WMP Contest Rules

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.
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I apear to have lost my pin.
Nov 14, 1999
Allright, heres the deal, we got 2 posts, this one has the rules, and will be updated with the entries, and all revelent info.

Grand Prize is $50 to be selected by Postal
Runner Up gets $25 to be selected by Evil Dr. Wong

1. Only 1 weapon may be submited by person or group. Only the first submited verson will be accepted. The entry must be previously unreleased.
We want new content, not recycled old junk.

2. The weapon will be open sourced, and will be sent in with decompiled source, and a working copy. We will look at the code, and part of it will be for judging. But all entries eligable to win will be put in a WMP pack and released. If we cant put it in the pack, you cant win, got it?

3. Entries must be under a meg in size compiled and running(we want to keep the size of the WMP pack 56k friendly, come on, you dont need a whole meg for 1 weapon). This does not include the source required for rule 2.

Unlike other competitions, substance over style. A nice model wont hurt, but we will be judging more on technical merit and clever coding than spectacular skins and perfect models (so you cant win if you've got a crap weapon using a pretty model ) We understand that its hard to stand out using stock content, but we also dont want a 90 meg zip for a singe weapon.

Oh, and after the competiton, we dont care if you use that weapon on other mods, etc, we just want new content for the WMP pack. Note, we didnt say you cant use it afterwards.

And Yes, we are flexable on the rules with in reason, if I am informed in advance.

Deadline date is the last day of Febuary.

Entries will be e-mailed to Postal0311@Boo.Net before the deadline date.


I apear to have lost my pin.
Nov 14, 1999
Recieved Entries:
Sam Master's "Bouncing Lighting Gun"
Parser's "UnderSlinger"
Dubucode's "Live BioRifle" (Special thanks for reading the rules)
Donator's "Disruptor"
ROFL_451's Lava Caster
Soldat's Colt
DemonThing's ???(Im not sure, having e-mail problems, Demon, help me sort this out)
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