I wanted to know if the Iraq and Serbian levels that were going to be in FR (Force Recon) will be in Infiltration. If not, can you tell me where I can find these levels? They looked very kewl.
|Combat-Seal a.k.a Tyler Rosekrans
|Founder - Team & Project Leader
|*CKNS*-The Commanding Kingdoms Nation Studios-
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eadly Assault - Counter Strike
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|P.S. -We're looking for an expert programmer email
|me if you're an expert programmer please.-
|Combat-Seal a.k.a Tyler Rosekrans
|Founder - Team & Project Leader
|*CKNS*-The Commanding Kingdoms Nation Studios-
|Current Projects
|Visit our site at:
|You can also ICQ me at 31831479
|P.S. -We're looking for an expert programmer email
|me if you're an expert programmer please.-