Yet another map idea from a lazy bugger

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New Member
Ok, I'll start by saying that I have tried to map with UnrealEd a couple of times, but have found myself unable to master it. So I'll just throw this idea out and see if anyone wants to take it up, if it is even possible.
The idea is for a map where the two teams spawn in bunkers or forts at either end of a long, narrow map. In the center, between the two bases is an open area. From the open area a number of narrow, twisting passages connect the bases to the central area. This could either be an outdoor, canyon style map, or an urban, street based map. Ok, now here's the tricky bit.
Both teams spawn only with their M9 pistols and possibly one automatic weapon for the team. As the map opens, a truck spawns in the open area in the center of the map and sits there. The first team to reach the truck "claims" it, and the truck will begin moving slowly toward their base. If anyone on the other team touches the truck, they will claim it back and the truck will begin travelling toward their base. Once the truck reaches a base it empties out a small arseanl of weaponry, then dissapears off the map. A new truck will spawn in the center, to be claimed again. This map would suit either CTF of teamDM style of play. I'd personally go for a CTF game, as it makes the capture of the truck vital to an assault of an easily defended base. Another possible feature could be making the truck destructible, to prevent its capture by the enemy. And finally, if there is a mapper out there with some incredible skills, having a heavy machine gun mounted in the roof of the truck (a'la AS-Terrain) would be extra cool. So there you go, something I'd like to make if I had the skills.


Infiltration Level Designer
Aug 5, 1999
Melbourne, Australia
I won't say it's impossible cause it isn't.
With the code that is available to mappers at the moment it is impossible, however some major major coding could make something like this a reality. So my suggestion is, head to your local library, pick up a C++ programming book and start reading.

Infiltration Level Designer

Visit RaekwoN Maps


Infiltration Level Designer
Aug 5, 1999
Melbourne, Australia
I won't say it's impossible cause it isn't.
With the code that is available to mappers at the moment it is impossible, however some major major coding could make something like this a reality. So my suggestion is, head to your local library, pick up a C++ programming book and start reading.

Infiltration Level Designer

Visit RaekwoN Maps