I'll have to agree, compared to the BS going on in 2.85, 2.85.3, 2.85.5 and 2.86 I think 2.9 is a very good release. My only complaint is that it was too EAS orriented, with no new maps coming out it became boring pretty quickly (and the random stuff in maps wasn't used too often I think). I tried specialist a few times but the fact that the specialist has a random pistol and also is chosen randomly put me off.
In any case what I mean is although 2.9 has it's flaws it is probably the best INF version by far, like Lich said (keeping in mind I didn't play a version pre-2.85). It's the community that annoys me. It's not so much how they whine because I like to whine too, but it's more that they are doing everything they can to get as many kills as possible instead of trying new things. Last time I played on a 6 vs 6 server (TDM) I couldn't tell the difference in playing style. Everybody was playing the exact same way.
And my issue with DTAS is again the community. People aren't going for the cap, or for defense. They threat it as TDM where one of the 2 sides has a disadvantage because they can't continue with just 1 man left.
I must repeat, it might just be me, but how the hell can you have fun doing the same thing over and over and over again?
Still things aren't that bad. I once played Day of Defeat, I was defending some AA gun against the enemy team. And so I went prone near a wall and bush so my camo would work and only shot the people that tried to take out the AA gun. It's hard to explain exactly what I was doing but in any case the first guy I shot got mad at me and called me a whore. He used the argument "How the hell could I know you are lieing down there?" in Dutch. Man I hate Dutch players.
Also they claimed strafing and firing is where skill is at instead of tactical play. Which I thought was funny, since DOD uses conefire so that 'skill' is actually 'luck' the way I see it.