Why isn't Jailbreak UT2004 in the MSU contest?

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New Member
May 26, 2004
This game would be a top contender for the grand prize, hands down.

Is it disqualified because it took so long to develop and put out? :(


New Member
May 26, 2004
TheSpoonDog said:
Ya, still more to come too...
I thought there wasn't a greater game in the world than UT2004 Onslaught till I hit this classic again.

Come to think of it, hey, how about some vehicle JB? :D


Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
is JB really a gametype only? i thought anything that went beyond using UT levels and content was considered a mod. Since jailbreak not only changes gameplay but also requires (and supplied) levels designed specifically for JB then it could be considered a mod not a gametype. my interpretation of the rules anyway :)
i'd go for mod category, if they feel its a gametype, they will judge it that way.


New Member
UnrealGrrl said:
i thought anything that went beyond using UT levels and content was considered a mod.
So did I. Perhaps I'm misinterpreting Epic's categorization in the MSU contest, but to me it seems that they reserve the "Mod" category for "Total Conversions."

I've submitted Jailbreak's entry to the MSU contest already, so I can't change it anymore; but I'm sure that, if Jailbreak meets Epic's idea of a "Mod," they'll judge it accordingly. :)


Toy Sculptor
Apr 9, 2004
Tacoma WA, USA
Great to hear you in ther UnrealGrrl. Its nice to have an announcer that sounds like a real woman instead of an idealized cartoon. Hope you fid the time for a full 2004 announcer voice pack.

A lot of work went into this mod and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be judged for a catagory that takes the most effort.