I've faith in UT CTF.

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New Member
Dec 6, 1999
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Sorry, this is a bit long, but the poits are valid.

First things first I don't spend much time on-line compared to most people (maybe 2hrs tops in a week), so I like what time I do have to be 'fun'.

I was playing last night As predictible as ever, the serevr played Hall of Giants, Lava Giants and Facing Worlds. And it was while I was playing Hall of giants that I lost my faith.

As everyone knows, the points is to get the other flag to your base, but not in this map. I spent 5minutes 'hiding' with the enemy flag (I find on top of the up-vents the best place - no-one ever looks there, and you can't be sniped easily). It was during this 5min that I got bored! YES bored. All I could think about was how much every second of this bordom was costing me. So I went looking forouor flag (which the other team was 'hiding'). I duely died, and they scored. This repeated itself until the game was over. No fun me thinks.

Next up, Lava giants, spawn campers everywhere, no fun there.

Next up, Facing worlds. This was the worst offender. The other team EXPLOITED the level. I'm all in favour of using the level design to your advantage, but they exploited the design flaws. Get a load of these tactics:

The level starts, one snipes from the ground of their tower (he's safe from newbies who think they are sniping from the tower). The remainder flood our base and take it over. Two in the sniper holes, if we go in we get shot instantly, while the other snipes from our base at our players!! As you can't tell where you are being sniped from, the last place you expect is your base! Another spawn camped for the match, while the rest went for the flag. Through the entire match, there were more red in our base than blue. If you try to get to their base you either get sniped, or if you get the flag, chances are they alreday have yours. Plus if they need to defend in numbers they just jumped of the top of the tower and re-spawned at their base before we could get over the bridge. We lost 3-0.

I find that on an increasing number of levels, more an more people exploit poor design in anyway possible. As we say over here 'Its just not cricket'.

Plus, I would also like to complain about the lack of chat in CTF, the main reason is that if you take your eyes of the screen, your sniped. Personally I never shoot any lagged or motionless player. And I think UT should adopt Q3s 'Talk bubble' so players know when others are talking and so leave them alone!

We need some CTF ethics. Come on lads, if your good, you'll win anyway, no point using 'non cricket' tactics.

Thanks for your attention.


For Queen and Country.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I sympathize with you..but realize a few things:

Your game will depend on your team and your awareness of what they are doing.

HoG- when you grab that flag--expect that you might not get coverage or that your team needs a little help getting the flag back. Instead of hiding...grab a sniper rifle and take a quick look around...if you don't stand motionless you won't get shot and who knows....maybe you'll get the flag carrier.

LavaGiant- the spawn points are all over the map. I think you were just being sniped. Stop what you're doing...find the offending sniper and pop 'em. *Then* it's back to business.

Face- ahh the hotly debated and over played "Face". For every tactic..there is a counter tactic. Find out what it is and do it. I might have died a lot in the same circumstances...but I'd take a lot of them out with me! Tranlocate...Jump...whatever...you *can* avoid sniper fire and pick them off one by one. If you play with a lousy team...what can I say? It's the luck of the draw. The only thing poor in design about Face is the spawn points being all together.

Don't ever expect people to not employ tactics they think will work. It's not going to happen. It's up to *You* to counter.

BTW - bind your most useful chat commands to convenient keys...you'll chat much more that way. Also, UT player models bend over and grab their headset when the player is typing. I'd just as soon not see a cute Quake bubble over their heads. Feign Death and chat if you have to...

Just my opinions..


Yes, I know I'm full of $I-IiT - but I'm inhuman dammit!


Truth, by Banksy
Nov 10, 1999
London, UK
I've got a sort of motto when it comes to people using unfair tactics: get even, or get off. That means that I'll try to get 'em, but if they're using impossible tactics, I'll just jump off and join another server.

I can sympathise with you Neo because us Brits pay for our internet calls, but hey, you could always shout "SPAWN CAMPER!" a few times /~unreal/ubb/html/wink.gif


Bingo. Bingo the Clowno!


New Member
Jan 1, 2000
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If you dont play much you can bet those who do will learn new tactics that you wont know how to deal with. These people werent cheating they were using tactics they have learned work your job is to learn ways to counter there moves. As far as spawn camping goes ive never really seen it much, hell all you have to do it move fast and thats the name of the game in FPS games. Adapt or Die thats how is and it wont change.