For the longest time now i've been using the old 2.08 reference drivers for my Nvidia TNT2 Viper V770, but i've been having some trouble with UT recently and figured that I should try one of the more recently released drivers. I downloaded the Detonator 3.68 driver for Win9x, but it actually seems like UT runs worse (not to mention that I now have a whole load of graphical gliches). So, I was searching around the net for the 2.08 drivers so I could reinstall them (I lost the CD), and I discovered that had updated 3.84, 5.13, and 5.14 drivers for Win9x as well as all the previous releases. Anyway, my question is: Which one should I get? Should I stick with the outdated-but-stable 2.08 reference drivers, or should I go with the more-recent-but-unofficial Detonator drivers? Any feedback is appreciated.
If the past is an idea that can only occur in the here-and-now, and the future is also just a concept happening strictly in the present, is there really a past and future? Or just a continuum of present moments?
If the past is an idea that can only occur in the here-and-now, and the future is also just a concept happening strictly in the present, is there really a past and future? Or just a continuum of present moments?