Who owns PuF data?

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Apr 10, 2000
yeah, but from what they've said their mind is made up on the subject (they've at least been willing to discuss just about everything else). So if they do, I don't think it's out of the question to do it my way.


New Member
Jul 16, 2001
The Right Coast
Who owns posts to a forum?

On slashdot.org, there was a big problem when Jon Katz (a resident author) published a book about Columbine and the opinions of the geek/outcast youth. He used quotes from the slashdot comments section pertaining to Columbine and being a social outcast. A HUGH war erupted on /. about the use of posters comments. It was settled by profits from the book being donated to a charity. I tried to search for pages dealing with this episode, but I had no luck

A new legal disclaimer soon appeared:

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. Comments are owned by the Poster. The Rest © 1997-2001 OSDN

They seemed to settle the issue by not using any posters comments without the permission of the poster.

Just throwing out some cookies


Chief Muckety Muck
Aug 17, 1999
Pottstown, PA, USA
I don't really care what GSI does for their forums, frankly. If you populated both sets of forums identically, I still think people would want to come here to BeyondUnreal. Why?

1) The software and supporting systems at BeyondUnreal are superior to that over at GSI. These forums flat out work better.

2) Those of you that post here often know how much work this admin team has done for you over the past 3 years or so, and you know that we don't screw around when it comes to the community.

3) You know that we're doing this out of love for the community, not for money.

4) You don't like many of the actions GSI has taken related to the formation of BeyondUnreal.

I could go on and on, but that's the primary stuff. Tell me if I'm wrong?


Originally posted by Clayeth|BuF
Pete: what do you think about them putting all the old posts on forumplanet? They seem set on it and say there's nothing to discuss, and I don't know that it's worth another battle over. I do howver think they should be like an archive, similar to the way our BuF Classics forum is. Instead of simply out as if nothing had happened. What's your thoughts on all this?

BTW: If I missed an explanation of this somewhere, just point me in the right direction.


Commisaire Van Loc
Jun 13, 2000
Visit site
Originally posted by Clayeth|BuF
Pete: what do you think about them putting all the old posts on forumplanet? They seem set on it and say there's nothing to discuss, and I don't know that it's worth another battle over. I do howver think they should be like an archive, similar to the way our BuF Classics forum is. Instead of simply out as if nothing had happened. What's your thoughts on all this?

BTW: If I missed an explanation of this somewhere, just point me in the right direction.
If they import all the posts they'll either put them in an "historical" part of the forum (and that will just look dumb).
OR they will import the post altogether with the registrations ,nicknames and postcounts.
This way unhappy BuFfers will just be able to go over there and delete their posts :)


Resident NOOb :D
Jan 25, 2001
Originally posted by TaoPaiPai

If they import all the posts they'll either put them in an "historical" part of the forum (and that will just look dumb).
OR they will import the post altogether with the registrations ,nicknames and postcounts.
This way unhappy BuFfers will just be able to go over there and delete their posts :)
the thing is.... would yo hafta go and manually delete every post? i mean sheesh it would be a pain for me... but what about the people with 1000 + posts....