Originally posted by The Spiritwalker
You can lick your own blood from a cut.. and your tounge touches the bone
Originally posted by Rukee
.....when you break your finger while working.......and work another two hours installing a motor....pulling the finger back into shape when I`d bend it or hit it while working. Then washing the grease off was fun!! Then...black tape and a popcicyle stick and back to work!! Never saw a doctor and well....it kinda works like it`s supost to!!
Originally posted by Claw
tough isn't the word.
sick is.
Originally posted by The Spiritwalker
YOU are calling MY joke sick...now THAT'S funny.. kill any jews lately?
Originally posted by GoAt
when you decide your gonna voulunteer for SEAL training.
Originally posted by The Spiritwalker
YOU are calling MY joke sick...now THAT'S funny.. kill any jews lately?