I'm off to take my Driving Test at 12:40 PM CST. I think I have a pretty good chance of passing it, but you never what what might happen. If all goes well, the next time I post on these boards, I'll be drivin' my own car...
"Therefore those skilled at the unorthodox are infinite as heaven and earth, inexhaustible as the great rivers. When they come to an end, they begin again, like the days and months; they die and are reborn, like the four seasons."
- Sun Tzu , "The Art of War"
[This message was edited by Keiichi on May 30, 2000 at 14:55.]
"Therefore those skilled at the unorthodox are infinite as heaven and earth, inexhaustible as the great rivers. When they come to an end, they begin again, like the days and months; they die and are reborn, like the four seasons."
- Sun Tzu , "The Art of War"
[This message was edited by Keiichi on May 30, 2000 at 14:55.]