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Kno One

in particular
Oct 15, 2002
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Epic and Softimage anounced a this early last month. --->linky<---, Here is the D\L page for the XSI Mod Tool + UE add on. From what I've read, it mixes the best parts of discreet's 3DMax and GMax. Besides a limit on render size and polly count(7,500) for exporting, it's a fully functioning and FREE 3d app. Supposedly it lets you design, fully rig, animate, and export to .psk\psa any 3d object for the Unreal Engine.

I just d\l'd it to check it out and i want to see if anybody using this yet?


New Member
Nov 30, 2004
XSI is superior to Maya when it comes to modeling. XSI cannot be compared to 3DS Max. In fact, I see no resemblance between either program. A friend of mine who was once a Max die-hard has recently switched to XSI. It's a little difficult to get the hang of at first, but after that you start to love it.

I just downloaded the addon yesterday, but I haven't had time to give it a shot just yet. If I can figure it out soon enough, I may release 2 of the models I've been working on in XSI. :)

I highly recommend XSI to anyone who asks. Maya is a turd imo (though I'll admit it does have some merits ;))

Kno One

in particular
Oct 15, 2002
Visit site
Glad to hear that you think it's a good prog Tj.

Just read about the "lock and load" mod tool contest SI is running. If i can figure enough out by the deadline I'm gonna give it a go myself. :)