Gun grabbers make a video game.

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
As if the fact that they're making gmaes now isn't enough hypocracy for you, have a laugh at this.

Clarence's Adventure

Am I the only one who finds it typical that all the gun owners are from minority groups? (Assuming the anatomicaly impaired girl is a lesbian)

Those dirty black people even enjoy SODOMY!!!!


(To all you sensitive PC Fascist types, all racial remarks are meant with the utmost cynicism, so put your soap boxes back in the shed)
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Tama-chan says, "aurf aurf aurf!"
Oct 19, 2000
Indiana. Kill me please.
Oh my god, that dirty Mexican illegal, Juan, has a gun! He might use it in self-defense! Better report him! And, oh no! That damn chink Yung is in a situation! Call the cops! What's this! Of course Robert has a gun, he's a cop killing ******!


Jun 17, 2001
Ocean Grove, NJ
Visit site
"WRONG! GUNS ARE NOT COOL. PEOPLE WHO PLAY WITH GUNS ARE NOT BEING COOL-THEY’RE BEING STUPID. They could hurt themselves, each other and anyone else who gets in the way. A policeman shows up and asks the kids what they’re doing. He takes all the kids to the police station, calls their parents to pick them up. Clarence is grounded for TWO weeks with no t.v."

Oh no! No TV! Now I can't play EVIL console games that make me a murderer and a terrorist!

Thank you so much, Mr. Policeman (fascist) for showing me the error of my ways (proverbally raping my rights)!


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
As an addendum to that, here's the gun grabber's dictionary;

AMAZING FIREPOWER - a) holding more than two shots; b) makes a loud 'boom' which could hurt the ears of a child.

ARMOR-PIERCING AMMO - Any round capable of penetrating 5 layers of aluminum foil, or a heavy sweater. Must be banned.

ASNER, Edward - An actor world renowned for his brilliant portrayal of a major metropolitan newspaper editor; truthful, hand- some, virile yet kindly and honest spokesman whose veracity is unassailable when he speaks of the need for gun control.

BILL OF RIGHTS - A piece of parchment written by dead white males, that is either worthless or sacred, depending on whether the portion under consideration agrees with us.

BRADY, SARAH - Saintly daughter of FBI agent, who grew up with guns, then decided they are wrong for the rest of us. Similarity of philosophy to that of Adolf Hitler has been exaggerated.

CANNON, HOWITZER, ELEPHANT GUN - Any weapon having "amazing firepower" (above), eg, any firearm more powerful than a .22 blank starters Pistol. Must be banned.

CIVILIZATION - Those parts of the world where guns are outlawed (like New York City, or Northern Ireland).

COP-KILLER BULLET - Either a hard, non-expanding bullet, or a soft, expanding bullet, depending on which isn't banned yet.

CSGV / HCI - Socially responsible organizations of honest, concerned, truthful citizens of the highest integrity who only want to keep Saturday Night Specials out of the hands of criminals.

CRIMINAL - Anyone possessing a gun, if we get our way...

CULTURE OF GUNS - Those Americans still capable of original or independent thought. Must be reeducated to understand that we, not they, know what's best for them. (We haven't ruled out "camps"...)

DEADLY ASSAULT RIFLE - Any open-sighted firearm that will fire two or more consecutive rounds without major inconvenience to the user. Must be banned.

DEADLY SNIPER WEAPON - Any weapon capable of accepting an optical sighting device. Must be banned.

DEADLY "STEALTH" WEAPON - Any gun with a quiet or muffled report, e.g. air guns. Must be banned.

DEADLY ASSAULT PISTOL - Aww, hell, even we don't know what this is.

Better ban 'em all, just to be sure...

GUN - Any oblong metallic object capable of harming a child, even if he drops it on his foot. Must be banned IMMEDIATELY.

HESTON, Charlton - An obscure, little-known actor who once had a minor role in a movie about the Bible; has been known to espouse the pro-gun propaganda of the NRA. Probably a student of Soviet disinformation techniques.

HUNTERS - Sadistic uncivilized cretins who wantonly massacre morally superior peace-loving woodland creatures with assault rifles and elephant guns, then leave the carcasses to rot while they (the hunters) drink beer. Many seem to worship severed heads. Must be taxed to clean up their contribution to urban violence (the current $75 Million in fees stupidly goes to husband more animals for them to shoot).


LEAD - Toxic substance used to make bullets that kill children ... (what, they're not buying that? ... well, how about ...) - Toxic substance that contaminates drinking water when mistakenly used in pipe solder (yeah, that's the ticket!). Must be taxed out of existence to pay for "cleanup".

LIES - Anything the National Rifle Association says.

LOBBYIST - 1) An HCI representative who tells the truth to Congress about gun control. 2) An NRA representative who lies to the Congress about gun control.

MACHINE GUN - (old) Any firearm capable of firing more than one round without having to ram powder, patch, and ball down the barrel. (current) Any gun containing parts made with machines.

MERCENARY - Anyone who owns an assault rifle.

NATIONAL RIFLE ASSN. - An organization made up of ultra right-wing redneck, beer-swilling, roadsign-shooting bumkins, who believe everyone should be forced to own a machine gun loaded with cop-killer bullets, and skinheads should each own two.

POLITE SOCIETY - Hate-filled "code-word" for racist, sexist, gay-bashing slaughterhouse that would result if unwashed masses were not restrained by big government, with us in charge.

POLLS - 1) A random sampling of good & decent people that proves a majority want gun control. 2) A biased sampling of NRA members that NRA uses to claim people don't want gun control.

RANGE - Place where homicidal maniacs are encouraged by the NRA to practice killing women and children.

RELOADING - The black art of manufacturing cop-killer bullets clandestinely by the dark of night in one's basement. Probably involves witchcraft.

SAFE STORAGE LAWS - It's 3 am, do you know where your guns are? We do, and just to make sure, we're going to come in and look around. Smart off, and you're under arrest. Resist, and we'll take your house.

SABOT - Bullet which only kills police. Somehow it knows.

SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL - Any weapon affordable to working people. Won't sleep until these are banned.

SCHUMER, CHARLES - may already be a wiener. (see Opportunists, shameless).

SEETHING CAULDRON OF HOMICIDAL RAGE - holder of concealed carry permit.

SEMI-AUTO - Weapon capable of pumping bullet after bullet into your daughter's dead body. The NRA wants everyone to have one.

SPORTSMAN - Anyone who doesn't use a firearm in recreational or outdoor activity.

STATISTICS - 1) A series of numbers that prove our point. 2) A series of numbers the NRA lies about, which proves our point.


TOOLS OF SICK PARA-MILITARY FANTASY - Paint guns, starters pistols, camo gear, combat boots, etc. Must all be banned.

TRUTH - Anything Handgun Control, Inc. says (see "Pravda"). Call us, we'll tell you what to think. Or better yet, keep your mouth shut and just send more money.

TWELVE YEARS OF REAGAN-BUSH - (a) Why I did it; (b) Why it's not my fault.

WAITING PERIOD - Will either break the back of crime, or be completely insufficient and ineffective, depending on the date of the HCI press release relative to passage of the Brady Act.


Jun 17, 2001
Ocean Grove, NJ
Visit site

Hiya! I am Kung Fu Facist! Prepare to face my wrath, evil children! How dare you exercise your rights!


Look out! That gun could hurt you, so I will levitate. FOR THE CHILDREN!


Oh no! This is the ghetto, and to show it, I will wear incredibly tight, gei pants!


It appears the latest punishment for owning a gun is... ASS-RAPE!


Oh no, my father is going to touch me in the funny spot again! Run cousin, run!


Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
Well halleluja!

Sweet raping Jesus wept and all the whistles.

Tell me one thing, how can it be right to bear arms in school?
How can it be considered "cool" to have a gun in school?

Only reason I can think of having guns in school is if they start a program that teaches gun safety protocols and how to use the gun safely... Use the gun safely, HA! Still there you have it.
I think that especially in a country like the US there should be weaponrelated classes that teach kids about the dangers of handling guns.
The sooner kids learn the less risk they run to accidentally shoot themselves or anyone else with their parents gun that they "borrowed"...

There are other considerations and I'm sure we'll see some of them in this thread soon.

Leave your guns at home and if a bad guy comes at you in school, bash the son of a bitch with a biology book. :)



Tommy Vegas
May 11, 2000
Newark, DE
Is it just me, or do all the males in this so called 'video game' wear an expression as if their testicles are being vigorously rubbed down with very coarse grain sandpaper?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
The journalist's guide to gun violence coverage

Dr. Michael S. Brown
December 22, 1999

Guns are a sad fact of life in American culture and are a major topic in modern journalism. A good Journalist has a duty to get involved and make a difference in this important societal debate. By following certain guidelines, the concerned Journalist can be assured of having the maximum impact on this shameful problem.

The first principle to remember is that subtle use of terminology can covertly influence the reader. Adjectives should be chosen for maximum anti-gun effect. When describing a gun, attach terms like "automatic," "semi-automatic," "large caliber," "deadly," "high powered," or "powerful". Almost any gun can be described by one or more of these terms. More than two guns should be called an "arsenal".

Try to include the term "assault weapon" if at all possible. This can be combined with any of the terms above for best results. Nobody actually knows what an assault weapon is, so you cannot be criticized for this usage. Your local anti-gun organization can provide you with a list of the latest buzz words like "junk guns," "Saturday Night Specials," and "the criminal’s weapon of choice".

Don’t worry about getting technical details right. Many a reporter has accidentally written about semi-automatic revolvers or committed other minor errors. Since most people know little about guns, this is not a problem. Only the gun nuts will complain and they don’t count. The emotional content of your article is much more important than the factual details, since people are more easily influenced through their emotions than through logic.

Broadcast Journalists should have a file tape showing a machine gun firing on full automatic. Run this video while describing "automatic" weapons used in a crime or confiscated by police. At the least, a large graphic of a handgun should be displayed behind the on-air personality when reading any crime story.

Do not waste words describing criminals who use guns to commit crimes. Instead of calling them burglar, rapist, murderer, or repeat offender, simply use the term "gunman". This helps the public associate all forms of crime and violence with the possession of guns.

Whenever drug dealers are arrested, guns are usually confiscated by the police. Mention the type and number of guns more prominently than the type and quantity of drugs. Include the number of rounds of ammunition seized, since the number will seem large to those who know little about guns. Obviously, the drug dealers who had the guns should now be called "gunmen".

Political discussions on gun control legislation usually involve pro-gun organizations. Always refer to these organizations as "the gun lobby". If space permits, mention how much money the gun lobby has spent to influence political campaigns and describe their legislative lobbying efforts as "arm twisting" or "threats".

Gun owners must never be seen in a positive light. Do not mention that these misguided individuals may actually be well educated, or have respectable jobs and healthy families. They should be called "gun nuts" if possible or simply gun owners at best. Mention details about their clothing, especially if they are wearing hunting clothes or hats. Mention the simplistic slogans on their bumper stickers to show that their intelligence level is low. Many gun owners drive pickup trucks, hunt and live in rural areas. Use these details to help portray them as ignorant rednecks. Don’t use the word "hunt". Always say that they "kill" animals.

Don’t be afraid to interview these people, they are harmless even though we don’t portray them that way. Try to solicit comments that can be taken out of context to show them in the worst possible light.

Never question the effectiveness of gun control laws or proposals. Guns are evil and kill people. Removing guns from society can only be good. Nobody really uses guns for legitimate self-defense, especially women or children. Any stories about armed self-defense must be minimized or suppressed.

Be careful about criticizing the police for responding slowly to 911 calls for help. It is best if the public feels like the police can be relied upon to protect them at all times. If people are buying guns to protect their families, you are not doing your job.

Emphasize stories where people kill family members and/or themselves with guns. It is important to make the public feel like they could lose control and start killing at any moment if they have a gun in the house. Any story where a child misuses a gun is front page material.

View every shooting as an event to be exploited. Always include emotional quotes from the victim’s family if possible. If they are not available, the perpetrator’s family will do nicely. The quote must blame the tragedy on the availability of guns. Photos or video of grieving family members are worth a thousand facts. Most people will accept the assertion that guns cause crime. It is much easier than believing that some people deliberately choose to harm others.

Your story should include terms like "tragic" or "preventable" and mention the current toll of gun violence in your city or state. Good reporters always know exactly how many gun deaths have occurred in their area since the first of the year. List two or three previous incidents of gun violence to give the impression of a continuing crime wave.

Little space should be devoted to shootings where criminals kill each other. Although these deaths greatly inflate the annual gun violence numbers, they distract from the basic mission of urging law abiding citizens to give up their guns. Do not dig too deeply into the reasons behind shootings. The fact that a gun was involved is the major point, unless someone under 18 is affected, in which case the child angle is now of equal importance.

Any article about gun violence should include quotes from anti-gun organizations or politicians. One quote should say that we must do something "for the children". Anti-gun spokespersons should be called "activists" or "advocates". If your employer wishes to appear unbiased, you can include one token quote from a gun lobby group to show that you are being fair. The anti-gun statements should be accepted as fact. The gun lobby statement can be denigrated by including text like, "according to gun lobbyist Jones."

Fortunately, statements from anti-gun organizations come in short sound bites that are perfect for generating an emotional response in the reader or viewer. Gun lobby statements usually contain boring facts that are easy to ignore.

Feel secure in your advocacy journalism. The vast majority of your fellow Journalists support your activism. The nation will be a better place when only the police and military have guns. Remember that you are doing it for the children so the end justifies the means.

Eventually, the government will have a monopoly on power. Don’t worry about the right to freedom of the press, just contact me then for more helpful hints.

Professor Michael Brown
School of Journalism, Brady Chair
Vancouver College of Liberal Arts

Yes, this is satire.
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Tama-chan says, "aurf aurf aurf!"
Oct 19, 2000
Indiana. Kill me please.
Has anyone considered that maybe this video game explains why gun grabbers are gun grabbers?

First of all, notice that this homosexual child has to deal with 5 or 6 gun incidents in just one average day. If your average Opera-wannabe sees the world as being one in which every child over the age of 2 weeks is about to shoot them, then obviously their paranoia has an effect on them.

Secondly, the racism of supporters of gun control is obvious here. One can hardly miss the symbolism of you guiding a white male from the suburbs through a day trying to dodge the gun toting misdeeds of various minorities. Over half of the gun incidents in the game involve minorities. This hardly surprises me, because must anti-gun types are clearly the kind of elitists that see a black man and assume he is a mugger/rapist. If anti-gunners walk around eyeing every minority as armed and dangerous, then we can see another reason why they want to advance their eugenic-err, gun policy.

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
Actually, you could have fooled me :D

I like how that "game" stresses the "need" to keep guns locked up and seperate from the ammo...effectively rendering it useless, if someone breakes into youre house, expect to have LESS than a minute to get armed and respond, or you will be so f<b></b>ucked you cant even begin to imagine it (if a robber walks into youre bedroom seeing you with youre gun in youre hand, desperately trying to unlock the cubbard you keep the ammo in, what do you think he's going to do? run? hardly, he would attack while the chance was there, i know i would).

It seems to me that the media wants to create victims, because victims are great storry's, they sell papers and boost f<b></b>ucking nice of them!


Biotech student
Oct 9, 2001
Quebec, Canada
"You should always lock up your gun! Lock and keep the bullets separate form the gun, too."

" Hmmmmm... two secs please mr. serial-killer, I need to know where my wife has put the .45 ammo."

As goat has said this is truly stupid. If you possess a gun, it is for your security. I don't think handling a gun is more dangerous than driving a car if safety measures are properly applied. Hell, driving a car is probably 100 times more dangerous.

As Zund has shown in a old post(, guns can actually be useful for anyone with the maturity to know how to handle them.

Governments shouldn't prevent people from using guns (although a .50 Barrett is probably a bit too much for "self-defense" :p). If someone is properly educated, they are not a danger for society. This apply even for people of young age.

I used to think guns were bad, but the more I hear about what's happening around us the more I understand why it is actually a good thing to have a self-defense weapon near you (with bullets in it damnit!).


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
I've heard even from pro-gun people it's not good practice to have a weapon loaded while not in use, ever. If you want quick access to ammo, have the magazine right next to it, but never have it loaded, w/ a bullet in the chamber. Am I right pro-gun people?

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
That is correct, Cat, i for one would never leave my Glock with a round chambered, i want to protect myself if ever need be, yes, but that doesent mean gun safety should be taken lightly, afterall, im not allways the only person here, i have freinds and family over just like anyone else.

I allways have two magazines filled, one in the gun (no round chambered) and the other lying next to it so its easy to get to, yet out of sight for anyone who doesent know its there, and all my freinds know how to opperate it, so i need not fear them finding it and accidentally putting a hole in my wall (or me), i do, however put it away in a safe place when my niece and nephew come over, i'll learn'em when they are old enough to know about it (and i never leave them there alone, so they wont find it without me knowing).

Guns bring with them responcibillity, just like driving a car does, they are usefull tools, but both can be mishandeled, the only safe way to use them is to be smart about it ;)


Biotech student
Oct 9, 2001
Quebec, Canada
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rogue this is great work.

Why don't you submit your modifications to Brady, so we will be able to see what they think about your talent.
