
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot197 to InventorySpot198
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot197 to InventorySpot203
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot203 to InventorySpot198
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot196 to InventorySpot201
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot210 to InventorySpot205
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot206
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot212 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot194 to InventorySpot188
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot194 to InventorySpot189
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot194 to InventorySpot191
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot191 to InventorySpot188
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot188 to InventorySpot189
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot192 to InventorySpot187
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot201 to InventorySpot196
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot198 to InventorySpot197
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot198 to InventorySpot203
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot197 to InventorySpot200
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot197 to InventorySpot203
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot203 to InventorySpot200
Warning: FlakRifle FHI-Skorcher.FlakRifle (Function XWeapons.AssaultRifle.DetachFromPawn:0015) Accessed None 'FireMode'
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot210 to InventorySpot205
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot206
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot207 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot209
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot206 to InventorySpot212
Log: WARNING - negative weight 0 from InventorySpot212 to InventorySpot209