Everything datura, datura meteloid to tree datura. What is your favorite species of datura, why, and post a pic of it if your growing it or have some in your yard, or just whatever datura you come across. Research it if you dont know what it is http://www.erowid.org/plants/datura/, and then post if you're going to get some seeds or transplant one of these beautiful plants/trees into or around your living quarters.
Me, I have alot of datura inoxia in my backyard (from the seed it wasnt already here) and two tree daturas, I am currently trying to germinate different species of datura in my house and in my yard. I like tree datura because it looks cool, here is a pic of tree datura and datura inoxia. I dont have a scanner or digital camera so unfortunately I cant post pics from my house/yard.
Here are pics of tree daturas:
Some pics of datura inoxia:
Datura inoxia seedpods:
Here is the link to more images of datura:
The link to images of brugmansia (tree datura):
Me, I have alot of datura inoxia in my backyard (from the seed it wasnt already here) and two tree daturas, I am currently trying to germinate different species of datura in my house and in my yard. I like tree datura because it looks cool, here is a pic of tree datura and datura inoxia. I dont have a scanner or digital camera so unfortunately I cant post pics from my house/yard.
Here are pics of tree daturas:
Some pics of datura inoxia:
Datura inoxia seedpods:
Here is the link to more images of datura:
The link to images of brugmansia (tree datura):
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