Help me find my BIOLOGICAL parents

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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
Sep 3, 2001
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This is kind of a serious thread, when I was VERY young I was put up for adoption

I was adopted by great people ( my current parents ) but I have lots of un-answered questions about where I come from, medical history and so on.. does anyone here have any knowledge on how to find out whom my BIOLOGICAL parents are?


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
I hadn't seen my biological father since I was 6. He ran out and that was about it.

I recently accidentally stumbled across his band's website on Google when I was bored and just searching for my own name. (I'm named after him)

Still haven't decided if it's worth it to try to contact him.


All you have to do is smile!
where were you born? Syncrude is in canada? do you know the relevant laws there (or rather, where you were born) regarding child's right to know vs. parent rights to privacy? I have a friend who was adopted and found her birth mother. It turned out well (remember: it may not!). Her mother was 16 or something very young and was just too young to care for her, and was quite happy to meet her.


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
You could always latch onto strangers in town. Grab their legs and scream MOMMY!!!! I LOVE YOU MOMMY!! DON'T THROW ME AWAY AGAIN!!! I"M A GOOD BOY NOW MOMMY!!!

If they are your real parents, they will love you.


All you have to do is smile!
Originally posted by |PoT|FaRmErX
the only info I have is that I was born under the name Braden

not even which hospital or date? that should be enough to locate your mother, as long as the law requires the hospital to turn over records. professionals could be the way to go- i think just an intersection of your birthname plus national adoption records should reduce the possibilities quite a bit for someone who knows how to get ALL the records if you don't know the hospital (assuming you were born at one).