Where have the uk servers gone!?

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TBUILDT Webmaster/Mapper
Nov 27, 2000
Oh man... things are looking dark for us uk players! Scince 2.86 has come out our servers are gone.. the nearest servers ping at 300 to 400! Someone please come to the rescue and get some servers up or its looking like us britts are gonna have to hand in the towel :(::::::
And also! Where the hell is everyone online!??!!! this totaly baffles me Inf has been downloaded a shed load of times its the best mod out there yet no one is playing ... I wanna know why? Out of interest!

There has to be a reason! Some one tell me before my mind blows up!!!
Jul 12, 2001
Visit site
Tons of d/loads and nobody is playing?

I can't say why for sure,but I have just posted under New Version Suggestions as to why I think the publics are a little empty.If ur interested,please take a look,and even if u don't agree I'd still like to hear what u think is goin' on.
2.86 is near perfect,so where r they all????


monkey spanker
does anyone know who is admin for the "cannington" server? If so they could be contacted and asked to upgrade it too 2.86. Not that many ppl played on it anyway mind. Empty servers out number populated servers by a good way in INF, so another server wont make much difference.

I remember the Limey server from jolt.co.uk and my ping was only slightly better than what i get from gamblex.


TBUILDT Webmaster/Mapper
Nov 27, 2000
Well for the last few time I havent seen one server under 300 ping.. so we need one BADLY .. Also Maybe we should get sommit together all us Uk players? Make a day/ night of it so to speak! get a load of us on one/two server and start getting people to play this AWESOME game!


Aug 6, 2001
Western Mancunia
I'd love a UK server, but to be honest it wouldn't make much of a difference to my ping (hehe I'm a cable-modem-low-ping-b*st*rd :D)

Gullonefox, ping of 3-400? What servers do you play on? I tend to stick to Gameblexx, Tnx and Planet Infiltration and usually don't get a ping higher than 150 (I don't know what that means to a 56k connection but thats all I can go on).

As for the empty servers, the problem is nobody starts games on their own. When people open the server browser, they just look for the server with the lowest ping that is populated. If you notice the populated servers, they are normally full. If the servers set the maximum number of players down to a lower number instead of 20 and above like they are now, this would promote more servers being used. Instead of lots of small games, we have a few massive games. Which is why IMO playing inf online on a public server isn't very enjoyable.

*edit* Got instaposted, I would be up for that, a big game for UK players. I hardly see anyone from the UK on the publics (how many Dutch people play this mod?) I think it would be a nice change :)
Last edited:


monkey spanker
There are quite a lot of uk players, you just got to know who they are. I know quite a lot of ppl who play from the uk, altho saying that i havnt seen most of the ones i know playing 2.86 yet.

Although i have to admit for a population as large as the UK's there are not that many ppl playing as in say Germany, Holland or Scandinavia. Weird.


Hmm, Upgrades... 2.86 to 2.9.. rock on!
Dec 26, 2000
I agree - on my 56k connection I usually get a ping around 300-400, which can be playable but you're at a disadvantage from the cable/xDSL guys.

More people should join a server on their own with the lowest ping - I've done this and then found after about 10/15 minutes the number of people started to increase.


mess with me son, and its good night
Mar 20, 2001
plenty of UK guys about.. just never at the same time:)

I've played a little lately.. and after adjusting to the new bits an pieces.. its ok.

I've seen a few of us brits online, but never that many.. I play mostly in the evening.. not many UK ppl about..
?dunno why? Maybe they have lives!? LOL
.... no seriously.. I have seen very few familiar "faces" since being back online..

..and when I have played online I keep TKing; coz ppl run in front of me whilst I'm in position and firing.. (often with scope'd SIG:)..
LOTS of CS players are dabbling with INF I reckon.. never heard of advance and cover I guess?
Plus on Bulletcourt last night there was SERIOUS nading going on.. ppl blindly chuckin em right left and centre whilst ppl were advancing!!
.not good...

And yes, the 16ppl+ games are pants.. I prefer 4-10 meself.
Less chance of getting capped by your own team:)

I started playing online with 2.85, had a break during 2.85.5, and am now back. I'll normally be found on Planetinf. Come along, and I'll try not to shoot you. (Unless you're the enemy.)

I certainly miss the UK servers, even on PI, I get pings around 130-150. A nice jolt one would bring me down to the 50-60. Any Chance of you UK clans advertising your servers when you're not on 'em?

Tommy Atkins

Older, but no wiser
Mar 17, 2001
Bit of backround on the Limey server being withdrawn from Inf service

Basically, the only reason that there WAS an [L] server was because of a superb piece of customer-relations maneouvering (sp) by our clan guvna- Jolt are not in the habit of renting out servers running unsupported (ie not TacOps or Strike Force) mods. After having had a total 'mare trying to configure the server to run 2.85.5 successfully- even with DaddyBone's help- it was felt that more people (and the clan) would benefit from it being converted to Tac Ops than being a dead (and still expensive) Inf server.

I miss the UK servers too- both the ping and the community. When shall we do this UK thing then?


monkey spanker
whats this about a match?

Anyway as far as i know. Cannington is the only UK INF server. But no one hardly ever played on it, and its still on 2.85.5 so someone needs to speak to the admin. Then you got yasel a UK INF server again. But whether theres enough ppl playing on it is another matter.


Hmm, Upgrades... 2.86 to 2.9.. rock on!
Dec 26, 2000
Cannington Server

I've just emailed the admin for the Cannington server (inf@cannington.ac.uk) asking if they/him/her ?? could upgrade this to version 2.86. Maybe if they got enough emails then this would spur them into doing something about it (but don't spam or flame them!!). It seems that if we get this up and running then I'm sure we'll get a good responce. What do you think?


Hmm, Upgrades... 2.86 to 2.9.. rock on!
Dec 26, 2000
Excellent News!

Just had a reply back from the admin for the Cannington UK server - he's agreed to upgrade to 2.86 today!!! Keep an eye on it and lets play!!!