The floating prison craft you called home until moments ago. Dirty, creepy and cramped, it is far less welcoming when half buried in the ground and torn up.
The mining of tarydium is split up into several processes. It is first dug out of the ground with heavy-duty machinery that is transported and implanted on site. Caution must be taken when dealing with potential lava flows and eruptions while mining. The ore is then transported to a processing plant, melted down, filtered and cooled. The byproducts of this process are redirected to a waste disposal plant that treats the waste and attempts to find practical uses for it.
During the previous encounter with the Skaarj, the Nali built labyrinthine underground structures to dispose of Skaarj bodies and technology. However, upon the Skaarj's second arrival, they quickly uncovered these tombs and converted them into outposts and breeding grounds.
The Nali ancestors erected beautiful and imposing temples, theatres, and treasure troves mostly in the humid regions of the planet. The Skaarj and other marauding aliens have invaded these ruins to uncover ancient Nali secrets and artifacts for their own nefarious ways.
Once the planet began teaming with savage aliens, the Nali combined their collective telekinetic powers and raised enormous chunks of stone into the sky upon which they built their religious Mecca. Adorned with the finest gold, silver, and jewels, no expense was spared in creating a safe haven from the mayhem that was erupting below.
Many mysterious and ancient crashed spacecraft litter this infamous planet's surface. There is a good chance that meandering aliens have made these ghost-craft their homes. So beware.
The Nali used to dwell in these formerly beautiful castles. They have since been taken over by Skaarj warriors and converted into fortresses. The Nali High Priests have been taken hostage in their monastery. Rumor has it, the Nali Royal Castle has been taken over by the Skaarj Warlord himself.
The Skaarj are not the only beings in the race for almighty tarydium. A breed of biomechanical mercenaries have also landed on this planet.
Your only hope of making it off this mudball lies in this mysterious and immense alien monstrosity. Prepare to run the gauntlet.