Ford, you hit a nerve! The bloody governments impose fees (carbon tax) for gas and tires. Where does the friggin money go? It sure as hell doesn't do anything for the mountains of tires that are accumulating. It is all just another excuse for a ripoff, IMO. I'll bet the governments are only too happy to see the price of crude go up a cent, because they'll get 3 cents more themselves!
Someday, we're likely gonna regret all the emissions, alright, but when that day comes, there isn't going to be one government on this planet announcing "Calm down people, we have 50 trillion dollars stashed away in carbon taxes that we have saved over the years. We're gonna buy everybody a horse". Trouble with horses, is they "emit" just like cars. Can you imagine the manure and farts from 400 million horses (supposing everyone in North America needs to get a horse)?